Chapter 72 Our Women

"And you're seeking just one individual to help you all and not multiple to help each of you?" Michael asked. 

However, before he could get a response the limo came to a stop outside Nusr-Et Steakhouse. 

As was now the norm Michael opened the door first and helped the four ladies out one by one with them saying "Thank You" this time with a smile. 

Luckily the limo driver was someone the girls had employed for a long time so he knew to take the limo right up to the main entrance allowing the five to exit the limo and enter the restaurant before anyone could register what they had just seen. 

Indeed, about five seconds after they entered the main entrance, they heard someone shout outside "OH MY GOD THAT WAS LEXI." 

As Michael turned to look back, he saw a crowd already starting to gather outside. 

"Isn't this why rich and famous people have security?" He wondered aloud. 

"While it's true that a lot of rich and famous travel with security twenty-four seven most do not as they get in the way." Jane explained. 

"We only get extra security from one of our companies when there is a credible threat to one of us." 

"Also don't forget we already have some people following us hidden in the shadows." Sarah added with a chuckle. 

"Don't remind me." Michael said with a sigh causing the other girls to chuckle as well. 

"Ladies and Sir welcome to Nusr-Et Steakhouse do you have a reservation for this evening." The waiter behind the counter addressed the five upon entering. 

"We do it's under Ventor." Jane replied. 

"Of course, Miss Ventor, a party of five. We have been expecting you this way please." The waiter said as he led the four girls and Michael into the restaurant. 

Michael looked at his surroundings as they were led towards their table, the restaurant had many different shaped small and medium tables seating between two and six people. 

There was a half circular counter along the wall where the food was collected and allowed the customers to see into the kitchen. 

In the center of the restaurant was a small, raised stage that was home to a grand piano. 

"That piano is new; it was not here last time we came." Gracie noted. 

"Owner Salt Bae decided the restaurant was missing something when he recently arrived back in London and so decided to add a piano." The waiter informed them. 

"Ah is Salt Bae present today then?" Alexia asked 

"At present no, however when he heard Lexi and her friends would be dinning here again, he dropped whatever he was doing to come cook for you personally, he asks for you to patiently wait for him to arrive if possible." 

"I see please inform Salt Bae he does not have to rush back on my behalf though I appreciate the kind intention." Alexia replied with a smile. 

"While I am sure Slat Bae would be happy to here that Lexi knows very well that he always insists on cooking for you personally whenever possible." The waited reminded.

"You are of course correct, we will be happy to wait for him to arrive." Alexia decided.

By now all the other guests in the restaurant had realized who had just entered and had started to whisper to each other in not so low voices. 

"Look it's Lexi." 

"So, it turns out it's true that she eats here sometimes." 

"It's not only her, all four queens are present." 

"That man with them appears to be Michael Vandal the one who danced with them all last night." 

"Oh, you mean the one who did 'The Silent Dance' with Lexi that everyone is talking about?" 

"Did you hear what the waiter said, Salt Bae plans to come cook for Lexi and her friends personally." 

As they reached their table Michael once again acted like a gentleman. 

"Jane please, since you reserved the table for us." He said as he pulled out her chair for her. 

"Thank you, Mike." Jane smiled and sat down. 

"Alexia if you will, we can't have our celebrity standing around now can we." Michael said as he moved to pull out Alexia's chair. 

"You're to kind Mike." Alexia replied with a smile. 

"Sarah if you and your knee-high boots would be so kind." Michael winked at Sarah as he pulled out her chair for her to sit. 

"Hehe me and my boots both thank you Mike." Sarah winked back 

"Gracie if you would be so kind, and I hope my lap was up to standard earlier." Michael said as he helped the last queen sit down. 

"Why thank you Mike and yes your lap was definitely up to standard." Gracie said as she sat down with a smile.

Everyone in the restaurant watched as Michael helped all four queens to take a seat. 

The people who were close enough to listen in were surprised at Michael's comments, especially the last one about his lap. 

"Did you hear? It seems it's true that he has permission to call Lexi, Alexia." The other guests murmured again. 

"Did he just mention something about his lap being up to standard?"

"Ladies and Sir, since Salt Bae is not here yet to cook for you might I suggest starting with the drinks menu and move to the food once he arrives." The waiter who was also surprised only continued after he watched Michael take a seat 

"That would be fine, please give us a few minutes to decide." Sarah said to which the waiter left after offering the drinks menu. 

"So, what would you like to drink Mike?" Sarah asked. 

"I'm not sure, I will have a look after you four have decided please go first, while i nip to the loo excuse me." Michael replied excusing himself before heading to the toilet while pulling out his [hone to send a text. 

While Michael patiently waited for the ladies to choose their drinks in another part of the restaurant two men who were sipping on wine were looking over towards Michael and the Four Queens table. 

If Michael saw them, he would recognize them from the movie trailer he saw earlier with Michelle Rodriguez in. 

They were both incredibly handsome men, the first being slightly more handsome had silver hair and piercing blue eyes with a youthful appearance, though anyone who knew who he was would know that he was actually in his thirties 

The second man had brown hair with dark grey eyes with slight stubble to add to the bad boy aura he gave off. 

"So, it seems its true, that commoner Michael Vandal is staying with our women." The brown-haired man said.