Chapter 76 Worthy of a one-night stand

"Mmm Michael this is delicious; you really have a talent for this no wonder you where world champion." Jane said after getting her drink from Michael. 

By now Michael was the only one left without the drink he had planned to make for himself, and it was borderline an hour since he started. 

"Thank you, Jane, I am happy that everyone likes the drink so much and now it's my turn." He said as he started to shake the ingredients together. 

"Well since Mike has almost got his drink, I think it's time I get ready to cook everyone's meals for them, so take a look at what you want though Mike is already getting my specialty of course." Salt Bae said as he made his way into the back of the restaurant to get ready. 

As if this was the time he was waiting for Greg Stevens decided to approach the bar and engage Michael in conversation while watching Jane out of the corner of his eye. 

"Michael Vandal, correct? I'm Greg, nice to meet you, I am sure you have heard of me." Greg introduced himself holding his hand out. 

"Sorry can't say I have and afraid my hands are too full right now to shake hands so sorry." Michael replied as he kept mixing his drink because he knew the man was from the table earlier that made the comment about him being poor, however since Greg did not say it, he would still keep a modicum of respect just in-case. 

At Michaels response all four queens giggled into their drinks trying to hide their laughter but not attempting to hard to do so as they knew who Greg Stevens was and what he was like as a person. 

"Greg noticed Jane giggle at Michaels refusal so he took his hand back and tried a different tactic. 

"I see of course my apologies, let me introduce myself properly." He said before continuing. 

"The name is Greg Stevens; I am an actor who will appear in a film with Mark Philips that's set to release next week." He finished while pointing at Mark Philips who was still at their table. 

Michael looked over and saw Mark looking their way, more precisely his eyes never left Alexia and he did not even bother to acknowledge Michael. 

"Yeah, I saw the trailer for your new film earlier on TV, the one that also stars Michelle Rodriguez." Michael replied and his voice turned slightly cold as he mentioned Michelle's name. 

Greg did not seem to notice the slight change in Michael, however the four queens who were always paying attention to Michael heard the name and noticed his voice becoming slightly cold, so they glanced at him with concern to which Michael just showed them a warm smile as he kept mixing his drink. 

Greg not having noticed anything other than Jane looking at Michael with concern get a bit irritated that she was not paying attention to him the man who's cock she would later be sucking that night. 

"That she is, it's expected to make a killing in the box office thought I'm sure with your background you don't know much about movie targets and sales." Greg said before continuing. 

"After all even Lexi here the world's most famous celebrity leaves most of that to my ex-girlfriend over their Jane." 

As he finished saying so he flashed Michael a look that said, 'Your nothing compared to me after all I have already bedded one of the four queens several times', before he turned to Jane though what he saw confused him. 

Jane was looking at Michael with slight panic as if being caught doing something wrong. 

Indeed, the last thing Jane wanted was for Michael to hear about how dirty she was in bed with Greg, she was about to speak up when Michael spoke first. 

"Is that so, your one off Jane's ex's, and here I thought you might off just been able to pass as one of Jane's one-night stands." 

After which the restaurant staff and clientele who had been paying close attention to the conversation stopped speaking to each other and just stared at the sheer audacity Michael just displayed to say that in public about a celebrity. 

Normally most rivalries with celebrities were kept hidden because if there fans found out it could get messy and dangerous, Michael, however, knew nothing of that and having spent most of his life surviving on the street had learnt a different way to handle bullies. 

Yes, Michael recognized Greg for what he was almost straight away, Greg was a bully. He may be richer, better dressed and more famous than the ones Michael was used to, however a bully was still a bully and Michael could tell that this bully wanted Jane in his bed by the lecherous looks he kept giving her. 

The silence did not break until Gracie and Sarah at almost the same time broke out into a fit of giggles that they could not possibly hide so they did not even try. 

Alexia was slightly more professional as she at least tried to hide the fact she was laughing though everyone could tell she was not really trying too hard to hide the fact. 

As for Jane, she was stunned that Michael had defended her so openly that soon a beautiful smile appeared on her lips and her eyes twinkled with happiness. 

"Excuse me? You think I am only worthy of a one-night stand with Jane?" Greg asked, starting to get angry. 

"I will have you know we were together for seven months and it only ended because I got bored of her." He snapped. 

"And yet here you are wanting her back with that obviously disgusting lecherous perverted look in your eyes." Michael replied before continuing. 

"It's obvious to anyone who sees it that the only thing you want from Jane is for her to be your arm candy and for her to use her skills on you in bed since you probably have not found anyone who can satisfy you since 'Jane left you." Once again, the whole restaurant was so shocked that you could hear a pin drop it was not that quiet.