Chapter 77 The second lecherous pervert

"It's obvious to anyone who sees it that the only thing you want from Jane is for her to be your arm candy and for her to use her skills on you in bed since you probably have not found anyone who can satisfy you since 'Jane left you." Once again, the whole restaurant was so shocked that you could hear a pin drop, it was so that quiet. 

Michael emphasized the last part where he said 'Jane left you' as he continued to shake his drink, the ice was getting close to having fully melted. 

After several moments people came back to reality and started to murmur and question their friends. 

"Did he really just say that?" 

"Greg looks at one of the four queens with lecherous eyes." 

"He wants her only as arm candy and in his bed?" 

"Did 'The Black Queen' actually leave Greg Stevens? He has always claimed he left her." 

Greg eventually found his voice when he heard the people talking about things he did not want made public, so he decided to use his acting skills. 

"How dare you claim such a thing, you sir are slandering me, and I will have you arrested and charged." 

"You their waiter call the police." 

"Sir I'm not sure..." The waiter started but was soon cut off. 

"I told you to call the police, do it now or get Salt Bae out here to explain why his staff are so incompetent." 

"I am already here and if you want the police that can be arranged so kindly, please stop yelling at my staff or I will have to ask you to leave." Came Salt Bae's voice as he left the kitchen onto the restaurant floor. 

"Salt Bae I am unsure if you heard what this man said, but will you stand for such slanderous claims in your restaurant? Greg asked as he pointed at Michael who was still mixing his drink." 

Salt Bae was about to reply when Alexia spoke first. 

"I believe Mr. Stevens this is getting a bit out of hand so might I request we all calm down." 

Before Greg could reply a new voice spoke up. 

"I am not sure that's fair Lexi, after all this poor commoner just slandered not only my friend Greg but also Miss Ventor here." Mark Philips said as he walked over his blue eyes, never leaving Lexi. 

"Mr. Philips please would you explain how you think our friend Mike just slandered Jane?" Lexi replied, doing her best to hide the revolution she felt when she saw the look in his eyes. 

"And here is the second lecherous pervert of the evening come to join the party, it seems perverts move in packs these days." Michael's voice came out and once again made everyone stop to wonder if they had really just heard that. 

It was Bill who came to first this time and decided to ask mike for confirmation. 

"Mike, you do know who that is right?" 

"Not really, I know he is an actor, pervert number one here seemed to call pervert number two by the name Mark Plips or something." Michael replied lazily, still shaking his drink which was almost ready. 

The crowd looked at Michael like he was a rare creature, after all he was admitting to not knowing who Mark Philips was so Bill tried to explain. 

"Mike his name is Mark Philips, and he is recognized as the world's most handsome man and eligible bachelor." 

"Ohhh so a pervert is the recognized world's most handsome man and eligible bachelor, wow the standards of other men are low then. Maybe I should start working out more." Michael replied, causing the whole room to gasp. 

Mark Philips had never been spoken too in such a way before, he was used to people kissing up to him and wanting to get into his bed because of his handsomeness and the fact he presented himself as the perfect gentleman. 

"Mr. Vandal am I right in thinking that you just called me a pervert?" Mark asked since his brain seems to have short circuited. 

"Bit slow on the uptake their pervert number two, I called you lecherous pervert to start with and just shortened it to pervert after that... ah its almost ready." Michael answered before he realized the shaking was complete and he could move onto the next step. 

"Salt Bae, I hope you have already informed the police as I would also like to press charges for slander." Mark Philips stated. 

"I have, they should be here soon." Salt Bae replied with a sigh, 

The four queens were thoroughly enjoying Michael's roasting of Greg and Mark though they started to get concerned when they heard the police were on the way. 

Getting Mike out of jail would be easy for them but it might affect their future plans. 

"Mike, I think it's best..." Jane started but Michael interrupted her while taking a glass out the freezer. 

"Don't worry about it Jane honey, have you girls picked out your food order for Salt Bae to cook yet?" 

"Honey?" Greg asked 

"You see Lexi he is not even taking this seriously; how can you protect a man who does not care for what he says in public and does not worry about the police and being arrested?" Mark stated before continuing. 

"I think he expects you all will get him out of jail." 

"Wrong Mr. Pervert number two." Michael said as he poured the drink into the glass before he continued. 

"First I don't care what I say too you two in public after all both of you have been staring at my two friends here with lecherous eyes since we walked into the restaurant." 

"Second it's not that I don't fear the police, I'm a law-abiding citizen nowadays unlike some people, the reason I don't fear the police is because I won't be getting arrested today." 

"Why do you think that Mr. Vandal?" Mark Philips asked. 

Michael looked towards the window where several police cars had just arrived before saying. 

"You're about to find out."