Chapter 78 But I have proof officer

"You're about to find out." Michael said as everyone followed his gaze out the window to see the police cars. 

Outside the police officers got out of their cars before attempting to enter the restaurant, except there was a slight problem. 

You see the information that Lexi was dining at Nusr-Et Steakhouse had spread like wildfire on P and NosePage social media and there were now hundreds of people waiting outside to see her, and the crowd was just increasing. 

The police were having trouble getting through the crowd. 

"Well Alexia darling it seems that your popularity is as great as always, look how many people have turned up to catch a glimpse of your beauty." Michael said while smiling at Alexia. 

"Darling?" Mark Philips said with a frown. 

"This is nothing Mike just wait until we leave later, that will be crazy." Alexia replied before sticking her tongue out cutely. 

"Careful remember what happened the last time one of you stuck there tongue out at me." Michael said winking. 

"I remember perfectly which is why I did it." Alexia replied in a slightly flirtatious tone that made people curious but not suspicious. 

Mark Philips, however, was starting to get jealous that Lexi HIS Lexi was not even looking at him, but borderline flirting with a commoner. 

"Lexi please control yourself, I know you like to be friendly with your fans but there is a limit, and you don't want a man like 'him' getting the wrong idea that you're interested in him." Mark said. 

Alexia, Sarah, Jane and Gracie all looked at Mark like he was an idiot, something that confused him. 

"Don't worry Mr. pervert number two, unlike you I am not after Alexia for her body or popularity or to claim the title of the person who bled 'The Virgin Queen'." 

Once again everyone froze at Michaels sheer audacity as Michael himself just carried on finishing his drink as he was on the final step. 

At this moment the police finally got through the crowd and gained entry to the restaurant, however what greeted them was not what they expected. 

The report had said that several high level celebrities including the world's most popular celebrity Lexi where currently in Nusr-Et Steakhouse and Michael Vandal the man who recently gained fame from dancing with all four queens was having an argument with the world's most handsome man and eligible bachelor Mark Philips and his friend and fellow actor Greg Stevens, both of whom wanted Michael Vandal arrested and charged for slander. 

It was an unwritten rule and common knowledge in the entertainment circle to keep arguments and fights between celebrities to a minimum otherwise the fans could make it dangerous and the police would get involved.

So, when the police heard that this involved a bunch of celebrities including the world's most popular celebrity the station chief of the police station that got the report came in person. 

They expected to find people shouting and arguing with each other but instead what they found was a deathly silence as everyone looked at a man behind the bar who was just popping a straw into the drink he just finished before they heard him say "done at last." 

After which the main took a sip of the drink and thought for a moment before saying "hmm guess I really am out of practice, I have made better." before he shrugged and took another sip. 

At this everyone seemed to wake up and the commotion returned to the room. 

"Wait Mike, you're saying you have made better Ramos Gin Fizz?" Gracie asked. 

"Yeah, I did tell you I was out of practice before I made it, I will make you another in the future after I have perfected it again." Michael replied 

"I will hold you to that Mike." Gracie said with a smile. 

"Excuse me is Salt Bae here please." A voice came from the entrance making everyone realize that the police had arrived. 

"Hello officer over here." Salt Bae waved them over but before he could properly greet them Mark Philips and Greg Stevens intercepted them. 

"Hello officer I am Mark Phillips, and this is Greg Stevens, we were the ones who requested your presence as we want that man arrested and brought up on charges for slander." They said before pointing at Michael who was still sipping his drink and muttering about where he went wrong. 

"You see officer he does not even respect the law and police as he is not even paying any attention to you being here." Greg Stevens added. 

"Mike" Sarah said in a soft voice. 

"Yes, Sarah sweetie." Michael replied looking at her. 

"The police." She said pointing before taking another sip of her drink. 

"Oh, sorry officers I was lost in thought on how I went wrong with the Ramos Gin Fizz, can I help you?" Michael asked in a completely neutral tone. 

"Mr. Michael Vandal, I presume? We have received two reports about you committing slander. 

"And?" Michael asked, causing confusion as people were expecting him to be submissive or deny everything in front of the police, however Michael did not really show any reaction to them at all. 

"See he admits it, arrest him" Greg Stevens said triumphantly. 

"When did I admit anything Mr. pervert number one?" Michael asked causing people to wonder if Michael was actually crazy, it was one thing saying it before, but now the police where here it was another thing entirely. 

"There you go officer see he just slandered Greg again, in front of you this time even." 

"When did I just slander him Mr. pervert number two? I just told the honest truth." Michael replied. 

The four queens were torn between giggling because of how Michael was treating two men they hated and worrying over what would actually happen to Michael. 

"Mr. Vandal I would ask that you stop calling people such names without proof." The station chief said. 

"But I have proof officer." Michael replied, catching everyone off guard as they knew nothing of this.