Chapter 88 What was that?

Michael could not believe the noise. 

He thought it was loud at the concert but at least there he was up in a VIP booth, while right now he was in the middle of it all. 

Fans screamed to get Lexi's attention for autographs and pictures 

The paparazzi screamed to get the perfect photo of Lexi that they could sell. 

Journalists scream to get a Lexi interview. 

Police screamed to try to maintain order. 

Babies screamed because they did not like the noise. 

Dogs barked because it was so noisy. 

A TV helicopter circled above with cameras pointing down. 

Somewhere out in the crowd somebody was playing Lexi's music on max. 

"She was not kidding this is crazy." Michael said, causing Sarah and Jane to giggle. 

"You get used to it." Jane said as she pushed some hair behind her ear. 

"And what's with the helicopter surely there are flight restr…." Michael started saying as he looked up at the helicopter, but the words froze in his mouth as he saw something in the clouds, a shadow of something. 

"Michael! What's wrong?" Sarah asked as they both looked at him confused. 

"What's that's." Michael asked, causing the two girls to look up. 

"Err it's called a helicopter sweetie; I know you are shocked but don't go losing your head." Sarah joked as she pocked Michael's forehead with a delicate finger. 

"I'm not talking about the helicopter; I mean that dark shape in the clouds. He explained. 

"What dark shape?" All I see are clouds, Jane said. 

"Same" agreed Sarah. 

"It looks like…" Michael began to say but stopped because the shape suddenly vanished. 

"Hey it's gone." Michael said. 

"What did it look like?" Sarah asked as she and Jane tried not to giggle at Michael's funny reaction to shapes in clouds. 

"Like a giant bird circling me." Michael answered and suddenly all humor was gone from Sarah and Jane as they became serious. 

"Are you sure?" Jane asked 

"Could it have been a plane?" Sarah asked. 

"Planes don't flap their wings and circle about your head like this thing did." Michael answered. 

Sarah and Jane looked at each other both communicating silently before Jane said. 


"On it." Sarah said before taking out her phone and calling a contact. 

"My lady is something wrong?" Said a voice on the other end of the line. 

"Sophie did you or the other girls see it?" Sarah asked in a serious voice. 

"See what my lady?" Sophie asked back confused. 

"The shape of a large bird flapping its wings in the clouds." Sarah replied as a gasp came from the phone. 

"My lady who saw this and when? Sophie asked in panic. 

"Michael just saw it in the clouds, he described a large bird flapping its wing as it circled him before vanishing." Sarah replied. 

"But…. But…. That would mean." Sophie stammered. 

"I know what it would mean but for now we can't be sure, so for now check with your sisters and let me know the result." Sarah instructed. 

"Understood my lady." Sophie replied as Sarah hung up. 

After hanging up, Sarah turned to Jane and shook her head. 

"What was that about?" Michael asked, confused. 

"Later Michael, first let's leave here." Jane replied and the fact she addressed him as Michael showed something was wrong. 


Up on one of the roofs of the buildings surrounding where Michael and the four girls where was a beautiful women dressed in dark clothing that did not hide her ample cleavage, she had short white shoulder length hair with green eyes. 

After she hung up the phone Sophie opened a chat group with only four members and sent one word. 

Queen S protector: Assemble 

After that she put her phone away and continued to watch the the four queen's she was duty bound to watch over, protect and if necessary, eliminate worked their way towards the limo with the man that had recently entered their lives. 

Sophie could not understand why they kept him around, sure he was ok looking, and he was kind. 

He had also helped them several times now, but that was it. 

He was not rich or powerful, nor did he come from a good lineage from what the background report she had read said. 

To Sophie Michael was just ordinary and compared to her four queens he was nothing but a stone on the side of the road while her queens could pick any man they wanted. 

She knew why they did not of course, or better to say why the ones they had slept with or been in a relationship with never made it far with them. 

But she just found it hard to believe this mundane man would have the qualities the four queens were looking for. 

But now this, he had supposedly seen THAT, something that was only spoken off in legend in the organization they were all part off. 

If this was true, then it would mean she was wrong about him and that things would start changing in the world. 

"Sophie why the summons when they are not secure?" 

As she was deep in thought while watching her four queens, she heard a voice and looked quickly to see three other women all approaching from three different directions before focusing back on the queens. 

The one who spoke was a beautiful woman with blonde hair that was almost orange, she had piercing sky blue eyes and a small breast, her name was Alex. 

"An order from Lady Sarah." Sophie replied. 

"At this time?" said a beauty with dark chocolate skin and brown eyes, she had the largest breasts out of the queens and shadows though she liked to hide them, her name was June. 

"Something must have happened" said the last of the four. This beauty had short black shoulder length hair with sharp bright blue eyes, her breasts were of average size and her name was Gwen. 

It was interesting to note that all off the four women were in their mid-twenties and each off there names started with the same letter as one off there queens.

"So, what was so urgent that Lady Sarah had us all meet even when they are not secure?" Alex asked while all four kept watch over their queens.