"So, what was so urgent that Lady Sarah had us all meet even when they are not secure?" Alex asked while all four kept watch over their queens.
"Did any off you witness anything odd in the clouds since the queens came out of the restaurant?" Sophie asked while not looking away from her queens.
"What do you mean odd?" Gwen asked
"Seriously you called us here for that? This better not be a prank, or I really will report this to Lady Sarah." Alex said annoyed
"Calm yourself Alex, Sophie is not the sort to play pranks you know that, she is not like Gwen." June said
"Excuse me I know the time and the place for pranks, when needed I can be the perfect professional." Gwen complained
The other three shadows just rolled their eyes at her comment but did not look away from their queens.
"It's not a prank, Lady Sarah stated that Michael saw THAT." Sophie explained.
"That? what that?" Alex asked, still annoyed, that she seemed to be taken from her position when she should be watching the four queens and most importantly Lady Alexia.
It should be noted that all four shadows had the duty to watch over, protect and if necessary, eliminate their Queens if they dared to violate their oath and contract.
However, the four queens were not always together, in such cases each queen had a dedicated shadow.
Alex was the shadow of Alexia
Gwen was the shadow of Gracie
June was the shadow of Jane
Sophie was the shadow of Sarah
Though the shadows bickered with each other often they truly cared for and loved one another as sisters just like the queens loved each other as sisters, hence why Sarah told Sophie to 'check with your sisters'.
"Michael just told Lady Sarah and Lady Jane that he witnessed a dark shape in the clouds above." Sophie began.
"And? I bet Lady Sarah and Lady Jane teased him for that." Gwen said giggling while Alex and June started to giggle too.
"Sophie what's wrong?" June asked when she noticed Sophie did not giggle but had a serious almost worried look on her face.
"Michael claims he saw a large bird flapping its wings and circling him in the clouds before it just vanished." Sophie said before sighing at the end waiting for the inevitable shout, and sure enough.
"WHAT!" All three shouted for the first time, though their eyes never left their queens that had just made it to the limo, Sarah was entering first while Michael held the door open for her.
"Are you sure that's what Lady Sarah said Sophie?" June asked in a serious voice.
"Yes, your reaction is exactly the one I gave; Lady Sarah told me to check with you all and report back to her." Sophie answered.
"You know what this means if it's true right?" Gwen asked
"Yes, we are all aware, however lady Sarah said that for now we can't be sure." Sarah informed the others.
"I guess we will wait and see then, if it truly is THAT what Michael saw and the legend is true then it will show itself to him again, and this time also be visible to the one he holds dearest in his heart." June said returning to her calm voice.
"I doubt it, I have never thought he was worthy of our queens and Sophie agrees with me on this. It was probably just a trick of the light. Alex said, humphing.
"I dint know, I think he is not so bad, if he fails the queens test then I may take him for myself." Gwen said with a flirtatious smile.
"Oh, dear lord now I feel sorry for him, you're the only one who has fucked more men than Lady June, I don't know where you find the time when you're supposed to be protecting Lady Gracie."
"Who says I can't fuck and protect her at the same time, especially if I am fucking the same man she is." Gwen replied with a wink.
"What? You have seriously shared the same man as your queen? What sort of shadow are you?" Alex responded sounding disappointed.
"Relax I'm kidding of course I have never done that; I know my responsibility. Though if Michael does become their fifth and king our duties will also involve him and then I don't mind sharing him with lady Gracie. In fact, I am happy to share him with any of the queens and you three." Gwen admitted while licking her lips as she liked the idea of Michael being their king and her serving him with other shadows and queens.
"You have no shame." Alex said.
"In this I agree with Gwen." June suddenly said surprising the other three that for one second, they actually split their focus between their queens and June.
"Seriously? You're open to having him as our king and sharing him between the queens and ourselves?" Sophie asked.
"Partly. What I mean is I would be happy if he became our king, I have always had a feeling there was something about Michael ever since he met our queens. I have a feeling that he is the one they have been looking for all these years and this revelation that he may have seen THAT only makes my feeling grow more profound." June began to explain
"As for sharing him with our queens and ourselves, that's not our decision to make, as shadows we serve our queens and their future king, if and when they find him. It is the king and queen's decision whether to let shadows into their relationship and only with a full unanimous vote between all five parties can such a thing happen.
"How do you know so much about that?" Gwen asked.
"Because I looked up the rule from the society database when I found myself attracted to Michael." June replied.
"Wait seriously? You June, the virgin shadow, never having even kissed a man before or even been attracted to one has just admitted to being attracted to this mundane man?" Alex asks bewildered.
"Correct and how can you call me 'the virgin shadow' when your also one?" June retaliated.
"I don't class myself as a virgin because the only ones I have ever wanted sex with is our queens and you three, all of which I have had, all seven of us have had sex with each other at some point in these fifteen years and we will continue to do so. Why would I be interested in anyone else or a king when I have seven lovers already?" Alex replied.
"You do realise that we are not officially recognized as our queens lovers right?" Gwen asked.
"That can be changed." June said attracting Alex and Gwen's attention.
"How?" They both asked.
"Ok let's pause this conversation as the limo is about to move." Sophie said as Michael had just helped the last of their queens into it and was now climbing in himself.
"Standard perimeter, and while we move, I will inform Lady Sarah on our discussion."
"Wait you don't have to tell her everything we just spoke about." Gwen and Alex said together.
Sophie just looked at them with a small smirk before she vanished followed by June who vanished next.
"Shit she is defiantly going to tell them, isn't she?" Alex Sighed
"Yup" said Gwen before they both vanished.