Chapter 94 Is this fate or the will of Kaleisha

"While I won't deny I am angry about what has happened and waiting to hear the real reason Michael was shot an my cousin knows all about this, It does not change the fact that I still love you both as much as before and maybe more so in Gracie's case since I thought I almost lost her." Sarah replied first angrily then with tears in her eyes. 

"I'm sorry Sarah, I wish I could have told you all, but you know our rules, I will work to make it up to you." Gracie said as tears came down her cheeks. 

"There is nothing to make up Gracie, we know the reason was because of your mission, we just want to hear the whole story." Jane said in a soothing voice to which Gracie nodded. 

"So why is the next head priestess actually a shadow." Jane asked

"In the past the priestesses never used to leave the society and go out into the world because their role was to be a spiritual guide to our people and to host the events and festivals as we still do now." June began explaining.

"However, being trapped in the society like that ended up isolating them and making them estranged to everyone other than their fellow priestesses which hampered their ability to offer spiritual help and guidance." 

"Eventually it got so bad that the council decided to announce that the priestess's where allowed out into the rest of the world on rotation to learn life experiences so they could be closer to their fellow society members again." 

"This worked and the priestesses soon began to once again mingle and become close with their fellow society members." 

"The exception to the rule was the Head Priestess, as you know our society has been split into two factions for years now. There are the faithful who are believers of Kaleisha and the realists who think that the tale of Kaleisha is a fabrication." 

"The council feared that the faithful populace would be concerned and protest that the head priestess was becoming to distant from Kaleisha if she spent too much time away from the society." 

"Because of this and the fact the council believed the high priestess should not be isolated which is what was believed would happen if she was the only one forced to remain in the society the council decided that from then on the future priestess's would train as shadows so that when the new queens went in search of 'The One King' they could join them and in doing so learn about the world, become closer with the four queens while being secretly protected by there fellow shadows." 

"The training of the priestess's has always been private and so hiding the fact that the next head was actually away from the society was not hard." 

As June finished her explanation, she drank some more water while waiting for any questions our sisters had. 

"If that's the case then what happens when you become head priestess in the future? Will you stop your role as a shadow?" Gwen asked with worry in her eyes as she did not want to be parted from her sister. 

"This is not a problem, while I may become the head priestess at any time depending on when my mother decides to step down, I am sure when we where younger before we became queens and shadows, you have noticed that my mum very rarely showed herself in public unless it was formal occasions?" 

The girls all nodded to this, 

"That's because as that time she was away with the former queens and as people well know the temple of Kaleisha is off limits to all except the priestess's and council members unless its a formal occasion, so the story has always been that the head priestess is working on her duties in the temple and only other priestess's and council members may see her unless it's a formal occasion or she decides to head out into public herself." 

"All council members and priestesses are sworn to secrecy on punishment of death regarding this." 

"Mother has only started appearing in public more often since the former queens stepped down and so too did the shadows, she has since been slowly increasing how often she appears in public so that the people get used to it and are not suspicious about why she suddenly started appearing all of a sudden." 

"Ok so what is the second reason for the future head priestess to becoming a shadow June?" Jane asked. 

This June smiled a proud beautiful smile. 

"The second reason is to help find and test those who 'The Four Queens' think may be 'The One King'. to which I believe I am the first to succeed." June replied with her beautiful smile still in place. 

"First to succeed? But other men have been tested in the past and some even made it before the council so how can you claim that?" Sarah asked, confused. 

"Because after the two major events that happened tonight, I truly believe that Michael is worthy to become 'The One King', only the second person in history to do so." June answered still smiling. 

"Two major events? I can guess you shooting Michael was one of them but what was the other?" Alexia asked and Gracie also looked confused about this? 

"Ah it seems Sarah and Jane never got round to telling you." June said before looking at Gracie with surprise before asking. 

"You are unaware he saw it and yet you still choose tonight to test him? Is this fate or the will of Kaleisha." 

"Saw what? What are you on about June? I tested him to save my sisters as per my mission." Gracie asked. 

"Fascinating this makes me believe in Michael even more." June said with a smile so radiantly none of her sisters had seen it before. 

"June, explain." Alexia said in a cold voice that made all the girls including June shiver. 

Alexia had only ever used that voice a few times in the past but when she did it was because she was very pissed off and if they did not placate her then there would be carnage. 

In fact once in the past Sarah ate her pudding she had been saving for the end of her tore as a reward for herself, when she finally finished her last show in Italy and got back to their villa, she found the pudding was gone and learned that it had been eaten even though she had warned everyone what it was for. 

Sarah tried to apologies, but it was too late, and Alexia went ballistic, in the end the villa was burnt down with everything inside destroyed including many luxuries limited edition cars in the garage. 

She only calmed down after she realized she had destroyed her favorite car at the time a Ferrari 250 GTO and Sarah only got her forgiveness by buying her a replacement GTO and taking her out to eat pudding all afternoon. 

"Ok Alexia please calm down I will explain." June said wiping sweat from her head, after all Alexia was a prime example of how fiery in nature red heads could be.