Chapter 95 Size of my big toe

"Ok Alexia please calm down I will explain." June said wiping sweat from her head, after all Alexia was a prime example of how fiery in nature red heads could be. 

"Sarah and Jane, I think it would be best if you explain to Alexia and Gracie about what Michael saw tonight." June said after thinking for a moment. 

Everyone could see that Alexia was getting more pissed by the second so Sarah spoke first. 

"Very well Alexia calm down and we will tell you." 

"I am perfectly calm." Alexia replied. 

"No, you are not your anger level is close to when you destroyed the Vila in Italy, do you really want to lose it in the penthouse when Mike is still recovering?" Jane asked which seemed to do the trick. 

At the mention of Michael recovering Alexia seemed to lose a lot of her rage which was replaced by sadness. 

"Very well but start talking." Alexia said in a calmer but still chilly voice. 

"When we exited the restaurant tonight, you naturally went to greet your fans while Gracie followed you to keep an eye out just in case as Jane normally does." Sarah started. 

"Jane and I stayed with Mike because he was not used to all your fans yet and the loud noise and everything." 

"Oh, please you only stayed with him because you wanted to hug his arm and see if a bulge appeared in his pants." Alexia retorted 

"I won't deny that fact, but it was also to help him with the new experience." Jane replied 

"So did he have one?" Gwen suddenly popped up and asked. 

"One what?" Jane asked confused. 

"A bulge in his pants and if so, how big was it?" Gwen asked excitedly. 

"Am not sure this is the time Gwen." Sophie said, keeping one eye on Alexia. 

"Oh, come on I am curious, I can't be the only one who wants to know what he is packing down there, Alexia would not let us inspect the goods earlier in the medical room." Gwen replied before pouting at the end. 

There was silence for a moment as seven of the eight girls indeed thought about what he might be packing. 

It was only when Alex spoke that they came back to their senses. 

"Oh, come on you can't be serious, we are having an important discussion here and that's what your thinking about Gwen? This is why I am not interested in men." 

"This is a very important topic Alex, if Michael is going to be penetrating us all in the future I for one would like to know how it stacks up against the other cocks I have had in the past." Gwen retorted with a sexy smile. 

"Oh, please I have no interest in letting Michael's cock anywhere near me and I am sure Sophie agrees with me on this." 

The girls all looked at Sophie who had a thoughtful expression on her face, until she realized they were all looking at her. 

"What sorry, what was the question?" Sophie asked confused. 

"Wait Sophie where you just thinking about what Mike might be packing?" Sarah, who knew Sophie well, asked. 

Sophie didn't answer and just turned her head to the side a bit. 

"Wait seriously? You who has been against Michael from the start and saying he was not worthy of our queens." Gwen said surprised and the other three shadows were also. 

"Sophie you traitor." Alex hissed 

"What do you mean not worthy of us?" Jane asked with a frown and all the shadows froze before Alex, June and Sophie all glared at Gwen 

June sighed before explaining. 

"Alex's feelings are obvious, she has never been sexually or romantically interested in anyone other than her seven sisters and especially not men which is why she is still a virgin." 

"HEY!" Alex shouted but everyone ignored her because they knew June was correct 

"Sophie on the other hand is another story, she has very high standards for herself and because of that, she has only ever been with one person besides the seven of us, and that someone was the only person who has ever managed to beat her in a sniper contest." 

"Though in the end she regretted doing it because.... what was the phrase again." June said as she tried to remember. 

"He was about as exciting in bed as watching paint dry, his dick was the size of my big toe and I never even got close to finishing so had to go fuck with Sarah and Gracie after to get satisfied." Alex finished. 

All the girls looked at Sophie again who was blushing slightly before June continued. 

"As I was saying Sophie has very high standards for all of us and though she won't say anything if we decide to fuck people she does not approve of, she will say something if a person is being considered as a candidate to be 'The One King." 

"Fine I admit it I was not happy with Michael because he was to ordinary, there is nothing special about him from his back ground check, no good family lineage and other than the fact he is slightly good looking and I mean slightly and the fact he is kind and helpful to my queens I do not think he is worthy of my queens who can have anyone they want." Sophie finally admitted. 

"Sophie, we don't want anyone, we want 'the' one, we may have fucked other people or been in relationships, but they did not really mean anything to us because they were all missing that which we a searching for." Sarah said kindly to her sister that she loved her dearly. 

"I know that Sarah, I just could not find anything special about him, that is until tonight when you told me he saw 'that' and then again later when he willingly took a bullet for Gracie." Sophie explained. 

"Would someone please tell me what 'that' is already? Alexia grumbled and Gracie nodded in agreement. 

"We believe Michael saw Kaleisha tonight," June said.