Chapter 97 Important News Update Detected

"Hey, I would like to remind you that only three shadows what him." Alex spoke up annoyed. 

The girls just rolled their eyes at Alex's comment again which made her cross her arms and sulk before Alexia spoke up. 

"Can we get back to the point about Mike seeing Kaleisha." Alexia started before saying. 

"Is this for real or what?" 

"As I said before, we believe Michael saw Kaleisha, he described seeing a large bird in the clouds circling him while flapping its wings." June answered. 

"That's not much to go on." Gracie answered. 

"Indeed, that's why I advised we take a wait and see approach." Sarah said, 

"Which is something I agree with, it may have just been a shadow of any bird or a figment of his imagination we don't know, what we do know is that if the legends of Kaleisha are true and that was indeed her. Then she will show herself to Michael again in the future and those who he holds dearest in his heart." June answered before continuing. 

"Though after hearing that and then Gracie deciding to test him just after, with him even taking a bullet for her, I am inclined to think he may have really seen her." 

"So, you think all these things are connected?" Jane asked. 

"It's to coincidental not to be, Gracie just happens to decide to test Michael less than an hour after Michael claims to have seen a large bird flapping its wings and circling him." June confirmed. 

"It is indeed curious, but speaking of Gracie and her test, can we talk about that now please." Sarah said. 

"Of course, I sup...." June started to say but was interrupted by Athena 



*Important News Update Detected* 

"I have just detected an important news update you all may be interested in; would you like me to display it?" 

"Athena, I thought you deactivated all external communications because of the code black? I can't get any signal on my phone." Alexia said checking her phone. 

"Correct YOU are in a communications blackout while I am still monitoring as per normal." Athena replied 

"Wait you monitor communications externally now? Sarah asked. 

"Correct, with my upgrade thanks to Michael I have unlocked its feature, would you like me to display the New update." 

"What is it about and why did you alert us." Sarah asked 

"As part of my update, my AI is constantly learning and evolving, this includes listening to conversations that take place in the penthouse and so I am aware that Michael has an issue with the one named Michelle Rodriguez and her arrest earlier." 

"There has since been a new update on the development since her arrest." 

"Ok well that's kind of creepy to know you listening to even.... wait does that include the pool this afternoon?" Gracie asked as all four girls who were in the pool got nervous. 

"Correct I am well aware of the fact that the four of you decided to partake in sexual activities in the swimming pool earlier, I also informed Michael of this earlier." Athena replied 

There was silence in the room as the faces of the four queens drained with color and their shadows looked on with both sympathy and amusement. 

"And what was Mike's response?" Jane asked in a quiet voice as if afraid of the answer. 

 "He inquired about if you were all in the pool after receiving a text from the contact know as Dee." Athena began to explain. 

"After which I informed him, you were and engaged in sexual activities, to which he asked why I informed of him of such without his asking." 

"I informed him that after the first time I informed him of such information, and he seemed to enjoy the knowledge and I created a program to inform Michael in the future when any off you engage in such actions." 

 "You created what?" Gracie asked. 

 "A program to inform Michael when women are having sexual intercourse in the penthouse." 

 "Delete that right now." Sarah ordered 


*Unable to comply, program already altered by primary user Michael Vandal.*

*Need primary user Michael Vandals authorization to delete.*

*Primary user Michael Vandal currently unconscious and unable to receive authorization as this time.*


"Wait he altered it?" Sarah asked confused and she was not the only one all the women were. 

 "Correct, after I informed him of my new program, he said he appreciated the thought, but that Athena should only inform him of such actions when he asks." 

"In doing so I altered the parameters of the program." 

"I see I wonder why he did that?" Jane thought allowed. 

 "Unable to compute answer, according to life sign detectors Michael likes to hear about when you women engage in sexual intercourse." 

 "Really what makes you say that?" Alexia asked. 

 "At point of informing Michael about such actions life sign detectors recorded a marked increase in heart rate, testosterone, oestradiol and certain peptides that lead to the conclusion that Michael got sexually aroused at herring the news." 

 After Athena revealed this information, the girls had a few different reactions. 

 Jane and Gwen had eyes that shone and their legs started to twitch a bit as they bit their lips with perverted looks. 

 Alexia, Gracie, June and Sarah all showed happy flirtatious smiles as they shifted position slightly 

 Sophie showed a thoughtful expression while shifting position. 

 Alex scoffed, crossed her arms before saying "well at least he has some decency to alter the program." Before she went quiet and also showed a thoughtful expression. 

 Eventually Gracie spoke up. 

"Hmmm thinking about it, when we asked before if he wanted to watch us all in the future if we are intimate, he never refused." 

"Maybe he is open to joining our polyamory relationship." 

 There was silence for a moment as they all considered this before Alexia spoke. 

 "Well anyway, Athena what's this news please display it." 


*Request confirmed displaying now.*


After which the huge TV turned switched on and showed the Entertainment News channel. 

 "Continuing our report of tonight's events, we have within the last few minutes received reports that the actress Michelle Rodriguez who was arrested earlier tonight at a hotel in London has been released without charge." 

"While no official statement has been given regarding this, sources say that The Minister of State Joseph Danders MP ordered this." 

"It is interesting to note that as reported on by Entertainment News earlier, Michelle Rodriguez was arrested as she left the penthouse suit hired by Joseph Danders MP." 

"While this does not prove anything it certainly raises many questions considering Michelle Rodriguez's history that I am sure many people will want answers too." 

"Also, we have just this moment received word that Michelle Rodriguez was seen at London's Heathrow airport boarding a flight for Los Angeles." 


As the girls watched the news report their faces turned angry. 

 "What the fuck?"