Chapter 98 Your Easy

"What the fuck." Sarah said. 

"How was she released without charge within a few hours, and be able to then leave the country?" 

"The news said The Minister of State Joseph Danders MP ordered it, plus she was arrested coming out of his suit, with her reputation it's not hard to work out what they were up to in there." Jane said before continuing 

"Though seriously have you seen him? She really will fuck anyone." 

"Not anyone, she missed her chance with Mike by trying to make a quick buck off him." Alexia replied as the other girls nodded in agreement. 

"Still, it's strange." Gracie said with a pondering look. 

"What is?" Jane asked 

"The Minister of State Joseph Danders MP, he would not risk his career and have all charges dropped on her if it was just sex, also it can't be him trying to cover up his affair with her because they reported she was arrested coming out of his suit, no something else is at play here." Gracie stated. 

All the girls once again lapsed into silence as they thought about what could really be going on. 

"There is no point in thinking about this now, we are better off waiting for Mike to wake up, maybe he can find out something from his friend Dee since she was already investing Michelle for Mike." Jane pointed it out and the other girls nodded before saying. 

"So, with that can we 'please' get an explanation on what happened tonight and why you shot Mike?" 

"Of course," June said before drinking some water and starting to explain. 

"When each of you became queens all of you were also given one secret mission that only you and the council know." 

"As you know depending on the circumstances, this mission may never need to be fulfilled, it is only there as a contingency." 

"Gracie's task was to protect all of you from your own hearts." 

"Excuse me? and how exactly do you to know each others secret mission?" Alexia asked. 

"Because my mission and Gracie's mission are both connected to men who may become 'The One King, the council decided we should be informed of each others missions so we could render assistance if needed.' June answered before continuing

"When the four off you were young and being secretly groomed by Grandma Alexia she was of course also judging if you were all worthy to become the four queens." 

"If any one of you had failed then all four off you would automatically fail and another four would off been chosen." 

"Why have we never heard of this before?" Jane asked. 

"Because none of you failed and so it became a moot point, you all seceded and became better women than we could have hoped for." 

"However, Grandma Alexia noticed one problem with you all except Gracie." 

"What problem?" Sarah asked. 

"Your lack of a fatherly figure when you were young, of course you all had fathers but how often did you three" and here June looked at Alexia, Jane and Sarah " actually see them and spend time with them? 

"They spent most of their time working and when you did see them it was because they wanted something from you, such as directing your careers." 

"The same can be said for your mothers, except you had a motherly figure in Grandma Alexia whereas you had no father figure." 

"You said Gracie was different, how?" Sarah asked. 

"Gracie's parents actually let her decide on her own career instead of forcing it on her like with you three, and most importantly Gracie actually got to see her parents a lot more often than the rest of you, they specifically made time to see her" June continued to explain. 

"Because of all this you three never had a kind male figure when growing up which is why your hearts are susceptible to men that are nice to you such as Michael." 

"Jane here is a prime example I'm afraid, we all know she has been with more men than any of us with the exception of Gwen." 

"You know it." Gwen spoke out with a happy gloating expression and a thumbs up while still laying on Gracie's lap. 

The girls just rolled there eyes at Gwen's response. 

"And why has Jane been with so many men? It's because they were nice and romantic saying sweet things to her." June explained. 

"Jane, I love you; you know that, and I hate to say this but…. You're easy."

"EXCUSE ME!" Jane cried while the other girls broke out in laughter. 

June just smiled warmly at Jane before continuing. 

"Sarah was always too busy with work which is why out of the three she dated only one of them did she have sex with, and then there was the one-night stand of course with an old university friend." 

"If I had to guess the reason Sarah had sex with those two was because they sweet talked her like Jane, am I right?" 

Sarah nodded in response. 

"As for the other two she dated well we know one of them was only dating her to get close to Alexia because Sarah came back and raged about it while she got drunk, as for the other I am not sure, would you care to tell us Sarah?" 

As the girls looked at Sarah she sighed before answering. 

"The other guy somehow found out my identity as one of the four queens of 'The Emerald Lake Corporation' which is strange because you know I like to keep private a lot and not many people would recognize me." 

"Anyway, he spent our entire two dates hinting that I should buy him stuff or be his sugar mummy." 

The girls giggled at Sarah's answer while she just sighed again. 

"As for Alexia her story is easy, there is a reason she I have known as 'The Virgin Queen' all over the world because she has never dated and never had sex that the public is aware off and infarct, we only know that she has engaged in sexual activities because it's been with us." June continued to which the girls all agreed. 

"As for why Alexia has never had sex it's because of her celebrity persona though I have a suspicion there is some other reason also." June finished with a curious smile while Alexia just smiled back giving nothing away.