Chapter 99 Proclaim on my Title

The girls all looked at June as she took another drink before continuing. 

"Because of these factors Gracie's mission was to protect the three of you from yourselves." 

"It was feared that because of your weakness to men that are nice, sweet talk you and especially if a male version of Gwen appeared..." 

"HEY, there is no one like me male or female" Gwen interrupted as she sat up before continuing. 

"I am the best at what I do, man or women both want me constantly, I am a drug they are addicted to because I know what they like and how to make them my pets, so they do whatever I ask of them." 

"Have any of you girls ever complained when I pleased you? Have you ever said no to me when there was nothing urgent that needed our attention?" 

The other girls could not deny this because they knew it was true. 

While each of them had their own sexual area's they were good at including Alexia, Alex and June the virgins, it's just that there's focused on foreplay. 

Gwen on the other hand was a master of sex and pleasing her partners to the extent that if she wanted, she could make them addicted to her so that no other partner would ever satisfy them ever again and they would do whatever she asked of them just to be able to have a small reward from her. 

Luckily, she knew better than to use that skill on any of her sisters because they all had an equal relationship in the bedroom. 

"Ok Gwen we know you're the best that's not what June meant" Gracie said in a calming voice turning Gwen's face to look at her before kissing her on the lips and then pushing her head back down to her lap and continuing to stroke her hair. 

"Humph damn straight, wait till I get hold of Michael I will pleasure him so much he won't look at other women outside our group." Gwen mumbled to herself making the girls roll their eyes before June continued. 

"As I was saying, it was feared that someone to charming would appear before you three and steal your hearts in a way that you would start to think that he is the perfect man and that he must be 'The One King', because love after all is blind." 

"So, Gracie was given the secret mission that if any off you fell to deeply in love with a man, she would test the man to see if he is worthy off you, and the failed to be worthy, to get rid of him so that you would not be strayed from your true mission as a Queen." 

"So, what you're saying is that if Michael had not taken the bullet for Gracie, you would have killed him?" Alexia asked, her voice turning to the dangerous cold that warned them of the coming storm while Jane and Sarah also looked angry. 

"Calm yourself Alexia remember Michael is still in the medical room and also that's not what June meant." Gracie warned Alexia who once again calmed down before Gracie explained. 

"Mike's test may off started off being given by me alone but when June accepted my order to kill us both we both knew she was also testing him, you see we agreed in the past that if I was just testing someone to protect you all and I did not think he was worthy to be 'The One King' I should just command her to kill me." 

The girls looked surprised as Gracie continued. 

"If that person was willing to die to protect me, someone who is a sister to the one who loves him then he would be worthy of you, however if he did not.... well would any of you of want to be with someone who would not protect your sisters?" 

To this the girls shook their heads, their sisters were the people they loved most in this world and if someone was not willing to help protect those they loved most then they did not want them. 

"As for if I believed that person worthy to be a candidate to be 'The One King' like Michael tonight I would inform June of this by ordering her to shoot us both, if June did not believe he was worthy then she would of not given me the choice of who would die first and instead stated that I would be shot first and resume my test alone by seeing if said person was willing to die for me or not. 

"However if like tonight June also believed that the person was worthy to be a candidate then she would accept the order like with Michael earlier, we would then proceed to test his true character and see if he was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to protect me someone who had just proclaimed her love for him." 

"If he did nothing it meant we were both wrong and he would have failed to be worthy of any of our love and proved to not worthy to be 'The One King'. However, if like tonight he took the bullet for me, then it means he not only proved worthy of all our love, but also worthy to become a candidate to become 'The One King' and finally he showed that we could have complete and absolute trust, faith and partnership in him, and so with that...." 

At this point Gracie moved Gwen's head off her lap causing the latter to look at her curiously before Gracie rose to her feet and placed her right hand over her heart in a strange gesture. 

She had her palm pressed against her heart with her thumb and pinky fingers curled under her palm hidden from view, while the other three fingers were extended to look like a bird's talon. 

When the other girls saw this, they all gasped in shock before rising to their feet. 

"I Gracie Helen Silver, one of 'The Four Queens of Balance' and secret protector of my sisters' hearts hereby proclaim on my title that Michael Vandal is worthy to be given 'The Choice' and should he accept, he will be accepted as the candidate to possibly become 'The One King of Balance'."