*Warning contains light Sex material*
"I wouldn't be so sure about that." Came Jane's voice and as they looked at her, they saw her licking Michael's cock that once again stood erect.
"Seriously? But I thought." Alexia said in surprise as not just her but all the queens and even the shadows where surprised that Michael was hard again so quickly
"What's happened?" Came Karen's voice, though they could not hear any moaning, so it seemed they had already finished.
"What's this Karen are you and Sam getting too old, so you're already done?" Alexia asked in a teasing tone.
"Little bitch you know that's not the case, Sam got an important call about council business, something to do with a high-ranking government official in the UK setting a prisoner loose without charge."
When the girls heard Karen's reply the went quiet as everyone stopped pleasuring each other and all looked at Michael with concern.
"Why are you all looking at me like I'm about to die?" Michael asked confused.
"Way to throw cold water on our sex time mum." June spoke in an annoyed voice.
"What? What did I do little girl? Why are you blaming me?" Karen snapped back at her daughter.
Alexia and the girls exchanged looks before Sarah sighed and asked.
"Was the politician Joseph Danders, The Minister of State?"
"That's correct how did you know."
"It was on the news." Sarah answered with another sigh before turning to Michael.
"Mike, we need to tell you something?"
"What you're not pregnant are you?" Michael replied with a grin.
The girls all giggled at Michael's attempt at humor.
"Not yet but who knows in the future." Gracie replied with a wink.
"Mike during your time when you were unconscious after being shot..." Sarah began but Karen interrupted.
"Wait, Michael was shot?"
"He was, by your daughter." Alexia answered with a frown as she looked at June who looked down.
"WHAT!" Karen screamed "why?"
"Later" Michael said in a suddenly stern voice that caught everyone off guard including Karen.
Michael took hold off Alexia's hand and cupped her face before looking into her beautiful emerald green eyes and speaking.
"Let it go, I am already over what June did and I forgave her after I learned the reason."
"I won't have you all fighting with each other because of me, so let this go and forgive June as well." Michael said before kissing Alexia's forehead and then looking at the others.
"Also, I will say this to you all here and now, it was never my intention to get between any of you, I would rather walk out that door and leave than have you fight between yourselves because of me."
There was silence in the room as everyone looked at Michael, surprised by his forgiveness and speech, especially June who looked at Michael with thanks.
A whistle came from the phone before Karen spoke.
"Nice speech Casanova, but can you back up that claim?"
"You say you would rather walk out and leave, than have them fight because of you."
"Can you really leave knowing that you already have four of the most beautiful, wealthy and powerful women in the world as your lovers and there are more who want to join?"
Michael stared at the phone for a moment before replying in a voice so serious no one in the room doubted his conviction.
"Do you want me to prove it?"
"NO" Alexia answered in a voice of pure ice before Karen could speak, when the girls heard it, they knew it was the warning of Alexia going apocalyptic.
"Karen Grande enough, this is not your place to judge, your role is to decide if he is worthy to be the 'The One King' not to decide if he is worthy of our love."
"Know your place and stay out of this."
After saying that Alexia hung up the call with Karen while everyone including Michael had sweat on their forehead, he was starting to understand what they meant about red heads having a fiery temper.
Across the Atlantic Ocean, in The United States, New York City, there stood a skyscraper very close to the Empire State Building that had a logo of a set of scales above the entrance.
This skyscraper was special because it very rarely had visitors and the people normally entering and exiting were the same each day, however when it did get visitors, they were always important people.
Heads of state, royalty, powerful politicians, powerful businessmen and women, the top one percent.
These kinds of people were the only ones who had the level of authority to be able to find out about this building, to the general public it was just another skyscraper used by office workers.
On one of the upper floors in a grand living room that looked out over the city of New York sat a completely naked woman that lounged on a sofa that had wet patches that where still fresh on it.
This was none other than Karen Grande, June's mother and The Head Priestess of The Order of Balance.
If you saw both her and June next to each other, you would not think they were mother and daughter but twin sisters as they looked identical, the only way you could tell Karen was older was by the mature and experienced look in her eyes.
She was looking at the top of the range phone lying on the expensive table before her and if you looked at her closely, you could see she was sweating slightly.
"Shit" she said just as another woman came into the room.
This woman was stunning with long blond hair, grey-blue eyes and she wore a strange gold necklace on her otherwise naked body
Her name was Samantha Rains, Leader of the council of balance.
"What happened Karen?" Sam asked as she came over and cuddled up to Karen in such a natural way you could tell they cuddled a lot together.
"I may have gone too far with my test just now and annoyed Alexia that she is borderline going Apocalyptic.