"I may have gone too far with my test just now and annoyed Alexia that she is borderline going Apocalyptic.
"Oh god what did you do?" Sam asked as she looked at her lover as if she was nuts.
"Don't look at me like that, I didn't know this would happen, it's the first time Alexia has defended a man."
"Honestly it's on the same level as how she protects her sister's, listen."
After which Karen explained to Sam what happened.
After hearing Karen's explanation Sam was silent as she thought about it before she sighed and spoke.
"I get why you did that, it was not just to test this Michael's faithfulness to the girls, but also to learn how much wait his word carries." Karen nodded in agreement before Sam continued.
"You do remember what happened last time 'The Four Queens' where here right?"
"Prince Alexander of Denmark was visiting on behalf of his Father regarding some issues they were having, even though Denmark's royal family is only a constitutional monarchy the lad had such a high opinion of himself as if it was our good fortune to be in his mere presence."
"Of course, when he saw Alexia, his personality took a complete one-eighty because of who she is and the fact that he wanted to take her as his wife and future queen and even proposed then and there."
"Alexia naturally declined him as she has with all the other suitors who want her hand in marriage no matter who they are, however, he would not give up and kept pestering her so much that our talks had to be put on hold."
"Jane tried to explain to the prince that Alexia had no plans to marry anyone for the time being. and you remember what happened next don't you?"
"The prince replied with something along the lines of 'servants should know when to keep quiet." Karen replied with a smile.
"You're only smiling about it because you did not have to clean up the mess that ensued afterwards."
"Alexia did not take kindly to the prince's comment about her sister and lover being called a servant and she went apocalyptic."
"The whole fifty-third floor was destroyed by bullets and the fire suppression system that was set off, the whole building had to be evacuated after Alexia with a cold smile walked over to one of the hidden weapons storage compartments and pulled out a P90 sub-machine gun which she pointed at the prince and asked in her ice cold voice but with her beautiful smile 'what did you call her?'"
"The prince was so shocked at having a gun pointed at him by the one he loved that he answered automatically to which Alexia opened fire and sprayed the entire floor in front of her."
"Luckily she gave the princes security detail enough time to get him to cover before she opened fire."
"It led to a diplomatic mess with Denmark, that combined with the cover up to make sure no one learned that the rising celebrity Lexi had fired a gun at a prince, I was working late for weeks."
Karen hugged Sam closer to her before saying.
"It's fine you got it sorted didn't you, and even got an apology from the Denmark royal family on the grounds that their prince was not acting in the manner that befits a member of royalty on a diplomatic mission."
"I even heard he had to relearn all his etiquette training again."
There was silence for a moment before Karen asked.
"Anyway, what's the deal with this politician? Apparently, it's already hit the news."
Sam sighed before replying.
"Honestly the only reason I can think Joseph Danders would be willing to risk his career and freedom by getting Michele Rodriguez out of jail without charge is because she, or the people she is working with have something on him, there is no way he would be so foolish as to do it for love or sex especially with how much of a slut she is known to be."
"True and then there is the fact that in the past she tried to frame Michael who we just spoke to, something about him spiking her drink to sleep with her." Karen pointed out before continuing.
"No wonder June said I poured cold water on their fun, and they told Michael they have something to tell him."
"Strange why doesn't he know? Her release by Joseph Danders is all over the news." Sam asked
"Apparently he was unconscious after being shot by June." Karen answered
"What? Why?" Sam asked, surprised.
"That's what I asked but they said they would explain later." Karen said.
"No wonder Alexia was upset with June and Michael intervened, it's amazing Alexia did not go crazy right after he was shot." Sam pointed out.
"I agree."
There was silence again as the two beautiful mature women cuddled together while caressing each other's skin as they thought about this before Sam spoke.
"You know what we have to do right?"
"Yes, let's call them back." Karen replied with a sigh before reaching for her phone.
"So, what you are telling me is that some MP named Joseph Danders who Michelle Rodriguez fucked just before getting arrested outside his suit has now had her released without charge?" Michael asked.
The girls had just finished explaining what they had learned on the news while Michael was unconscious.
"Fucking politicians." Michael cursed before continuing.
"Still why would a high-level politician, a minister at that release some bitch he fucked on the side?"
"That's what we were wondering as we suspect there is more to this, we thought you should contact your friend Dee since she is investigating her and may have found something." Sarah informed Michael.
"Hmm that's true, where is my phone?" Michael asked as he began to look around for his trousers the girls had taken off before as he left his phone in his pocket.
"Err Mike that might be a problem."
Gracie's voice came and as they all looked at her, they saw her pointing at Michael's phone on the floor, except it was not covered in various liquid substances.