Chapter 12 Bloodlust

" Agrh*"

The Viking fell into a puddle of blood as his head dropped down to the cliff where his comrades didn't care. The horrified face of his didn't faze his people because he went to Valhalla as a proud warrior.

" Odin's beard, if it was those foreigners, they would have escaped from the sight of the blood."

Bo who was the father of Harold, spoke with awe because he believed only Vikings show madness in front of the blood. Even those war-mongering nomads wouldn't be in a position like Vikings which made them special.

" Don't speak nonsense. It is either them or us. Kill them before they kill us, Bo!"

Tove grabbed the head of the climbing Viking, lifting him before looking at his eyes. The Viking didn't show any fear as he laughed in front of his face.

" It is an honor to face 2 giant bears of the north. Kill me!"

He didn't speak nonsense, knowing his death was inevitable and as a leader of his brothers, he felt honored to be able to die in the hands of Tove who was regarded as the black bear of the north.

" Good!"

Tove didn't speak anymore, clenching his palms to crush his skulls in one way. The blood spilled from his palms but he didn't care it as he placed his helm next to him out of respect.

" Kuhaha, what an honorable man! See it closely, mongers. We are Vikings, we never fear our death."

His eyes glowed with madness whilst his moves were energized. The large axe of his ruthlessly slashed the climbing Vikings to their death, yet he never showed any hesitation because he respected them and believed he was sending them to Valhalla.

" Fools, restrain yourselves. You can't waste energy."

Magnus scolded them with a cold tone, knowing they would be exhausted if they were fighting like this. Three thousand men were too much for them and even killing one person required huge stamina.

" Don't worry, chief. Warmother Freyja is protecting us."

Bo laughed at his remark, pointing at the cliff where Freyja was shooting down the enemies with deadly precision. Every time she drew her bow, the Viking fell like a dead log. No matter how good enemy archers were they weren't a match for her.

" Freyja and Magnus!"

Horton gritted his teeth, looking at the deadly couple with fire in his eyes. He didn't believe their tales because he came from a different region and he knew Vikings loved exaggeration more than anyone but he never imagined they would be this troublesome.

Although he was confident that their stamina was draining rather quickly since he was targeting them, he still felt humiliated by them.

" Rune, give me my bow and helmet. I will personally deal with her."

He extended his hand to receive his helmet and bow from his trusty aide.

" I will open a way for you, chief."

Rune raised his shield high to cover themselves from the arrows as they marched forward.


One of the arrows lodged into his shoulder but he broke the shaft while cracking his neck like it was nothing.

" Rise, warriors!"

With his shout other Vikings followed his trail while Rune didn't dodge Freyja and Magnus's eyes. Even though he was just a pheasant, he was a warrior in the first place.

" Roar*"

He let out a war cry, pointing his sword toward Magnus and others without an ounce of fear and anxiety despite their build difference.

" Good man!"

Horton laughed at his stance, believing he made the right choice of choosing him as his aide. Among the warriors, no one could rival Rune's fierce and brave heart in his mind. Even famous Bjorn and Magnus felt short compared to this man when it came to guerilla fights.

" Whoo* Take an aim."

Horton took a deep breath, standing below the cliff with a cold face while drawing the strings to the maximum. Despite looking frail compared to other bows, his bow was made from extra heavy material to become a weapon that could pierce every armor.

" Bless my arrow, oh Valkyries!"

His finger gently slid the string as an arrow flew toward the unsuspecting Freyja who was aiming at Rune.
