Chapter 22 Broken castle

" Hold! Hold the door!"

Farcandus pushed the knights to the door, holding the main entrance with a giant log. The rumbling sound of battering ram echoed in the hall with a mix of screams but this was the last defense that they could garrison. Otherwise, this whole church would come crumbling down without any position to hold.

" Agh!"

One of the knights screamed, showing a bruised and bloodied hand from the pressure.

" Move, get out of the way!"

Farcandus pulled the knight back, holding the door with other knights before looking at his people. His pupils shrank with fear and confusion, knowing they would be killed but as long as he held here for enough time for to others escape from here, that was enough.

" Captain, we saw her Holiness and head nun in the secret tunnel. They should leave here in 10 breaths."

The knight reported back to Farcandus who was holding the door with his might. His veins popped out, his face turned from the blood pressure but nevertheless he didn't step back. No, his legs felt heavy like they were chained in this place for some reason and he saw his family's faces and his comrade's faces.

The memory of his life flashed through his mind, telling him that his time had come. However, he refused to budge even though his heart was bleeding from the injury. The tremor of the door coursed through his body, wrecking every fiber of his physique.

" Good. Half of you, follow the saintess and the head nun. Leave this place immediately!"

He roared with his hands pushing back to the cracking door as his armor dented in every beat of the ram.

" But captain!"

One of the knights tried to speak out but his voice quivered when he saw Farcandus's face. The fierce look in his eyes told him to leave because he knew every knight's history.

" Go!"

His hoarse voice reached their ears and they turned around with solemn faces.

" Salute to our men."

They pulled out their swords, kneeling on the ground with different faces. The knights who were blocking the door nodded at them, telling them to leave this place for their future.

" Don't waste our sacrifice in vain."

Farcandus said lightly, opening the doors with his last bit of strength. He then threw his helmet away and rushed to the enemies with his men, leaving a trail of blood in their ways.

The clashing sound of steel could be heard in the halls, chasing the silent night away. Farcandus held the grip of his sword tightly, slashing back and forth between the enemies without rest.

His fingers and wrists hurt and bleed from the trauma but he moved forward. He didn't allow any men to pass him as his cape moved around with the dignity of the paladin.

His mouth was filled with blood, his armor was dented and chipped everywhere and his face was filled with injuries. His bones were crushed in every possible way but he never lost his will.

" I am Farcandus of Aachen. Don't underestimate me!"

His roar struck fear in his enemies as he barely stayed conscious, yet he firmly held his sword in his hands.

" Die, you monster!"

One of the knights stabbed his side but Farcandus didn't hesitate to chop his head. He then slashed incoming soldiers with his sword once again, standing tall in the hall where his men scrambled beside him. The warm corpses of his men didn't distract him even though they shared blood and wine.

" Sir Farcandus."

Farcandus raised his head, looking at the man who was standing opposite his direction. The symbol of the sword caught his eyes and he burst out with laughter.

" I see, so it was the imperial family who was behind this assault. I never thought I would be planted in the hands of the imperial family instead of foreign enemies. Fate is ironic, huh?!"

Sera didn't rebuke his words, slowly walking towards him with his bloody sword. The knights gave their way to him as he reached in front of Farcandus.

" You died as a hero and a man. Thus, rest easy. I won't touch the hair of saintess and the head nun."

Farcandus shook his head in response to his words, gesturing him to kill him.