Chapter 21 Rebellion


The knight calmed down his horse, glancing at the paladins who were chatting with a nun in a leisure matter. They didn't seem to be oblivious about the rebellion as they laughed happily together.

" Sera, everything is ready."

The knight passed his message to Sera who was still glaring at the paladins with a cold look.

The cross on their chests bothered him so much that he wanted to rip their hearts out. They weren't worthy of this title his eyes, forgetting who they worked for in the first place because the first paladins rose to fame under the rule of the great king and father- Charlemagne, yet current paladins were jokes to eyes compared to past paladins who bore the honor of the imperial might.

" Do it."

Sera muttered slowly under his breath, placing his thumb on the sword. He then silently walked toward the captain who didn't suspect a thing because he thought they were allies.

" Good evening, Sir Sera. I didn't know you were coming here with Lord Marcus."

He politely asked Sera who was feigning ignorance.

" Indeed we had some matters to discuss with Your Holiness. The lord and I will be departing briefly to the imperial city."

Sera acted like everything was alright despite his treacherous heart. The captain didn't notice his body language, believing in his words as he chatted with Sera.

" Hmm, what is that?"

Suddenly he saw a flaming arrow in the sky, frowning with suspicion since it was one of the headquarters of the church. Thus, there was a high chance of being attacked by others but he didn't remember being informed by the church.


Blood gushed out from his mouth as he looked at Sera with both horror and fury. He couldn't understand what happened to him, feeling heavy in his chest. His hand tried to hold him down, but light slowly dimmed in his mind.

" I am sorry, you were a kind person."

Sera muttered coldly, splattering the blood around as paladins looked at him with confusion and horror. They seemed to realize something was happening, trying to grab for their sword but before they could do that, a whistling sound of arrows came down.

The sky was covered in black dots, raining merciless death on all nuns and paladins who were standing outside the church.

" Ambush!"

The ring of the bell woke up the all knights and paladins in the castle they quickly grabbed their weapons but it was beyond late. The gate had been already breached and horrified screams of people echoed in the halls. The dancing flames ignited the once marvelous and calm church into utter chaos, dispersing peaceful moonlight from its slumber.

" Grab your weapons, hold your ground. Find the head nun and the saintess. Protect them at all costs."

Farcandus who was the leader of the security, ordered his men to move quickly. The clattering sound of armors reached the ears of the saintess who was immersed in her reading.

She silently raised her head, getting up from the chamber with an omen in her heart.

" This!"

She then saw the image of the fighting across the yard, feeling dread for the first time because she knew who was the perpetrator behind this scene.

" Saintess!"

The knight rushed into her room, grabbing her hand to escort her out. Anna didn't question the knight, seeing a cross on his shoulders which indicated he was from the paladins.

" We are under attack saintess. It seems Lord Marcus has planned this since he requested to open the gates for his people."

The knight pushed the doors open one by one, looking for a safe route to escape since his objective was to secure her in a safe place. The only reason for attacking this remote location was obviously the saintess who held the most important position after the pope in the church. Her authority and network were vast beyond normal nobles and she was close to Pope who adored her.

" What about the head nun?"

Anna grabbed the hem of her dress, ripping it out while following the knight. She didn't feel anxious and nervous, knowing it was useless to feel that way in this situation. It was like adding fuel to the fire.