first day of class

I woke up before dawn, my thoughts still were racing with the events of the dreams I had the previous night, scenes from the dream kept flashing through my head, I stretched my hands and legs widely because they felt sore, I could barely get any sleep throughout the night,

After sitting quietly on the bed for about 5minuites

I rose up from the bed and walked tiredly into the small bathroom, I took a long hot shower, I scrubbed my body so hard as though the hot water could wash away the fear and anxiety I felt,

After the bath I opened the small drawer in my room to change into something I could Train in,

I picked a red leather jumb suit from the wardrobe and wore it.

Till today I still hadn't seen gift and it bothered me.

After freshening up,

I opened the door of my dorm room and stepped out into the hallway. The walls were painted a warm, creamy yellow,

and the wooden floor's made a creaking sound beneath my feet as i walked. I passed by rows of wooden doors, each one had a small print of different students names on every dorm room .

I walked out of the dorm room building and into the other big twin building that faced it outside, where classes where usually held.

I walked inside the twin building and headed to morning class.

My eyes caught sight of the stone carvings that adorned the walls, they told a story, scenes of ancient battles and mythical creatures, I traced my fingers around the carvings as I walked. The air was thick with the scent of old books and freshly polished wood.

Finally, I arrived at the classroom, a high-ceilinged room with large windows, The room was filled with rows of wooden desks, each one had a white sheet of paper and pen.

I stood outside the classroom for a while before finally taking a deep breath and heading inside, when I did my eyes met with the professor in charge.

Good morning young lady, how may I help you, he asked

Ummm...i'm Arlie, Arlie Archer.

Thane directed me to come here.

Oh Arlie, welcome!

Although you're late but I'm sure you can catch up...i'm Professor Orion

He had long silver hair which was tied back in a neat ponytail, and he wore a long robe which was embroidered with colorful patterns.

Come in and have a seat, he said calmly

I walked into the class looking around for an empty sit, I finally got one at the back sit and sat down.

As I walked into the class I could very well perceive the students fear, I really wished they didn't fear me.

Who am I kidding, even I would fear myself after the powers I released Last night

Who can tell me the fundamental principles of elemental balance?" Professor Orion asked a question directed to the class

Kael, a mutant with the ability to control plants raised her hand, "The elements must be in harmony, Professor," kael replied confidently, she seemed like a cocky person. "Earth, Air, Water, and Fire must be balanced to maintain the natural order."

"Exactly kael!" Professor Orion said. "And what happens when the balance is disrupted, Eira?"

Eira, a quiet magic user in the back, spoke up, "Disasters occur, Professor. Natural disasters, like earthquakes and storms, are a result of elemental imbalance."

The class continued with professor Orion teaching us more on elemental balance,

The only sound that could be heard was the scribbling of pens in papers as the students began to take notes.

I dipped my quill into the inkwell and began to write,

Even though my parents never put me in a real school, my mum made sure she thought me everything I needed to know at home, so I could write really well.

the bell rang, signaling the end of the class,

The students hurriedly stood up and left the class.

I sat down in class for a few minutes before deciding to go to the arena to train a bit.

As I entered the arena, i saw a few other students already training.

I noticed a particular guy, he was tall and muscular with short spiky hair, he was practicing his sword fighting skills with amazing and unusual techniques, I walked over to him, admiring his technique, and decided to compliment him.

You're skilled with the sword, it's amazing, I said

He looked up, startled, and muttered a simple "thank you" before returning to his training.

I noticed that the students were watching me with a mix of fear and caution, their eyes darted away whenever I turned my gaze to meet theirs, I realized that they were intimidated and scared of my powers, and it made me feel isolated.

Since no one would interact with me, I decided to train alone, I walked to the far end of the arena so i could focus on building up my own techniques.

As I began to warm up a figure approached me from behind. I sensed his presence and turned to face him, my hand reached for the dagger in my belt strap. But to my surprise, the boy didn't flinch or back away.

Woa, soren I said inwardly

"Well, well, if it isn't the little Light weaver," Soren teased me, his lips formed into a mischievous smile. "I didn't realize you could be so fierce."

"Soren!" I exclaimed as a smile escaped my lips.

"Looks like you've been doing alot of training lately, Soren said smiling back

"Yhuppp," I replied simply, the last thing I needed was to be distracted right now, I really wanted to train.

I moved away from Soren a bit and tried to practice some attack move's

Here, keep your hands this way, Soren said following behind me, if you let your arms stay bent that way it'd make it easier for your opponent to attack and make you loose balance, you're still a little rough around the edges."

I rolled my eyes, "Oh really? And who are you to judge my fighting skills, huh?" I countered with a playful voice.

"Ooh, feisty," Soren said and walked forward until he was barely an inch away from me. "Maybe I'll have to prove myself to you, Arlie Archer.

"Well, go ahead then," i said, my voice coming out fierce. "Prove it.

In one fluid motion, Soren spun me around, pinning my body against the tree next to us with a speed that I couldn't fathom. Before I could react retaliate, he had disarmed me, my dagger was now in his hand.

"Impressive," i said, while widening my eyes with surprise. "But you're forgetting one thing."

Soren cocked an eyebrow, "And what might that be?"

In a flash, I summoned a blinding light, that blinded Soren for a few seconds.

Soren cursed under his breath, covering his eyes with one hand while he searched for me with the other hand.

"I thought we were fighting without our powers ," he said

I could hear the frustration in his voice, it only made me feel more victorious.

"But I'm not that easily defeated." Soren said

Before I could blink, Soren had dashed behind me, his hand on my shoulder, his dagger few inches away from my throat.

I grinned, despite the blade against my skin. "Fine," I said. "You win...this time."

Soren let out a low chuckle, dropped his weapon and released me from his hold. "Oh, this is just getting started," he said, "But perhaps we should save the rest for later."

He brushed a stray strand of hair from my face.

Soren was unlike any of the other students i had met at eleftheria. He was confident and had a free spirit, he was the only student who had made me feel welcomed, he made me feel like I wasn't a freak. I felt a sense of freedom and joy discussing with him, something I hadn't experienced in a long time,

We talked about our lives before eleftheria, we shared alot of stories and past memories . Soren told me about his childhood, growing up on the streets and fighting to survive.

But our discussion was cut short by the arrival of Master Thane and his assistant, Celeste.

We Heard footsteps approach, and glanced up to see master thane and Celeste.

"Arlie," thane greeted me, "How are you feeling after the other night?"

I smiled softly, "I'm okay, master thane. Thank you for asking."

"Good to hear," he replies, with a warm expression

How're you Soren, Thane asked

I'm alright, Soren replied plainly

Arlie, come with us to my office now, there's an urgent matter we must attend to, thane said

thane and Celeste wore grave and serious looks on their faces,

I bid Soren goodbye and followed them, wondering what the issue could be, because from their facial expressions it seemed something serious had happened.