A new Discovery

We walked passed the arena, heading towards the heart of the school, the school was built Just like those big British castles that existed in the 80's, It was really big and looked ancient.

As we walked the school grounds, the students around kept looking towards our direction, maybe they thought thane was going to kick me out since I've only created disturbing incidents since my short stay here, I thought so too but I decided to take my mind of it, First I almost killed Marcus and yesterday I almost destroyed the entire school building, he's definitely kicking me out, I thought inwardly.

We walked into one of the halls leading to Thanes office and I realised that almost all the walls I'd passed by in this school were adorned with carvings.

Carvings that depicted scene's of great battles and intricate magic, they looked so realistic, I'm sure they were carved with ancient magic.

Finally, we arrived at Thanes office.

He pushed the door open, revealing a dimly lit office with walls lined with towering bookshelves and a large center table,

The office was heavy with the scent of old books,

"Please, Arlie, take a seat,"Thane said, his eyes grave with a seriousness that made my heart race.

Okay, now I was really scared, I sat down on the long chair in Infront of me

Thane and Celeste sat facing me.

Arlie, I want you to know that in eleftheria we're a family, we protect eachother, look out for Each other and we protect ourselves at all cost,

The moment you stepped foot into this grounds you became a part of that family too,I want you to know that we'll do our best to help and protect you in every way we can, we just need you to trust us to help you.

Okay, I replied not knowing what else to say.

Arlie, we've called you here for a Very serious issue, if at any point you feel the conversation becomes too much, just let us know and we'll stop okay? Celeste said with the softest voice I'd ever Heard, her voice was as beautiful as her face

I understand, but you guys are beginning to scare me, can you just tell me what's going on please, I said with a desperate voice

"Arlie," Thane began, with a low voice

What do you know about your parents?

"Umm, they were good people, they tried their best to...

"No," thane cut me short, what do you know about their death's, tell me everything, please.

I hesitated a bit before talking, talking about my parents always brought back painful memories for me

"All my life, my parents kept me hidden from the world, I never got to associate with other kids, I never got to go outside to play, I never even got to go to school, I was home schooled by my mum.

They always told me I was special, and the world was jealous of special people so it was best I stayed inside,

Our house was deep in the woods, far away from every living thing, my dad only worked on Saturday's, he'd drive far into town just to make end's meet while trying to keep us hidden," I was getting teary eyed now

Here you go, Celeste said handing over a glass of water to me.

Thank you, I said and continued

"One Saturday morning he woke up, prepared for work and all, then all of a sudden we heard voices outside, we weren't used to having people at that deserted part of the town so my parents were surprised, my dad took one look outside the window and told I and my mum to hide under the floors in the underground compartment of the house, we went inside to stay hidden while my dad went outside to meet the strange people, soon I and my mum heard my dad's muffled screams from outside,

My mum told me not to come out of there no matter what happened and then she left to save my father, that was the last time I ever saw both of them,

I was only 14 at the time, I was so scared.

I stayed under the floors for 3days without food and water, on the third day I finally came up and everyone including my parents were gone, I've been struggling to survive by myself ever since, till I found eleftheria.

My heart skipped a beat and she leaned forward, my eyes were fixed on Thane's face. "What is it? Why'd you ask about them?"

Thane's eyes locked into mine. "Arlie, the people who took your parents away that day were the hunters, they came looking for you, Thane said


Arlie, He began again, your parents were not just ordinary mutants and neither are you.

What does that mean, I asked in a deep state of confusion.

You descended from the most powerful bloodline to ever exist in the history of the supernatural world, your ancestors possessed a great type of power, which we call the "Anima" power, legend has it that it was gotten from a Greek God whom they sacrificed 24 virgins male and females to,

The Anima power made them supreme, untouchable and even omnipresent,

They ruled our people for years till one day

A man, Afgradah as he was called sought to become like them, And even more powerful, He sought to become the most powerful man in the galaxy.

So he staged a coup, organising men and women from different tribes, poisoning their mind's against your ancestors, and they strategized for years, looking for loop holes and ways to put your ancestors down, luck was on their side and they won the favour of the most powerful witch to ever exist then,

She helped them create a weapon that could kill the ones that possessed the Anima powers,

Once killed, their powers would be taken and given to afgradah,

Their mission was carried out successfully and they hunted every single one of your ancestors that possessed the Anima power, they chained them with "plutonium" their weapon and they were stripped of their powers, they powers were given to afgradah who became the most powerful man in the galaxy, he began to enslave our people, mutants and magic users, he stripped the most powerful ones of their powers with the fear that they may one day grow stronger than him, word got to him that one of the person's who possessed the anima power was still alive and gathering mutants and magic users and transporting them to safety, his name was luke

Afgradah hunted him to the last and finally killed him, unknown to him that Luke had gotten a mutant pregnant and her child would wield the anima powers, that child was born and the Anima bloodline continued.

Arlie, your powers are extraordinary, they're different, you are the last descendant of Luke's bloodline, your parents knew that, and that was why They struggled to protect you till their very last breaths.... Celine said

The hunters preserved Afgradah's body for years, they're trying to resurrect him now, that's why they're capturing thousands of our people everyday, their powers are being extracted and kept for Afgradah's resurrection, thane said

But with your power, we stand a chance to defeat them before that happens, we can save our people,and avenge your parents and finally put an end to this hunting madness!

Take as much time as you need to process all the information we just shared with you, Just know the fate of your people lies in your hands Arlie, you need to learn to possess this Gift you have, don't let your guard down for anything, Celeste said

May I be excused, I said as I felt very dizzy.

Of course, I'll come check on you later, thane said, his voice filled with concern

As I left the office, I felt like my whole world was turned upside down, my mind was filled with questions and doubts.

My parents died because of me!

The hunters came to the house that day because of me

Why do I have to carry the weight of Such deadly powers, I don't even want it!

As I walked through the empty dark halls lost in confusion thoughts , I heard a voice behind me and I turned in fright.