

It was Soren behind me

"Arlie are you okay " he asked, his eyes filled with concern

Leave me alone Soren, I'm not in the mood for chit chats, I said walking away

"I don't know what happened in there but I want you to know I'm here for you, I want to help"

Soren you can't help me!!!

Don't push me, I said as my eyes had already started to glow, I calmed down and walked away faster than he could catch up

He didn't look scared even though I almost unleashed my powers on him, he's the only person who didn't see me as a monster.

I pushed my dorm room door open and walked in, I let myself fall on the bed.

I felt suffocated by the weight of everything I Just learnt

How can I suddenly be the Messiah that holds the fate of millions of mutants.

Why did I get this power!

Oh God I don't want it

I don't fucking want it!!!

My mind was currently a mess filled with my screams.

I can't stay here, not in this room, not in this school, not now!

I need to clear my head

I snuck out of the dormitory, everywhere was already dark, I made my way to the school's gate and there was a forcefield outside of it that prevented anyone from coming in or going out, I needed to be smart, if I tampered with the forefield too much it might alert thane or Celeste.

I'm sure it was put there to protect us from the hunters.

I put my fingers gently through the force Field and it went right through it, I was amazed and stuck my whole hand through it, and then my whole body went through.

Woaaaa, I guess only magic users and mutants could pass through it and go out freely.

I made my way into the woods, as I walked I tried to take my mind of everything thane and Celeste told me.

I kept walking feeling the night breeze on my skin but I paused as I heard the rustling of leaves behind me

I whirled around, my body tensed up when I saw a manly like figure emerging from the shadows, his face was covered by the hood of his cloak. In that moment, I didn't see a person, only a threat.

Without hesitation, i sent out a blast of fire at him, my body trembled in the process

He dived out of the way, rolling across the forest floor. He rose up quickly, and drew his sword, squaring off against me.

The battle began,

I sent endless balls of fire towards this mysterious man, the red light from the fire balls illuminated the dark woods.

He was so sleek and fast and managed to dodge every single blast.

Time seemed to blur, as we both maneuvered around the trees, both of us breathing heavily.

I narrowly avoided his blade, only to find myself cornered.

He lounged towards me and knocked me to the ground, pinning me with his weight and breathing heavily down my neck.

"Who are you?" I demanded, with a tight voice.

Our bodies heaved with exhaustion, the ground still quivered from the ferocity of our fight.

I however didn't let my guard down, my eyes still glowed, readying to strike at any given opportunity. But the man on top of me looked unmoved.

"Who are you?" i demanded again, my voice was more fierce this time

The man's eyes widened slightly, he stood up from me and shifted back "I don't mean any harm," he said with a low voice.

"Who are you?" i demanded again as I stood up from the ground, my voice trembled with fear and fury.

He moved a bit closer

"Stay back!" I said angrily

I'm Dimitri, he replied calmly.

"What do you want, Dimitri?" I asked, with a firm but cautious voice.

He chuckled, his eyes crinkled at the corners. "I think we've established that I'm not here to harm you,

At least, not tonight." He said and put back his sword.

I relaxed a bit "What brings you out here, then?"

He shrugged, his shoulders broad and powerful in the darkness. "Just enjoying the night air, I suppose. I didn't expect to run into a wildcat like you."

I raised an eyebrow. "A wildcat?"

Hei smiled, revealing his sparkling white teeth. "Yes, a fierce and beautiful creature, claws bared and ready to strike. I like that about you."

My cheeks flushed, but i refused to back down. "And what do you do, Dimitri?"

"I'm a...traveler," he said, "I go where the wind takes me."

I scanned him from head to toe. "A traveler with a sword and a symbol of the Hunters on your blade?"

His smile faltered for a moment, before he regained his composure. "Ah, that? Just a little something I picked up on my travels. Means nothing, really."

"I see. Well, Dimitri, the traveler, it's been...enlightening meeting you. But I should get back home."

He nodded, his eyes glinted with a hint of disappointment. "Yes, of course. I wouldn't want to keep you out too late.

Alright, I said and walked away.

As we parted ways, i couldn't shake off the feeling that our encounter was far from over.

From where I stood I could see the school, though it was a bit far

I can't believe I wandered off this far from eleftheria.

What if I had ran into real danger, what then

I better hurry back before anyone notices I'm gone.

I ran back to the school leaving Dimitri where he stood

He looked so strange and handsome, but something about him felt good.

I ran as fast as I could and finally reached the school grounds, I walked past the gate and the forcefield and headed straight for my dorm room, I entered the building and walked past the halls headed straight to my room

I tip toed gently up the stairs and into my dorm room.

I let out a deep sigh of relief as I reached my door, thank goodness no one saw me.

I gently pushed my room door open with a creak.

To my surprise, I saw soren sitting quietly on my bed, he stared deeply at me

"Where have you been, Arlie?" he asked with a low voice.

My instincts flared and I became angry immediately. "What business is it of yours, Soren?" I snapped, my voice was barely above a whisper.

Soren's smile grew wider. "I'm just concerned about your wellbeing, Arlie. You've been acting funny lately, sneaking out at night...I want to make sure you're safe."

I rolled my eyes . "My safety is none of your concern, Soren. And even if it was, I wouldn't want you prying into my private life."

He chuckled, "Ah, Arlie. You're so defensive. I'm just trying to help."

My anger boiled. You can't help me!

"Leave my room, Soren. Now."

He just gave a small smile and walked towards the door. "Goodnight, Arlie. Sweet dreams."

As he left, I slammed the door shut behind him and leaned against it, my heart raced nonstop.

I felt bad for how I just treated Soren, he was one of the few persons who had shown me kindness since I got here, but I really don't need anyone monitoring me, I have to focus.