Are they really the enemies?

Dimitri's POV

As I walked back to my camp, my mind kept replaying the encounter I had with that fierce and beautiful girl.

I can't believe I forgot to ask her what her name was

Idiot! I cursed as I smacked my hand repeatedly against my forehead.

She fought with such a ferocity that suited her slender figure, most men in our camp can't even fight that way, to think a woman would pull up such moves,

the way her eyes glowed with magic in the all lingered in my mind.

I finally reached the camp and entered,

The others hunter's looked up from their fires upon sighting me, their faces were filled with a mixture of curiosity and anxiety, it was already late and everyone's supposed to be asleep now but they were all awake waiting for the information I'd bring.

Someone tapped on my shoulder, and i turned to see Marek, a hunter with a scar that disfigured the left part of his face and long blonde hair that was tied backwards.

"Loren requests your presence, Dimitri," Marek said with a low but serious voice.

I nodded and followed Marek through the camp.

We passed by a row of tents,

Some people were sharpening and melting iron to form weapons, others were oiling heavy machines, and some were mixing certain chemicals to use to capture mutants.

the smell of steel, chemicals and gun powder filled the air.

Those three smells combined together was certainly not a good combination, it smelled like death, pain and depression all at once!

We walked through the central square, where a large fire was lighted, there were some little kid's around it fake playing with swords and laughing excitedly, while other kids ran around the fire.

We finally approached Loren's quarters, it was a large tent with a banner bearing the symbol of the venatores,

"Hunters" as we were popularly called by the mutants

It only made sense for them to call us hunters, we've hunted their people for years.

My heart raced as we approached Loren's tent. I knew loren would not be pleased if i failed to deliver results.

Immediately we got Inside the tent, I saw Loren sitting on a high metal chair, he fixed his gaze on me.

His piercing blue eyes tore deep into my soul as if trying to intimidate me, but I didn't let him do that, even if I was scared I wasn't gonna show it.

Two guards stood at attention behind Loren, their faces looked plain and expressionless. Loren dismissed them and Marek with a wave of his hand, they exited the tent, leaving me alone with Loren.

A thick black hairy figure, called a sluagh hanged on the ceiling of tent, they were mysterious beings that had the power to manipulate the Shadows, we used them as spies and assassins.

"Dimitri" Loren began, his voice deep as ever "Did you uncover the mutants hiding place?"

I hesitated thinking of what to say,

I found...

I found ummm

You found what! Loren asked getting angry

I found nothing, i don't know why, but I couldn't find any leads." I said quickly

Loren put his right palm on his fore head and shook his head repeatedly, i felt a shiver run down my spine but i held my ground.

What do you mean you found nothing Dimitri, the slaughs don't lie, they don't give faulty predictions like we humans do, if they sensed magic in that area it means there was something there, loren said trying to calm down

First time for everything huh?

I guess they predicted wrongly this time, I said trying to sound as convincing as I could.

Loren looked deeply into my eyes as if sensing my lie, but I just could't tell him about that girl, I don't know why but I Just couldn't.

"Very well, Dimitri. You are dismissed. But I expect you to continue searching. We cannot let those abominations roam free."

I nodded, and breathed out a long sigh of relief.

I made my way to my small, old house on the outskirts of the camp, I couldn't stop thinking about that girl I saw

Who was she?

Where did she come from and where did she go after leaving me.

I walked into the house and found my little sister Anna already asleep snoring gently.

She was only ten years old, with big brown eyes and a mop of curly hair, I've been her caregiver since our parents died in a mutant/venatore raid five years ago. I did my best to shield her from the harsh realities of our world, but Anna was growing older, i knew i couldn't protect her forever.

She's soon going to find out that the big brother she loves and looks up to captures mutants and renders them helpless.

I lay down beside her and closed my eyes tightly trying to push away the thoughts that were weighing on me.

As i settled into our bed, Sophia snuggled up beside me and opened her sleepy,innocent, big brown eyes and blinked sleepily

I felt a pang in my chest, I knew I'd do anything to protect her, she was the only family I had left.

My mind wandered off to the encounter i had with that girl.

Were the mutants really the mindless monsters we'd been taught to believe?

The more i thought about it, the more i realized how little I knew about the mutants. I'd always been told they were a threat, a danger to humanity's very existence, we were literally taught to hate them. But that girl, she'd shown me a different side, a spark of intelligence and kindness that lingered in my mind.

"Dimitri?" Sophia's voice broke into my thoughts. "What's wrong?"

I forced a smile, hugging her close. "Nothing, Sophie Just thinking about things, don't worry about it, Sophia. Just go to sleep."

As Sophie drifted off into sleep, my thoughts returned to the girl I'd met today, I have to meet her again, no matter what it takes

I think it's time for me to know the mutants for myself.