Friend's Again?

Arlie's POV

I woke up the next morning to the most excruciatingly painful back pain I'd ever experienced.

Ughhhhhhh, I groaned as I struggled to stand up from the floor

I can't believe I fell asleep on the floor, my back was against the hard door all night no wonder it hurts so much.

As I sat up I heard I loud crack sound that came from my back, I groaned and struggled to stand up straight.

I sat upright for some minutes before my mind finally replayed the events of last night to me.

I remembered how awful I was to Soren

I really have to find him and apologize,

Dimitri too.

I really needed to meet him again, somehow I felt he could help me.

I stretched my body a bit and ran into the bathroom to take a quick shower, I looked into the wardrobe to see the clothes the school provided, they weren't my style, but still I was grateful for them.

I picked out a short red dress that reached my knees and a pair of black sandals

I brushed my brown hair hurriedly and tied it up in a ponytail.

I didn't even bother to look at myself in the mirror before hurriedly exiting the room in a bid to find Soren.

As I walked through the halls, my back began to feel better, now the only problem left was my tummy that refused to stop grumbling.

I began to feel hungry, but I didn't want to eat in the dining room, most of the students still resented me and I didn't want to make them uncomfortable with my presence.

I decided to go to the school's kitchen, maybe the cooks will let me eat there.

I'd been walking around, searching for the school's kitchen for ages, the school was soooo big, like a maze

I was really starving

Hey, do you know where the school's kitchen is? I asked a few students on my way

Go left, they'd reply

Go right, some would say

they all gave me different answers, which left me confused.

I was so frustrated and starving seriously, but finally i heard sounds of people chatting and dishes clinking.

I followed the noise and soon saw a sign that said "Kitchen" in big letters. I pushed the door open and walked in.

The kitchen smelled amazing! There were long counters with shiny surfaces, and the air was filled with the yummy smell of freshly baked bread and coffee. My tummy growled with hunger and I walked forward to one of the women there.

She was fat, yellow skinned and had pointy ears, with blue curly hair that that was wrapped in a transparent bonnet

There were 3 other servers behind her, 2males and 1 female

I approached her with a warm smile on my face. "Excuse me, please," I said politely, "may I have some bread and a beverage"

The woman looked up at me with a plain expression on her face. "Food is served in the dining hall, dear. You'll need to go there for your meals."

My expression changed to a sad one immediately, but i didn't give up. "Please, ma'am,"

"I promise I'll be no trouble. I just really need something to eat right now. And I'll behave, I promise!"

The woman raised an eyebrow, but my pleading eyes struck a chord. Then She nodded at me in approval. "Alright, dear. But just this once. Here's some tea and bread. Eat quickly and don't make a mess."

My face lit up with gratitude. I took the food and devoured it hungrily,

the bread was sooo warm and soft with crusty edges and the tea was thick and milky.

After a few minutes I was finally done

"Thank you so much, ma'am!" I said excitedly

The woman smiled, she looked pleased that i had enjoyed her food. "You're welcome, dear.

Could you please pack some for me for later, I said to her with pleading eye's

I didn't actually need it for later, i just wanted to give it to Soren as an apology gift

Of course honey, she said an proceeded to pack the food for me

When she was done she handed it over to me and I thanked her and exited the kitchen

I made a mental note to always eat there, it was peaceful, quiet and best of all the cook's didn't fear me.

I walked around looking for Soren, I thought about how I've only caused havoc since I came here, the weight of my actions settled in my mind.

I thought about how I almost killed Marcus and now Soren, whose kindness I had repaid with rudeness, I felt so guilty.

I decided to check the arena,

I walked across the school and into the arena, as i entered, a mighty magnificent silver bird caught my eye, it beat its wings around slowly and circled the arena continuously, I watched it for some minutes quietly.

As soon as it caught sight of me, it landed gracefully on the ground.

In a flash of light, the bird transformed into Soren, he fixed his piercing silver eyes on me, he looked at me quietly with a plain expression on his face.

I didn't even know what to make of it, but I know it only made me feel really guilty

I approached him, my heart raced continuously.

"Soren, I...I want to apologize for the way I treated you. I was wrong to snap at you, and I appreciate your kindness and everything you've done since I arrived here."

His expression remained cold, "Okay"

My voice trembled. "No, Soren, please listen. I was scared and overwhelmed. I lashed out at you, and that was wrong. You've been nothing but good to me, and I'm grateful for that."

"Grateful? He snorted

"Soren, please,!!! let's start over

Alright we can start over, but first tell me

Where did you go last night... He asked

I stuttered not knowing what to say, I couldn't tell him about Dimitri, he might see him as nothing but a threat

His expression softened slightly,

"Goodbye Arlie Archer, I gotta get to class.

My heart sank as I watched him leave the arena.

I shouldn't have talked to him that way, but who does he think he is to walk out on me that way

You know what? I don't care anymore, let him do whatever he wants.