Brink of Death

I stormed down the hallway, still thinking about the confrontation i just had with soren,

I couldn't believe he just walked away like that, He left me feeling angry and hurt, I looked down at the pack of food I brought for him, now I couldn't even give it to him anymore.

I decided to skip all the noon classes I had for today and just go to my dorm room.

I walked out of the arena and into the school's building.

As I turned into a corner and headed for the halls, I saw a group of girls, I overheard them snickering and pointing at me.

"Look at her, she thinks she's special because of her powers," one of them sneered.

"She's not even that pretty, I wonder why Soren always follows her around"

I decided to ignore them and walk away, but one of them said something I couldn't ignore

"Maybe she killed her parents just so she could come here and cause havoc, I mean Just look at her, petty little bastard"

I got angry instantly, and I marched up to the girls.

"What did you say?" I demanded, looking directly into the eye's of the girl that said that

You heard me you pretender, you killed your fucking parents you bastard!!!!

I was surprised by her sudden outburst but I wasn't gonna have any of it.

I gripped her neck tightly

"Repeat what you said," I growled, my eyes blazing with fury.

Her eyes gleamed back at me, she radiated an aura, one that I couldn't understand, she smelled poisonous

Her long black hair stood up in parts like snakes.

The air was heavy with tension and the halls began to get crowded with students.

The girl lunged towards me, her fingers extended into razor-sharp claws.

I dodged just in time, my hands released the grip I had on her neck

Arrrhhhhhhhhhh....I shouted in pain as she dug her razor sharp claws across my back, leaving a trail of blood on my dress, I widened my eye's in shock

I retaliated with a wave of my hand, that unleashed a blast of energy so strong that it sent her flying across the halls

She hit her back so hard against the hall walls that the walls broke and she fell down from the high building and into the school's courtyard.

I looked out the big hole that was created from my blast and saw her landing safely on the ground.

I jumped down and Landed in front of her, the other students rushed down and crowded around us again.

"You think you can take me down, Arlie? I'll show you what real power looks like."

She sent her hair flying towards me and whipped me continuously with it.

Each whip was excruciatingly painful, as if her hair had acid in it, anywhere her hair landed would burn and make a sizzling sound, despite all these I refused to back down.

I was struggling to even stand upright.

I tried to use my powers but I couldn't even summon them, I've never felt so weak in my entire life.

As the fight raged on, my strength began to waver. The poison from her whips coursed through my veins, weakening my powers and slowing my movements. I stumbled continuously, and my vision began to blur.

She seized the opportunity to strike the final blow.

Just as her claws were about to pierce my heart,

I felt someone dragging me out of the way swiftly.

It was Soren

What're you doing Lyra, are you trying to kill her" he asked with a thunderous voice

Kill her?

"Death isn't enough torture for this bitch, not after what she did to Marcus"

"Get out of my way Soren, this isn't between you and I " Lyra said

As long as I'm here, you're not touching her, Soren said

"Have it your way then" she said and was about to unleash her powers on him

Just at the nick of time Thane appeared out of nowhere, his eyes blazed with authority. "Enough!" he thundered, his voice echoed across the courtyard.

Lyra snarled and rolled her eyes

Lyra, go wait in my office now!!!! He said to her angrily

"She started it master thane, she gripped my neck, I was only defending myself " Lyra said


My Office!

Now!... Thane said angrily

She stomped her feet angrily on the floor and left while muttering some inaudible words.

I lay on the ground, barely breathing, the poison had filled my whole body and I could literally feel myself dying, my whole skin turned very pale and all my veins were visible and dark blue

Soren looked into my eyes worriedly, I could feel my eyes closing.

Soren, come with me, Thane said and knelt beside me, his eyes was filled with concern. "Arlie, hold on. I've got you."

His words faded into the distance, and my world went dark.