Stronger and Better

I woke up to a room with Soren, Lyra and thane staring at me.

I looked around and I think we were in Thanes office, I was lying down on the couch there in the office.

I saw soren pacing up and down the room worriedly and my eyes caught sight of thane.

He looked at me too, "you're awake" he said

I groaned in pain as I sat up, my face felt swollen and my back hurt like hell.

Lyra was sitting just opposite me and glaring at me while Soren looked happy that I was conscious now.

Now that Arlie is awake, let's all have a talk.

Lyra, your behaviour today was unacceptable, thane began

I think you've been in this school long enough to know that unauthorized fights between students are not acceptable, am I right?

Yes master thane, Lyra answered

And yet you involved in it and almost killed a student,

You will be punished for your actions, thane said with a grave expression on his face

Why do I get punished?

She didn't get punished when she almost killed my brother, he may never walk again because of her!

She deserves to feel the pain too, Lyra said through gritted teeth

I felt my heart beat as she talked, not from fear but because I understood where her pain was coming from, I never meant to hurt Marcus, i Just wanted to fight and win normally like the other students.

"Well Lyra, I understand your pain" thane said again

Your brother was hurt and you were trying to get back at Arlie for it, but you must understand that she didn't hurt him intentionally, the situation could've gone the opposite way and Arlie could've been hurt too.

Yeah right, Lyra scoffed

But you on the other hand, involved yourself in a fight and used poison on a student.

You're suspended from all extracurricular activities for 3weeks, and you have library cleaning duty for 3 days every week, till your 3weeks suspension is over,

Am I understood?

"Yes" she said angrily

You may leave now, thane said to her not minding the show she was putting up

As soon as she left, thane snapped at my weak self

Soren, please excuse me and Arlie

Yes sir, Soren said and came to me, rubbed my shoulder as if trying to tell me it'll be Okay and exited the office.

How could you be so irresponsible Arlie

You know the task that lies before you and yet you involved yourself in such petty fights, I'm disappointed in you

I felt bad, I wanted to defend myself and say Lyra started it by insulting my parents, but of what use was it,

At the end of the day thane was right, I gripped her neck first, I shouldn't have stooped down to her level.

I'm sorry thane, I said truly sorry

Sorry won't always get you out of every mess Arlie, if you want to have a place in this world, you don't have to respond to every bickering about you.

No matter how painful it might be learn to ignore side talks from people, as they don't reduce anything from you.

I nodded, feeling a bit ashamed "I know, thane It won't happen again."

See that it doesn't, thane said

I'll send someone to your dorm room to look at those wounds, we've already taken care of the poison.

Thank you, I said

Thane's eyes narrowed as if he just remembered something. "There was an interruption to the force field last night. Someone breached our forcefield and went out late in the night. Do you have any idea what might have caused it?"

I denied it quickly. "No, I have no idea."

Thane sighed with a skeptical expression on his face, "Okay, Arlie. If you remember anything or see anything, please don't hesitate to come forward."

I nodded, trying to change the subject, how's Marcus doing? I've been feeling terrible about what happened on my first day here."

"Marcus is recovering well, Arlie. But I'm afraid he had to have some of his limbs amputated due to the severity of his injuries."

My eyes widened in horror. "I had no idea...I feel so terrible!"

"It's not your fault, Thane said

You acted in self-defense. Just be more mindful in the future, you have to learn to control that temper of yours or you'll end up hurting those you love okay?"

"Yes Thane" i replied and stood up to leave, limping towards the door

Where're you going, thane asked surprised

To my dorm room, I said

You damaged one of the hall walls during the fight, and engaging in fights with students is against the school rules, do you really think I'd let you go without a punishment? Thane asked

That wouldn't be fair to Lyra, I punished her too even though you instigated the fight

As soon as your wounds heal, you have library cleaning duty everyday for 1 month

I nodded simply

You may go now, he dismissed me

I left the office and saw soren waiting outside the office.

He came towards me with his hands tucked in his pockets

"Why did you help me?" I asked him immediately

He smiled a bit, "Because, Arlie, no matter how angry I am with you, we're still friends."

We began to walk to my dorm room, "Thanks for saving me back there."

"Anytime, Arlie. Just try to stay out of trouble, okay?" He said smiling at me again

I smiled back, Okay Soren

Does this mean we're cool now? I asked

Yes, we're cool... Soren replied with a smile

He escorted me to my dorm room and left, I sat down on my bed and waited for the person who was supposed to come and tend to my wounds,

My back stung uncontrollably and sat down thinking of everything that happened today, it seemed like I'd been a different person ever since I stepped foot in eleftheria.
