The Grim Reaper

Scene 1 Arlie's room, late afternoon


I sat on my bed patiently waiting for Elara to return with thane so I could get an explanation as to what was happening to me.

Moments later, Elara returned alone with a big smile on her face.

"What's going on, where's thane?" I asked feeling very anxious

Thane couldn't come dear, he's really busy with work, she replied.

"Ohhhhhhh, so how about me... Did you at least speak to him about it what just happened" I asked

Yes dear, sorry for running off like that

I shouldn't have made you worry so much

Truthfully the way you healed is nothing to worry about, your body was Just reacting to the atmosphere of the school and Lyra's powers.

I guess that makes sense, I replied

But still, are you sure everything's okay?

Of course dear, I'm the healer I'll tell you if anything was wrong, she said with a smile

I'll drop some medicines by your bed side drawer incase you feel some kind of discomfort, you should feel as good as new in the morning, but for now you need to rest.

Okay, I replied plainly

I wasn't convinced by what she told me, but it's a magical school afterall, anything can happen here.

She brought out a small green bottle from her bag and turned some of its content in a small spoon she had, the liquid was black and it smoked immediately it touched the spoon.

Drink this, she said pushing the spoon towards my mouth

I reluctantly opened my mouth and took the liquid, it had a salty and bitter taste, all in one

She then walked to the drawer beside my bed and dropped the green bottle.

Go to sleep dear and make sure to take your drugs tomorrow morning alright?

Alright I said and she left the room

Immediately she left my eyes began to feel soooo heavy, I'd never felt that sleepy in my entire life, I think the drugs was having some kind of effect on me.

I lay my head on my pillow and drifted off to a very deep sleep.

Scene 2 Arlie's Room, Deep in the Night

Narrators POV

Arlie slept peacefully in her room, the cool night breeze blew gently through her open window and she turned in her bed occasionally seeking a more comfortable position, but suddenly, a terrible smell wafted into her nostrils that jolted her awake aggressively. It was the worst smell she had ever perceived in her life, like smelt like rotting flesh and decay.

She sat up hurriedly, her heart racing, and that's when she saw it. The most monstrous looking creature she had ever seen in her life was staring at her, its eyes glowing with a kind of devilish green light. Arlie screamed loudly and gasped for breath continuously.

The creature was tall, skeleton like with pieces of rotten flesh hanging from its bones, and very ugly, it had a sick looking skin that was pale and rotting,

It had sunken eyes and a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth that drooled with smelly sticky spit, It was the Grim Reaper, the spirit of death.

Arlie's screamed again while using her hand to search for her dagger besides her bed, she tried to summon her powers but at that moment she was like a Human hunter with no powers.

the creature didn't move, It just kept staring at her continuously not even blinking,

She finally found her dagger and just as she was about to use her dagger to pierce it's rotting skin, the creature vanished. The smell disappeared, and the room was silent and back to its usual state.

Arlie was left in a state of trauma, gasping heavily for breath,

She lay back down, her heart still beating heavily, she tried to calm herself down but it wasn't working.

The strangest things had been happening since she stepped foot in this school, she couldn't even understand it,

She sat up on her bed and folded her legs to her chest, She couldn't believe what she just saw, the legendary "Grim Reaper"

How come no one heard my screams, it was all confusing,

Should I tell thane? she asked herself, but even if she talked who would believe her? The Grim Reaper was just a myth, a legend. But she knew what she saw, and she knew it was real.

She sat there for a long time, her mind racing with thoughts and fears, creating fake scenarios and she was getting more frightened. She knew she had to be careful, because the Grim Reaper was known to come occasionally to take lives. And Arlie didn't want to be its next victim.

She had a bigger mission Infront of her

Tomorrow's going to be a better day and she had to focus