Another day of class

Arlies POV

I tiredly opened my eyes, rubbing off the remnants of sleep crust's from my now bulgy eyes. The memories of my encounter with the Grim Reaper was still fresh in my mind.

I felt drained and exhausted. I then reluctantly swung my legs over the side of the bed while my feet dangled in mid-air

Ughhhhh class today, I don't think i can go, I said tiredly

After a few minutes of deliberation I finally decided to prepare for class, afterall I needed to learn how to control my powers.

I sighed heavily and entered the bathroom to take a quick shower, when I was done I tossed a blue dress over my body and paired it With a black slipper,

I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked terrible.

My eye's had dark circles underneath them and they were swollen, while my hair was a complete mess.

I sighed again not even bothering to brush my tangled hair or fix my eyes,

I went out of my room with my half closed eyes and headed straight to the class I had for today.

As I walked down the corridor, i passed by Lyra,

who glared firecly at me. But i ignored her,

I was too tired to care about her tantrums, i continued walking to class and I finally reached, I opened the door and walked in, the class was completely empty, even the professor wasn't here.

Then I immediately remembered that I didn't have breakfast and all the students were probably eating now.

Well I'm already here, I might as well get comfortable

I found an empty seat near the back of the huge classroom and slumped into it.

Just as I was about to drift off to sleep, the door creaked open and students began to troop in.

I looked up and my eyes immediately met with Lyra's,

She smirked wickedly at me as if trying to tell me she was gonna give me hell, I couldn't believe we were in the same class.

"great! Just what I needed to make my day complete." I muttered under my breath.

All the students took their seats, and started talking noisily which was really annoying, I didn't have anyone to talk to so I just listened in on their conversations.

After a few minutes the professor for the day came in

Good day great students of eleftheria, "I'm Miracle, your professor for the day,

Today, we're going to explore the fascinating world of Shadow Magic, Specifically, we'll be exploring the art of shadow illusions!" she announced while writing on the blackboard.

She was a light skinned witch with scales on her skin, she was beautiful and looked like she Just hit 30.

"Shadow magic is a mysterious art that manipulates light and darkness to create powerful illusions. It's a gentle yet strong form of magic that taps into your inner energy,

"If by the end of this class you are able to master shadow magic then you have the ability to shape reality itself." She said, her voice echoed through the entire class

My eye's widened in suprise,the tiredness I was feeling disappeared instantly, I guess it's a good thing i came to class today afterall.

Let us begin with the creation of Shadow illusions, illusions so real that they can hardly be distinguished from reality, she said and murmurs from students filled the class.

Professor Miracle moved to a nearby table, where a collection of crystals and candles were placed. "We'll be using these crystal and candles to focus our energy and create our shadow illusions. The crystals amplify our magic, while the candles provide a path for our energy to flow freely."

She started demonstrating the technique to the class,

She held the crystal on one hand and the candle on the other.

"First, focus your energy on the crystal, channel your magic into it. Then, visualize the illusion you desire, and guide the energy into the candle's flame."

As she spoke, the crystal began to take shape before her. The class watched in awe as the crystal turned into a black bird and circled the class two times before vanishing.

Woaaaaaaaaaaa, the class said in unison

"Now, it's your turn!" She announced with a big smile on her face, she began distributing the crystals and candles. "Pair up and work together to create your shadow illusions. Remember, focus, control, and creativity are key!"

Everyone began to pair up till everyone got a partner,

No one wanted to pair with me so I worked alone, I tried to recall everything professor Miracle said.

Some of the students had already started to create their shadow illusions, some created horses, some made houses and castles, while others made birds like the professor,

Good job everyone, the professor said to everyone who had done it so far,

As the students worked, professor Miracle circulated round the classroom, offering advice and encouragement. Lyra and her partner were struggling to create a cohesive illusion. Professor Miracle offered them guidance, helping them refine their techniques.

Suddenly! an illusion of rain with a small cloud and lightning was created, it was so real that Lyra's table actually looked wet from the rain,

Impressive Lyra good job, the professor said Clapping while Lyra beamed with smiles.

I sat on my table and tried to focus my energy on the crystal, i guided my energy into the candle's flame, and slowly, my crystal took a series of different strange shapes, it did that continuously like it was malfunctioning, the whole class's attention was on me at this point and I began to feel a bit ashamed because they had started to laugh but their taunts didn't stop my concentration.

Suddenly my crystal took shape, I was able to make an illusion of thane!!!

Wow, Arlie this is incredible, an illusion of thane, you did this with no partner nor assistance, that's amazing, the professor said

Thank you professor, I replied happily and Lyra shot me an angry glare

Professor Miracle beamed with pride. "Excellent work, everyone! You've shown remarkable talent and dedication to the craft. Remember, practice makes perfect, and I expect to see even more impressive illusions in the future!"

The class finally ended and I let out a loud sigh of relief. I never imagined magic could be so intricate, so beautiful.

I really look forward to practicing more with shadow magic.