The orb

I was walking down the hallway still feeling the excitement from the previous lesson that I didn't notice the figure behind me until I felt a hand grab my shoulder, spinning me around, I got scared and squealed in fear.

I looked up and saw that it was Soren, my fear turned to relief and then to anger. "Soren, you idiot! Don't scare me like that!" I exclaimed with my voice still shaking slightly.

He chuckled, with amusement in his eyes "Sorry, sorry. I couldn't resist." He released my shoulder, and looked at my face deeply . "Hey, what's wrong? You look terrible."

My expression darkened, and i shot him a deadly glare. "Thanks a lot, Soren. You always know just what to say to make me feel better." I said sarcastically

He held up his hands in defense. "Hey, I'm just stating the obvious. You look like you've been through a war. Is it because of that fight with Lyra yesterday?"

I sighed, rubbing my tired eyes. "Yeah, that, and I didn't get much sleep last night. And to top it off, I have library cleaning duty today with Lyra of all people."

"Yeah, that sounds like a blast. But hey, at least you'll have me to keep you company. I'm on duty too." He replied with a grin

How're you on duty? I asked

Did you get into a fight too?

"Nope, but Thane asked me to keep an eye on you two, see that you don't tear each other up" he retorted

I groaned, feeling a headache coming on. "Great, just what I need. More time with Lyra and her constant insults."

Soren tapped me on the back. "Hey, don't worry, I'll make sure she doesn't get under your skin too much. And who knows, maybe you two will even have a truce by the end of it."

I raised an eyebrow, "Yeah, right. And maybe pigs will fly too."

"Haha" he chuckled

We walked towards the library, and I felt dreadful, I'm so not looking forward to this.

As we approached the library, i could feel my anxiety growing.

Soren noticed my mood and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, it'll be okay. I'll be right there with you," he said,

I smiled weakly, "Thanks, Soren.

As we entered the library, I saw that Lyra was already there, she fixed her Sharp eyes on me.

Irritation was written all over her face.

"Alright, let's get started," Lyra said with a disdainful voice "We have a lot of work to do."

I and Soren exchanged a brief glance before getting to work, I'm so grateful Soren is here, his presence is helping to ease the tension

The library was empty so Lyra began cleaning the book shelves, Soren took the table's and chairs, while I swept the floors.

As we worked, I stole glances at Soren, who was whistling as he dusted the tables,

Why did Soren have to be so kind and understanding? Why did he have to be the one person who didn't judge me or try to change me?

I'm so grateful for how cool he's been towards me since I arrived here.

My thoughts were interrupted by Lyra's comment. "I can't believe I'm stuck with you two. You're both so useless."

"Hey, Lyra, come on. Let's just focus on getting this done, okay?" Soren said calmly.

Lyra huffed, but didn't say anything further.

The three of us continued to work in silence, the tension in the air was choking.

"Arlie, you're so clumsy," Lyra said, "I'm surprised you haven't broken anything yet."

"Can you Just leave me alone Lyra?, I'm not picking a fight with you!" I replied in frustration.

Lyra reached for a dangerous looking orb that was on one of the shelves she was dusting. "I wonder what'll happen if this falls," she said looking at both of us.

Soren's eyes widened in alarm. "Lyra, what are you doing?" he asked in a firm Voice.

My heart raced because I didn't know what the orb was capable of. "Lyra, please don't, we're trying to get out of a punishment, let's not create more issues.

Lyra rolled her eyes at us and put the orb back in the shelve. "Chill!

Both of you!

I didn't say I was gonna destroy anything, I was just curious."

I relaxed a bit and went back to my work, so did Soren.

All of a sudden we heard a crashing sound behind us and turned to see that Lyra had dropped the orb and walked behind one of the shelves, and it had shattered on the floor.

The room went silent, as if time had frozen. My heart was racing, thinking about the implications of what had just happened.

Fuck! Lyra, Soren cursed

a loud sound echoed through the entire library, followed by a bright flash of light, the room got very hot instantly.

I looked over at Soren and saw that he was looking in the direction of the broken orb, I turned to see the broken piece's of the orb, hovering in the air.

"Oh no," i said worriedly.

She broke the "Elder's Orb," Soren said

It's one of the most powerful orbs ever and it's also incredibly dangerous, if we do nothing it could have catastrophic consequences on not Just us but the entire school.

Why is something so dangerous left in such an open space, I said angrily

You know what, let's just stop this orb, we'll deal with that Lyra bitch later, I added.

The whole mission was basically up to me because I had magic and Soren didn't, he was a mutant who could change into anything he wanted,and he was also a good fighter, not sure that'd be very helpful right now

I unleashed my powers on the pieces of the orb that was hovering in the air, I was trying to contain the orb's power to stop it from doing anything.

But after a few minutes I realized my efforts were having an unexpected effect.

The Orb was growing stronger by feeding off my magic and becoming more unstable by the second.

I was running out of time and I knew I had to think outside box if I wanted to prevent a disaster.