The orb 2

The library was getting very breezy and all the books began to fall from the shelves.

"Do you know how we can stop it" I shouted over at Soren, I was not certain he could hear me due to the strong breeze in the room.

"we need to find a way to drain the Orb's energy!" He shouted back. "If we can connect it to a stable magical source, we might be able to calm it down!"

I nodded, and scanned the library with my eyes. "But what can we use? We don't have any magical anchors or grounding crystals!"

My eyes landed on a nearby bookshelf, and an idea popped into my head instantly. "The tomes! They're bound in magical leather, and they might be able to absorb some of the Orb's energy!"

Tomes were some of the most mysterious and powerful books, they contain spells, incantations and rituals.

Without hesitation, i and Soren rushed to the bookshelf and began pulling down the heavy books.

I tried to slow the heavy breeze with my magic a bit then I and Soren stacked the tomes around the Orb,

The plan was that the combined magical energy of the books would be enough to stabilize the orb

The orb continued to emit powerful forcefields that made the breeze stronger, at this point I and soren hid behind one of the table's due to the heavy breeze.

All of a sudden, one of the books flew towards me with high speed, Soren saw it and pushed me out of the way, the book hit his head so hard he started to bleed.

"Soren! Why'd you do that, are you okay? " I said genuinely worried

What do you mean Why'd I do that?

"you wouldn't have been able to take that hit, you'd probably be unconscious by now," he said jokingly

I cant believe you can joke at a time like this, I retorted

slowly and gradually, the books began to absorb some of the excess energy, and the Orb's glow began to fade.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the Orb's energy was fully contained. I and Soren collapsed against the bookshelves, we were exhausted but relieved that it was now all over.

The library was a total mess now, it looked like a bunch of wild animals threw a party in it.

I walked angrily around the library searching for Lyra, I can't believe she almost got us killed because of her pettiness

My anger burned hotter with every step I took,

Finally, I spotted Lyra, sitting down comfortably and checking out her nails as if nothing had happened.

"You!" I said and grabbed her shirt's collar. "You almost got us killed with your childish games and reckless behavior... how could you be so selfish?"

Lyra rolled her eyes and pushed my hands off her, "How dare you touch me!

"Oh please, shut up" I retorted

Do you want me to finish what I started the last time and finally kill you?, She asked with a smirk

I'd really love to watch you try, I said with all confidence.

After our last fight my body studied her powers and she didn't know I became immune to them, they can no longer have effect on me, but I can use them against her to harm her seriously, she dares not attack first, else she'll be dead in 2seconds.

The air was filled with so much tension, I and Lyra glared at each other and I was just waiting patiently for her to strike so I can end this.

All of a sudden, Soren appeared from no where and came in between both of us while raising his hands in a calming gesture.

"Arlie, Lyra, please... let's not let our emotions get the better of us."

But I had already gone beyond the level of reasoning, I just needed to spite her enough so she can attack me First, then I can put an end to all of this, it won't be my fault since she attacked first.

"You're a menace, Lyra! A dangerous, selfish... "

Lyra's eyes blazed with anger, and she stepped forward readying herself to attack me, "And you're a sanctimonious, self-righteous... "

Soren's voice cut through the rising argument. "Enough! Both of you, stop!"

"Fuck, I cursed inwardly" Soren was spoiling my plans

The library suddenly went silent and only thing that could be heard was the heavy breathing of Lyra and I.

Lyra smirked widely at me, then she turned and cat walked out of the library, throwing her long black hair in the air.

She slammed the door behind her so hard that I flinched a bit.

Soren let out a deep sigh, "Well, that didn't go well."

"You should have let me teach her a lesson" I said angrily.

"And then what"

you get yourself in more trouble?

Loose Thane's trust in you?

Or better yet die because that was what she was gonna do to you if I didn't step in, Soren replied

What do you mean, I asked confused

She was going to kill you!, you didn't notice it did you?

Of course you didn't notice it, you were so overwhelmed by anger that you didn't see the poisonous flower she had in her shirt pocket ready to kill you,

if I'd stepped in one minute later you'd have been dead now,

Be careful with people like Lyra, they never make empty threat's, she's out to get you

So what?

"I'm Just supposed to stay quiet and let her do as she pleases with me" I shouted slightly

No one's asking you to do that!

"All I'm asking is that you use your head, a true warrior knows when to back down" he said calmly

I hear you, I replied after a while

"And as for Lyra, don't you for one second think we're gonna let her get away with this, we'll get her where it hurts, at the RIGHT time" he said emphasizing on the "right "

It's cool, ummm your head's bleeding again, I said worriedly

It's nothing, I'll take care of it, let's just put this place in order before anyone notices, Soren said

I scoffed,

"With that loud noise? I'm sure Thane's already on his way here"

It's a sound proof library if Lyra doesn't blab, were "good, now let's clean this mess up"

Ughhhhhhh, I groaned and joined Soren in the cleaning.

Today started badly, I felt good during the shadow class lesson though, but this bitch Lyra ruined everything.

But like Soren said,I have to use my head.

I'll get her when the time is right.