Another War?

Dimitri's POV

Scene 1: late afternoon, venatore's camp

It was a typical day in the the Hunter's camp and Dimitri was lying down on his bed deep in sleep,

A loud knock on the door jolted him up from his slumber and he woke up to see his little sister Sophie towering over him with a big smile,

"Marek's at the door" she whispered with her tiny voice

"Tell him I'm not in," Dimitri replied with half closed eyes

Oh, she said gloomily

But I already told him you're here sleeping.

Ughhhhhhh sophiieee!!!

Just tell him I'll be there in a minute, he said after a short pause.

Immediately Sophie left the room, dimitri threw a white shirt over his well chiseled body and walked out to meet Marek standing and waiting in the corridor.

"Loren summons you and the others in the erevna crew" Marek said immediately he sighted me

"Right now?" I replied worriedly

Yhup, right now!

"My guess is you better not keep him waiting, he's not in a very good mood" Marek replied and started walking away

Thanks Marek, I said trying to sound nonchalant despite the growing unease in my chest.

I wonder why he summoned me, maybe he finally found out I pushed some information under the rug the last time he sent me out.

I regret joining the erevna crew, ever since I did it's been from one trouble to the other, and Loren seemed to have special interest in me,

If it wasn't compulsory for all the boys more than 18 to join I wouldn't have joined.

We were like an investigation crew, Loren would share us into groups and allocate some parts of the town's to us so we could go in and capture young mutants whose magic's were still fresh.

I loved my job before, we were trained to see the mutants as nothing other than wild animals, but ever since that encounter with the mutant girl, I couldn't help but see them in a different light.

Some of my people even believed that the mutants couldn't speak properly, but I think they're not the monsters, we're the monsters, afterall it's we who have been hunting out their people for age's.

I hurriedly put on my clothes and prepared to go.

"Dimitri, when will you be back?" Sophie said jolting me out of my thoughts.

I forced a smile. I'll be back before dawn, promise."

Sophie nodded innocently, still looking scared, she always acted that way whenever Loren summoned me.

I ran my hand playfully around her hair, trying to chase away her fears. "I'll be okay, kiddo. Don't worry."

I took a final glance at her big beautiful eyes and walked out, she was the most important thing to me in the world, she's the only family I have left after the last war, I just hope there's no more wars in the future.

Few minutes later

I was standing Infront of the hall where the meeting was being held.

Should I knock? Should I not knock ?

I kept contemplating.

Two things awaited me once I entered that hall.

It was either Loren had discovered I hid something the first time he sent me out or he wanted to send me on another mission.

I really hoped it was the latter because that's the best option I had at this point.

After a few moments of contemplation, i took a deep breath and pushed the door open. The room went silent as I entered, the eyes of the entire Erevna crew was on me.

"Dimitri, late as usual," Loren said, with all the sarcasm he could muster up. "And entering without knocking. Apologize."

"Sorry, Loren. My apologies." I said trying to sound sarcastic too

I took a seat at the far end of the hall, trying to avoid eye contact with the others, when I sat down I saw Marcus standing in front of the hall next to Loren.

"We've received a report from one of our slaughs," he began, looking deeply at us. "A dark force has been spotted in Westchester county, one that threatens our very existence."

Everyone began to murmur immediately he said that while I Just sat down wondering what he meant by the dark force.

"What kind of force?" someone asked as if they read my thoughts

"We're not entirely sure, Marcus answered this time

The slaughs picked it up and we suspect someone has been playing around with ancient orb magic and you all know what that means.

Mutants!, The guy who was sitted beside me shouted out.

The air in the room seemed very tensed because we were all aware we were going to be sent in the direction of the force to trace the mutants, this could mean another war because the mutants might retaliate, they wouldn't just willfully become our prisoner's.

"What's our next plan of action?" I asked

Loren locked his eyes into mine. "We'll gather a team to investigate and neutralize the threat. We can't let it reach our city."

I nodded,

This was what we Hunters were trained for to protect our city and our people, but what they don't know is the mutants aren't the bad guys, we should be protecting it from ourselves.