Another war? 2

Loren's eyes scanned the entire room, looking at each and every one of us. "Listen up, everyone. We need to prepare. The investigation starts tomorrow."

Everyone in the crew began to murmur and groan in discontent.

"Short notice, Loren," someone sitted at the front row complained.

"I don't care. You're all going, regardless." Loren said

The murmurs from the crew became more insistent, and loren shot a deadly stare that silenced everyone.

I Just sat quietly and watched, Sophie's gonna be so devastated.

I only just got back from one mission and now I was going on another one.

"Dismissed," Loren said to all of us.

Everyone began to file out of the room, the look of annoyance was so obvious on all our faces.

Dimitri! Loren called out as I reached the door

Yeah? I answered

"Don't be late tomorrow" he said firmly

I won't, I said and exited the hall

On my way home I decided to buy some of Sophie's favourite food so she won't be too angry when I break the news to her.

I walked through the streets and stopped by a small shop, the sign above the door read "Maria's Market".

I pushed the door open, and a bell rang out signifying someone had entered the store.

Maria, the store owner and my family's friend, looked up from behind the counter, a big smile formed on her face immediately she saw me. "Dimitri, oh my Godddd, I didn't know you were back!"

I smiled back at her and she rushed towards me and pulled me into a strong embrace almost choking me, after a long hug she finally let go of me.

"So what can I help you with", she said with the most cheerful smile ever.

"Ummmm, I'm Just picking up some strawberry pudding for Sophie, I'm good thanks!" I replied and walked to some of the shelves looking for some strawberry pudding.

*sweet little Sophie, How is she?" Maria asked

"She's good, Maria but I'm a bit worried because I might be traveling tomorrow." I replied

She looked at me worriedly, you're travelling again? Please tell me Loren isn't sending you out again, you're always going in the direction of trouble! What if something happens to you?"

"Maria, please. Sophie is my main concern. If she's safe, then I'm fine. And I know she'll be in good hands if she stays with you, you're the only one I can trust her with her" I replied

Maria looked at me worriedly "I don't like it, Dimitri. You were lucky to come out unscathed the first time, the 2nd time might be different "

"Maria, I need to do this. And I promise, Sophie will be good. Please, please help me out here." I said pleadingly

Maria's face softened "Fine! i'll watch Sophie. But you be careful, you hear me?"

I smiled feeling relieved. "I will, Maria. Thanks."

I guess I'll take these 4 cup's of pudding, how much do these 4 cost, I asked bringing out my wallet to pay

Maria waved me off. "No, no, Dimitri. You don't have to pay, it's on the house."

"I insist Maria. I'm not a charity case."

"I was just trying to do something nice for my two favourite people. Please be careful tomorrow. And come back as soon as you can." She said

"Thanks Maria, for everything, I'm so grateful". I said and dropped the money on the counter then walked out.

I walked out of the shop holding the strawberry pudding tightly in the leather bag I had,

I'm so grateful for Maria, ever since our mum died she took it upon herself to fill that space and never for once has she complained.

Sometimes she'd show up unexpectedly at the house with food for I and Sophie and Sophie loves her so much, Maria and my mum used to be best friends before my mum passed, I guess looking out for us is a way for her to keep the love she and my mum had burning.

I finally reached home after walking for about 30 minutes, I could see the house from where I stood, I saw Sophie sitting outside, her bouncing curls looked beautiful as the wind blew through them.

As soon as she sighted me, she stood up and raced towards me, I noticed she wasn't wearing any foot wears, her little legs moved so fast that they seemed to blur, I laughed and opened my arms wide to catch her but she ran so fast that when she collided with me we both fell down on the dirt.

I burst out laughing so hard and so did Sophie, we were both still on the floor and she clung to me tightly.

I missed you, she said happily

Oh yeah?

I missed you too, and guess what?

What, tell me, tell me, tell me, she said anxiously

"Surprise!" I shouted and held up the pudding I bought.

She widened her eyes and her face lit up with excitement. "Is it really?"

I grinned and nodded. "Yup!"

She squealed excitedly and wrapped her arms tightly around my neck....i scooped her up and carried her inside the house , I laughed nonstop as she couldn't stop chattering about how excited she was about the pudding, today's one of those good days, i hope it continues like this.

As soon as we were through the door, Sophie wriggled free from my arm's, "Can we eat now? Pleeease?" She said

"I can't believe you're this obsessed with strawberry pudding, "Dig in, eat as much as you want, I said happily

We sat on the floor, munching away and eating with our bare hands, Sophie's laughter and chatters filled the room and for a moment, I forgot about the dangers ahead, every moment I spend with this treasure means the world to me.

After our meal, Sophie said something that made my heart break "I'm so so so happy you're back brother, I hope you never go on another mission ever again"

I coughed trying to change the topic "Time for a bath, Sophie.

She pouted, "Do I have to?"

Of course!

"Remember how we rolled around in the dirt outside? You don't want to stay dirty, do you?"

She giggled, "Okay, okay... I'll go take my bath"

While she went away to have her bath I began to prepare myself for the difficult conversation I was about to have with her,


So this is what if felt like being a parent,

All of a sudden Sophie came out looking fresh and clean, her hair was all wet and she handed me a towel to help her dry it.

As I dried her hair I decided to bring up the difficult conversation "Sophie, I need to tell you something."

"What is it?" She answered

"I'm leaving tomorrow, Sophie. I have to go on a mission."

She turned and faced me, tears had already filled her eyes. "No, no, no! You can't leave again!"

I drew her close and hugged her, "I'll be back really soon, I promise. Mrs. Maria will take care of you until then."

"You said that last time, and you were gone for months!" She said admist tears.

I held her closer trying to fight the tears that were stinging against my eyes "I know, baby. But this time it's different. I'll be back before you know it."

She continued to cry till she slept off crying, I picked her up and lay her on the bed and watched as she slept peacefully, the tears had dried up on her Face.

I'll come back as soon as I can, I promise... I said and kissed her forehead.

I started packing her things for Maria's house and packing mine for the journey tomorrow, I felt guilty for leaving her, I should be here protecting her and being with her but instead I was leaving her, If I go against Loren's orders he might have my head on a glass plate, I guess I have no say in this.

When I finished packing I lay on the bed beside Sophie and held her close, looking deeply at her innocent little face till I finally joined her in her world of sleep