Chapter Ten

I dry my tears with my sleeve, my face covered with them, my back perched up against the tree. I can't believe Nico would embarrass me like that. I thought he had more respect for me. 

"Why the tears?"

I hear Gala's voice, and it makes me jump.

I am sure the shocked expression never left my face as her knelt before me. I feel his smooth hand wipe away the tears on my face. 

"It's just Nico, he destroyed the book you gave me." I feel ashamed to tell him I couldn't even keep the book safe for an hour.

His laughter makes me confused, as I analyze his face. He holds out the book to me. "You can't destroy a magical book, it always ends up back on the bookshelf.

He hands me the book. "You don't have to be treated like that." He tells me. 

"Nico is just protective." I feel my cheeks turning cold.

"And what's wrong with magic?" I can't help but hear how offended he was in his voice. 

"She is a werewolf, an alpha. They shouldn't study magic." I hear Nico huff and I hope there wasn't a fight. By the way, his fist was clenched to his side, I know that probably wasn't the case. 

"She only alpha when she's doing what you want?" Gala's voice is higher pitched than normal. I never saw him mad, but I would take it this is an indication he was. 

Gala stands up from kneeling in front of me. "So are you declaring a fight against creatures with magic?"

"No, he's not Gala." I stand up as well. 

"Stay away from Rori," Nico barks. As he gets closer to Gala's face, I watch in unease. 

"Why are you so insecure if she has other beliefs or practices magic? Is your wolf bond that fragile?"

"No, because she doesn't need to associate herself with freaks." I feel the color drain from my face. My mind boggles at the thought of him saying that both personally and professionally. We do not need to have enemies with aliens; there are way too many of them. As wolves, we should pick our fights and battles with great caution. 

"Nico enough!" My voice was demanding his attention. 

"I think you're scared, because you know she's different," Gala says.

Nico laughs. I feel myself getting annoyed. "She's just going through a phrase."

"It's not a phase, this is who I am Nico." The words fall out of my mouth without hiding the pain. 

As a hand touches my face, I feel inspired and my heart skips a beat. "When you decide you want to have a place where you're accepted, you know where to find me."

 My eyes watch as Gala leaves.