Chapter Nine

My feet slowly walked their way to camp. I feel like I have been unfaithful to Nico though nothing happened and I did nothing wrong. I felt different about Gala in a way, I am having trouble accepting it. 

"Where have you been Alpha, or have you forgotten that's what you are Rori?" 

"Well, maybe you should just take over Nico!" I feel my temper heading towards my face. 

He blows the air from his face. I know he hates that I have something over him, something unnatural where he has to answer me. 

"What's this stupid thing?" He snatched the book out of my arm so fast that my hands rattled. 

"It was given to me by Gala." I held out my hand. "Please give it back."

"She already chose them." He looks around at the others, clearly publicly trying to punish me.

"No, I didn't choose Nico because there's no reason to choose."

"You know how I feel about the magic Rori."

"It's none of your business." The words hissed off my tongue. 

I see his turn red, and he bites his lips in frustration. 

"Book now!"My voice was deep, demonstrating my power over him. He just blankly stares at me, then I see him walking in the opposite direction.

"Nico, no please!" I watch as he moves towards the fire pit.

Then to my disbelief, I watch as Nico drops the book into the fire, and I can't help the tears that fall out of my eyes.

He moved close to me, so we were nose to nose. "If you don't start behaving like an Alpha, I will take this pack from you."

His words rang in my ear. My father would be so disappointed, and by the look of the other's faces, I knew he had their support, and I no longer did.

I nod. I realize that he has power over me, despite being the title holder. 

"That's a girl." I feel his lips on my forehead.