Chapter Eight

The next day passed slowly, and sleep didn't come easily. Too many thoughts danced in my brain. My feet drag their way towards the spaceship. The big stone aircraft hung in the sky like the moon. The blue light that shone on the ship was beautiful. 

 "Gala and Theo," I call. 

I stand there looking like a huge moron. 

Finally, the spaceship opens, and I hear footsteps walking towards me. My eyes see Gala and even with his unnatural green skin, he was still very attractive. 

"Rori." he smiles. 

I Couldn't help but return the gesture. "We need to speak."


"The food chain."

I see a funny grin take over his face. 

"The food chain?" His grin gets bigger, reaching from ear to ear. 

"We have to control how many animals, but most importantly creatures, are being consumed."

He laughs for a moment and crosses his arms. "And you think aliens?"

I look down at my feet, feeling a little bit dumb. "Well, I'm not so sure what aliens eat."

He nods. "We have magic that we use to make food."

"Oh… soo… you don'" I stutter. 

"No, we don't hunt."

I nod."Good, okay." I smile awkwardly, before turning around

"Princess, if I can invite you inside."

I feel butterflies enter my stomach with the title. Princess Rori is different, but for some reason, it feels right.

"You mean Alpha?" I turn around. 

"Of course, he takes a bow and then opens the spaceship's door."

My eyes are amazed walking inside the ship. Many granite cupboard doors outline the spaceship, there had to be thousands of these little doors. The walls were marble-looking, but the doors were granite, which made them stand out. 

"You live in a spaceship full of doors?" I look around confused. And where is everybody?

He laughs. "They are magical portals, each alien creating their own home behind their doors."

"That's incredible." My hand traced the rough texture of the door.

Then I feel a cold hand on mine. Looking at the skin, it was green, indicating it belonged to an alien.

"And this one's mine."

He looks down at me, and I stare back up at his red eyes. I feel disappointed when he changes into his human form. 

"You don't have to change for me."

I feel my body shudder at his touch as he moves a hair behind my ear. 

"I don't wanna scare you off, Rori."

"You won't." I smile. 

"Would you like to see my room, behind my door?"

I nod. Alone in a room with this Alien man I hardly even know? Nico is going to flip.


The room was different from what I pictured. He was a very smart person. It had shelves full of many books.

"You like to read?"

"Their magic books."

"Magic?" I feel the smile on my face. Finally, somebody like me. 

I walk around his room, analyzing every bookshelf. Yes, he had other things in his room too. A huge leather sectional couch and a warm cozy fireplace. 

My hand grips a book, and the binding feels rough against my hand. The book was thick, and very well protected with the black leather cover. 

 Gala grabs a book from the self, and he hands it to me. "It's yours."


He nods with a smile on his handsome face.

"Healing magic." I read the title out loud. 

"I understand you, Rori." I smile as he gently rubs my cheek with his hand. 

"Understand what?" I eye him.

"Your love for magic."

"How do you know about that?" I whimper, hardly finding the words.

"Lucky guess." He chuckles.

I felt like he meant more, while I hoped he did. I need a friend who truly understands me.

"I need to get going." I draw the book close to my chest. 

I see a disappointed look fill his face, and his forehead creased slightly. 

"Have you ever wanted to be a princess?"

"Are you looking for one?" The genuine laughter makes me smile. 

"Well, I am a prince."

"You are?" I feel so surprised. He seems different than I thought a prince would be. 

"I must get going." I feel disappointment hit me like a dozen arrows as I turn to leave. I would love to stay here with Gala, but I have a pack of wolves who need me. 

"Rori, you ever think you were meant to be something more than an alpha?"

I quickly turn around. "That's all I'm meant to be, Gala."

His frown was the last thing I saw.