Chapter Fourteen

I am the first to stand up. Gala stands up, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Look, don't be too hard on her. I made all the moves, it was me."

"I am not the one you will have to answer to, that's Nico."

He slightly laughs.

I feel his hand grab my chin. "If Nico wants to chat, just send him to the spaceship, love."

"Yeah, sure."

My eyes watched as Gala walked away. I just wanted to leave with him. Nico is going to be pissed. He will not show up to chat. He will probably make some threats, and hopefully, he doesn't beat the bloody hell out of Gala.

"Please don't tell Nico."

I see Tala's face turn red. "That you were kissing another man, an Alien? Fuck Rori." He narrows his eyes at me. 

I look down at the ground. He moves closer to me, and I remember being in his bed. I am a mess. What is wrong with me?

"Sex with me, and I won't tell him."

"Are you crazy? I can't do that to Ray or Nico."

"I miss you."

"Tala, Nico would start a war with the aliens". I grab his arm. 

"I gave you a way to stop that."

"I can't."

I see his face turn red. I know he feels rejected. 

I feel myself walking back to base like a windup toy. My feet are forcing their way back. The werewolves always viewed the Aliens as a threat, but I just gave Nico a whole new reason too. I see the others eating chili, and I know Ajay is over. Ajay loves to cook, and my pack loves to eat, so he had a great relationship with everyone. 

 My hands traced my lips, and I remember Gala's kiss, and I can't help the feelings in my heart. He was growing on me, and I am not sure why. I do love my mate. Maybe I am like my mom. I guess the apple didn't fall far from the tree. 


I hope Tala shuts his face until Ajay leaves. I have a feeling he won't. I force a smile seeing Nico approach. I sat alone under a tree, holding back all the tears that I wanted to break free. 

He hands me a bowl of chill. 


 "What's wrong, you seem off?"

Hearing everyone say goodbye breaks my concentration from this conversation. I wave at Ajay as I watch him disappear deeper into the forest.

I see Tala walking over towards me. I can't help but feel shocked about how stupid he is. Does he think Nico will appreciate his little offer? 

" I'm just coming to watch the show."

"Oh well, we just ran out of tickets," I smirk. 

" I always want to see the feature titled Alien Kisser."

I found my face turning red. This is such a horrible way for Nico to find out. 

"My favorite part about the film is when another pack member blackmails me to have sex with him." 

"What are you guys talking about?" Nico asks, eyeing both of us.

"I kissed Gala, and Tala saw and said he wouldn't tell you if I slept with him." I couldn't even make eye contact with him. I gazed at the ground as if I had done something wrong, like a child about to be scolded. 

I feel the heavy breathing escaping Nico's mouth. He was pissed, there was no doubt. 

I feel his grip on my chin, and it was rougher than normal. He kneels forcing my face towards him. I stand up, following his motion on my chain. 

"Can't you even look at me?" I hear the pain in his voice and I instantly feel guilty. His face is red and his eyes trace anger. 

"You're hurting my face."

"Nico enough!" I hear Tala's voice grow deep. He steps closer. 

Nico instantly drops his hold on my face and I see that his hands are shaking.