Chapter Fifteen

"Enough Nico, really Tala? "Haven't you given up on any chance with Rori, yet?" Nico yells. I see him biting on his lower lip.

Tala laughs. "I know she still thinks about it, we were perfect together."

He looks at me, and I see a smirk on his face and the lust in his eyes. 

"Boys stop, we don't need to fight each other."

"Maybe you should have thought about that before you slept with him, Rori." I hear the hate in Nico's voice, and it makes me feel such agony inside the pits of my soul. I hate that I hurt him. I also hate that I am actually like my mother. I see the way Ajay looks at her, I can still notice even after all this time.

"That's not fair, Nico, your problem is with me," I hear Gala's voice as I see him approaching. 

Nico's face turns purple. He is livid, and I know this will be a mess.

"Are you spying on us?" Nico yells.

"I can sense when Rori is in trouble, and then my mind shows me what's happening." 

"Did you put some type of enchantment on me?"

Gala shakes his head. "I wish it was that simple."

Nico walked closer to Gala, and I couldn't help but follow. I need to protect Gala, but also my pack members.

I see Nico forcibly shove Gala, and he moves back pretty far but doesn't fall over.

"Nico! I commend you to stop."

"Shut up, Rori, you caused this."

 There is a shake in my body, I'm not scared of Nico, but I'm nervous and upset because we're fighting.

"You're going to stay away from Rori," Nico says through his teeth. Grabbing his arm, I felt his body was hot. I know that means he will change into a wolf at any moment.

"I can't do that. Rori is special to me."

"How? I know asking this question wasn't smart. I don't need to stir the pot." I needed the answer, I wanted to know why I have feelings for him.

I see Tala put his hand over his face. 

"You're the chosen princess. Like your wolf mate, my soul is programmed to have a strong feeling for you."

"I am not an alien." I feel my face getting cold. I have two mates. Which one will be stronger? Where do I belong?

"You have magical components, I am not sure how."

I feel the tears sliding down my face, I am torn. Maybe this is why my life never fits together properly. 

"I don't care the reason, you come near my mate and I will kill you, Gala," Nico hisses. 

I hear Gala laugh slightly. "You don't intimidate me."

Leaving Nico's side, I take a few steps towards Gala. He grabs my arm gently. I look into his eyes, and my wolf growls like crazy, and I replay his kiss in my mind. 

"Please no fighting."

He nods. "I'll try my best." I feel his hand stroke my cheek, and then I hear a wolf growling. As I looked over, I saw my father in wolf form, huge, foaming at the mouth.

"And Nico, you even get physically violent with Rori again. I will kill you."

"Is that a warning alien?" 

"Imagine you are getting death threats, it should feel something like this." I see the glow in Gala's eyes. I see the confidence in his face. He clearly wasn't just speaking words. He winks at me, before turning his back and walking away.