chapter 1

"We are gonna be late for school, Raphael", Ashira was rushing down the stairs humming her favourite part of the trending song "water" by tyla..she had always kept a clean record of attendance and wasn't ready to taint it ...not even when it was the end of the school week.

 "can you blow my minn.....d"the sight in front of her was blowing her mind already,the sitting room was filled with luggages and her two brothers seemed to be having an intense discussion.

 "What's going on here?" she asked in a tone that sounded like a whisper.Ashira had a faint idea of what was going on but she really hoped it was just her mind playing tricks on her.

 "Erm...e..rm ashy" Raphael was running his eyes at me and Jayden ,"after much deliberation we decided to you know " he was bulging his eyes at Jayden and avoiding my gaze now.

 "Decided to do what Raphael?", I placed my arms on my waist like I was ready to beat someone up.

 "Ashira,we are moving, you should start packing"Jayden said with a straight face.He was always like this , saying things without Caring if they went down well with the listener or not.

 "MOVING!!!when did that happen? and why am I only getting to know now ?"

 "The point still remains we are moving out" Jayden said with no expression...was he kidding me right now?

 "Raphael, I don't want to move ",I just said Raphael to save my limbs,the statement was actually directed to Jayden. I fixed my gaze on him and folded my arms while pretending to sulk.

 "Ashy dear, it's all for the best. We don't want you going through those emotional trauma and you hardly sleep these days"Raphael was saying to me with a worried look.

 You could tell Raphael was the understanding and approachable one unlike Jayden who was like a man on his period...he could be wonderfully sweet this minutes and within a twinkle of an eye he was back to his strict moment... well I wasn't taking this in today at all... I hated moving a lot cos it is always very hard to make new friends and even getting acquainted with the environment was another stress I wasn't ready to go through again..

 "I still don't want to move guys", Ashira's watery eyes were still fixed on Jayden.

 "Get the hell upstairs and pack up" , Jayden yelled hard at me as he stood on his feet..I moved a few steps backwards and the packed tears came running down my cheeks.

 "Chill Jay, we just got to explain things to her calmly "Raphael was stressed cos he was running his hands through his hair like crazy.

 "And haven't you been doing that ,did she understand?"he picked up his wallet and phone" the bus will be here in 45 minutes".

My gaze was still on the floor but I could here his departing footsteps on the marble stairs.

 "Ashy.. don't cry"Raphael was removing a strand of my hair from my face ,he tugged it behind my ear and continued ,"you know Jay is really worried about you, right?" sounded more like a statement than a question.

I sniffled and nodded my head in approval.i raised my gaze to him and managed a smile.

 "I should get packing Raph," I made a silent sniff again, "the bus will be here soon".

 Ashira picked up her fallen bag and headed to her room....Maybe we really needed to move....Maybe Jayden wanted the best for her...Maybe moving will stop the scary thoughts. Ashira heaved a deep sigh.


 Moving has been a constant part of her teenage life.She couldn't even count how many houses they have dwelt in.


 Why were they moving???

 Well has much has she hated to admit it she knew it was all because of her. Growing up hasn't been a bed of roses for Ashira,I kept having scary nightmares and hallucinations..there were all about a faceless creature but she could tell it was a woman by the shape .... though hornless, her claws and clothes always scared the hell out of her.