Chapter 2

Running... running... running !

I can't turn back, I'm scared...too frightened to look back.

It's coming behind me, in a massive speed...I once turned and saw her red claws soaked with blood and I couldn't look at it again.

I'm exhausted but I must go on if i wanna stay alive...I must keep running.

 "Ariel,You can't run faster than your shadow" she yells from behind.

 Ariel. why did she call me Ariel?...She must have gotten the wrong person.i thought of stopping to explain myself ...but I heard that strange voice in my head.

 "Just run ! Run! Don't ever stop!" the voice urges me.

I'm panting and running out of breath but it kept chasing and I kept running...I needed to find my way out of this place.

The stone tripped my left foot ....I turned back once again...oh noo it was catching up with me, I endured the pain and kept running .

It has finally caught up with her...ready to devour her.

She tries to fight it off but she obviously isn't strong pushed me away with its claws .

It takes a step towards heart was beating fast but it suddenly stopped right in front of me...she moved her teeth towards my neck ready to tear it apart.

*No!* A scream leaves my mouth.




Ashira opened her eyes immediately and sat straight on the bed ...she was still panting..the images of the bloody claws still lingered in her mind...she looked around and saw her brothers looking worriedly at her.

 "Another nightmare?", Raphael asked and she just nodded with fear...her brothers exchanged glances and Jayden sighed.

 Jayden poured a glass of water from her reading table and stroked her back ...she was still afraid... Raphael took out his handkerchief and cleaned the beads of sweat from her forehead .Ashira was confused... wasn't she just packing right now? she looked at the half packed clothings and sighed... she never left her room all this time but how did she fall asleep..OH LORD!!!!.

 The room was silent for a while.

 " Maybe we should move tomorrow" Raphael was as pale as a ghost..all the blood had rushed to his brain when he heard Ashira's scream from the sitting room.

Tomorrow. Never will I spend another night in this room...NEVERRR!!!...We had to move today I mean NOW!!!.

"No, fine we could just get another bus"the other bus Jay ordered must have come and gone while I was sleeping.

"Princess, the bus hasn't arrived yet", Jayden glanced at his wristwatch "Maybe in fifteen minutes time" 

WHAT!!!...the bus hasn't arrived...that means the nightmare lasted for thirty felt like a whole day to me .

 "That's great . then I should continue packing" I got up from the bed and packed frantically.

My brothers just stared at me in pity...well she wasn't surprised they must think she was going crazy but sincerely speaking at this point she thinks she is.

 "Why don't you go for a therapy session ashy?" Raphael was assisting me in packing my shoes and skincare products.

 "Nooooooo", I stressed the letter "o"along with my eyes and forced a smile"am totally fine Raph".

 Jayden. I knew he was more worried than Raphael but he didn't know how to express his concern or maybe...he just didn't want to show us his caring side..he was the boss man you know.*chuckles*

 We were in the sitting room, waiting for the driver and packing some little items... they were staring intently at each other..what the heck was wrong with these boys?.

 My brothers have this weird way of communicating without saying a word ...of course I begged them to teach me but they said it was boys stuff and when I insisted, Raphael started talking all about wet dreams and spermatozoa rubbish and *shudder* I just had to mind my business. well, aren't boys weird?.

 The bus arrived exactly 12 minutes and 30 seconds later...I was so eager to leave this house that I couldn't keep my eyes off my watch. Raphael assisted the driver in loading our boxes into the boot and we set off.

Jayden was seating at the front seat beside the driver...Raphael and I occupied the back seat .I was gonna miss this city.New Orleans.


"Don't worry,I promise you...this will be the last time we move" 

Oh!! Raphael...what does this brother of mine take me for?..a fool?.

I rolled my eyes...he told me the same thing last time we moved and here we are moving again .

"This is really the last time, Ashy" he stared at me seriously...I hated when he did that ... Raphael was the unserious type and seeing him wearing this expression is very scary.


 There's a long pause...none of us saying a word.

"where are we going this time?"I asked.

I needed to know what awaited me at my new home.

"Paris", Jayden said with his gaze still on the road.

I just hummed .Who knows where we"ll be going next...maybe another continent... Africa.