Chapter 4

*end of flashback*

My chuckling must have caught their attention...they all turned to look at me. Jayden... Rapheal...and the driver were all staring at me.

 "Ashy, are you okay?"Rapheal disconnected his bluetooth and focused on me.

 "Wellll...I am fine, I was just e..rmm thinking", I winked at Jayden with a smile across my lips"I would love Paris".

 My brothers did their weird communication method...eye contact...maybe they were communicating through telepathy... Rapheal just shrugged and reconnected his bluetooth.Jay still looked at me for a while, made a brief sigh and looked away.

 I understood their expressions.Ashira has never loved packing.Yeah. I hated moving, but here I was saying" I love Paris".

 I turned to the window and saw the tall trees swaying to the tone of the wind as we drove past.I groaned and reclined into the chair.

 My eyes closed involuntarily...the breeze blowing my hair off my face.

 I saw those dripping claws again and I opened my eyes still facing the window ..."what was that in the bush?" I asked myself, I thought I saw something moving in the bushes.

 ....those two red eyes.

 My head turns away and I faced front...I don't wanna look back.I need to get that image out of my mind.

 "Ashy, are you okay?" Rapheal asked me .

 I guess he saw my frightened expression...I simply nodded. I was very dizzy but I tried to fight the sleep. Ashira never wanted to close her eyes for a triggers the bad memories and scary thoughts.

 We've being on the road for almost two hours now and we are practically in the woods right now. "Which part of Paris was this?"I thought.

 "You should take a nap princess",Jayden turned his head to me "you seem stressed".

 I was stressed but I don't want to ever meet that creature or being again..the blood still lingers in my mind... her elongated canines and...I snapped out of my thought.

 Rapheal put my right hand into his and pulled me closer, "You should sleep on my laps", he gave me one of those his seductive winks and said "come to daddy, Ashy", he bit his lower lip and smiled.

 "eew!!! gross",I teasingly used my elbow to hit his ribcage and we all burst into laughter.

 "What do you say to daddy?," he was licking his lower lip and half closing his eyes... sincerely speaking, if Rapheal wasn't her brother she would have grabbed those magical lips of his and savor the moment but *sigh* he was my brother.

 " Doggy or cow boy" he winked at me and reaveled those heavenly made teeth .

 "Yuck!!! RAPHEALLL!!!!", I covered my ears with my hands and glared strongly at him.

 "Rapheal", Jayden turned to us with a faint smile on his lips "I don't want you telling her that" he feigned a serious expression to Raphael and a soft smile to me.

 Jayden always thought I was a novice in this things...I wasn't an adult yet, until next year but I wasn't a toddler either. Jay always believed I was a cute little innocent girl who knows absolutely nothing about those rubbish doings. 

 I laid on Rapheal laps and closed my eyes...I just needed to avoid falling asleep.

 Ashira was a simple girl..she was what you could call a holy sinner.I was very exposed on adult issues like kisses on the lips , bj and s*x styles...I mean I read a lot of romance novels and having a brother like Raph was definitely a big influence on me.

 Speaking of Rapheal's influence on me, there's this one dark secret between us which I don't think Jayden knows about or....maybe he does and just decides to brush it off cos nothing ever escapes his dark brown eyes.

 *shhhh* ...the secret...

 Jayden doesn't come home for the weekend and even when he does, he just drops by to say hello and check on us for few minutes and we get to be home alone till Monday.

 Nah. Nah .Nah. he isn't visiting his girlfriend or anything like that . Jayden is a complete saint and I wonder a lot if he had received his first kiss *shudder* welll he goes visiting his boyfriends and play games through out the day. Naughty Rapheal sees this as an opportunity and brings different girls home ... short... fat...slim..tall and so on.

 Then he plays really loud music and lock up his door for the longest hours...and the most annoying thing of all is that the girls end up borrowing one of my gowns when they are going home.I once asked Rapheal why they never wore their clothes back to wherever they came from and he gave me the most silliest answer in the universe.

"Their clothes got torn by prince charming..cheers"


 some of the girls had to take pills before leaving the house while most couldn't even get out of his bed until the next day.