Chapter 5

 "Ashy, wakie wakie", it was Raphael.He was beside the vehicle and I could only see half of his body.

 I let out a lazy yawn and stretched my arms fully. *yawn*

 "Why are you staring at me like that?" I instinctively cover my chest with my arms like I was naked or something.

"Do you mind getting off the car?"Raphael asked me.

 l looked around and saw Jayden offloading our boxes along with the driver...oh!!! we were home. I alighted slowly, my vision was still a little blurry.

 They were done moving the luggage into the house and the driver was set to go.

 "Bye Ariel, see you around", He stepped on the accelerator and sped off...Why did he call me Ariel?,...Ariel...the name sounded so familiar in my head.

 "Where did i hear it from?"I thought mentally.

 "Home ...sweet home" Rapheal was saying .

 I took my time to study the looks like a portable mansion.

 I nod.

 A small smile find it's way to my lips as I saw a small garden of lillies and roses instead... and a single almond tree with few nuts on it.

 "This is beautiful!" I thought mentally.

Maybe Raphael was right. I might never move from this perfect home.

 Someone taps my shoulder and I turn... Raphael and Jayden stands behind me...Jayden tugs his hands in his pockets and Rapheal grinning brightly.

 "So...what do you think?" Raphael asked.

 They were both looking at me anxiously... waiting for my response.

 I smirked mentally, they're asking for my opinion it really did mattered.

 " you like it?"Raphael asked again.

 I nod. 

 "Well... it's not bad"

 Raphael claps his hands together and I saw Jayden sigh in relief...a small smile tugs at the corner of his lips...he was actually worried i wasn't gonna like the place.

 "Excellent !" Raphael said.

 Jayden turned to the door... Raphael dragged me along and we were walking towards the door...I hope the interior won't disappoint me!.

 I stopped abruptly.

 "What about school?"

 They both frown.

 "School?",They asked at once.

 "Yeah...when am I resuming school?, This is my senior year , I can't be left behind.

 Raphael laughed

 "Chill...Jay didn't forget you're a bookworm".

 "I'm not a bookworm!!" I cut him off.

 " Then you are a...nerd?", he raised his left eyebrow at me.

 "I am not a nerd either!' I snapped.

 He nods frantically

"Yeah, yeah...!"

 " Don't worry princess.. you're resuming school on Monday!",Jayden said.

 I smiled...At least they knew how much I loved my education.




 I couldn't help but awe at the beauty of this place... Sincerely, this place is a thousand times more beautiful than our previous home.

 It's got this beautiful sparkling chandelier beneath the plaster of gaze went to the high french windows and the ..

 Wait..this isn't the time for description...I need to get the room with it's window facing the garden.

 I rushed there but not before yelling.."Rapheal! Bring in my luggage!.

 He grumbles but I hear him pulling my luggage along.

 I entered the room and rushed towards the window...I opened it and smiled as I breathe the fresh scent in.

 I could see the butterflies, flying around the flowers.

 "I knew you would love this place!"Raphael said behind me 

 I rolled my eyes at him...well he seemed he knew me to well then.

 Jayden dropped my luggage and went outside...I locked the door behind eyes ran through the empty room and I heaved a deep sigh....i better start unpacking.

 "Adam, we need to talk", I heard Jayden from my room..he was referring to Raph. Raphael's room was directly opposite mine while Jayden's room was down the passway.I loved it just like that.*smile*

 "Just a minute, Lion", Raphael yelled from his room..I am sure he was in shower.

 "Neatest kid", I thought, still unpacking my clothing.


 "Adam, meet me at the basement"Jay said and went down the stairs.


 I hate it when my brothers call themselves those weird names when am out of sight. Raphael got out of his room and ran down the stairs.i wonder what they were gonna talk about.


 I dropped loudly into the soft bed...I was finally done unpacking and I needed a quick nap for my splitting headache.