Chapter 6

"What about Ashira?"Jayden asked in a softer tone.

 "She should be asleep", Raphael pulled a chair closer and reclined on it..."The journey must have been stressful for her, she is still human you know'', He sat up straight and made a heavy sigh.

 "I hope we are doing the right thing Jay...I mean", Raphael stutter, " returning to starlight pack should be a good idea.. right?"

 He wasn't sure this place was safe for Ashira..hope this wasn't gonna cause more trouble.

 Ashira had told them about the faceless woman in her dreams...they had an inkling on who she was...maybe it was the same person that drove them from this pack...the same being that killed their father. Why she killed their father they both knew...mother stole her mate...but why was she after Ashira?, Raphael thought.

 "Maybe she still wanted revenge on mothers' daughter" Jayden replied..he had read his brothers' mind through mind-link.


 They were both werewolves.. reading each others mind was one of their numerous abilities. Just think of another werewolf in your head... communication can be done through that method.

 Mind-linking could also be blocked could avoid people from reading your mind and communicating with you by commanding your inner wolf to block the person access to your mind. Ashira had always thought they were crazy when they stared at each other for a long time...they were actually mind-linking.

 Jayden was pacing to and fro the room.

 "Jayden.."Rapheal looked worriedly at his brother "What if Ashy isn't a werewolf?"

 He stopped pacing suddenly, looking directly into Raphaels' eyes." Was that even possible?", he asked mentally.

 "Well it's very much possible bro, remember our father was human" He crouched at the front of his brother."What if she didn't inherit mothers' nature?".

 It was just a guess though but a very feasible one...then there will be a problem and a very big one at that.


 Their mother is a very powerful and strong werewolf but father was a human and Ashira had never ever shown any wolf attitude or traits...he was beginning to doubt if she had the genes in her.

 "Rapheal, I need to meet Raven".




 The royal palace.

 "Never Father, am never going to the town school", Raven was furious. His father, the king had just told him he was going to starlight high...yeah they were all werewolves there too but he had always gone to the royal school until now..him and his friends had always gone to school together and now what?

 He nodded his head in disapproval for the umpteenth time ...he was never gonna stop so low to attend a school with his subjects...NEVER!!.

 "Haaaa...",The king let out a chuckle "Your subjects?" he raised an eyebrow at his son.

 Raven quickly blocked his father from his mind.

 "E..r.m.m erm", he was picking some invisible dirt from his fingers now, "I will be the next Alpha to sit on that throne" he was looking down .. avoiding eye contact with his father.

 "Dear Son, when the time comes for you to rule this can drop out for all I care ", he raised his staff of authority "...but as long as I still rule this pack, Ramiel you shall attend the town school" 


 The sound of the hitten staff reverberated in his father meeting hall. Raven knew it was all over..the staff meant the Alpha has passed the Rubicon and wasn't gonna change his decision...Ramiel...he had even called his wolf which he rarely did.


 Realization dawn on Raven...he was going to the town school.. STARLIGHT HIGH.

*sigh again*