Chapter 8

 "Mate... Mate...Mate...",she hummed and place a finger on raven's lips.

 Alexander does that anytime she didn't understand a word....she would place her finger on his lips to indicate she didn't want him to tell her the meaning, she wanted to rack her brain and guess the possible meaning of the word.


 The room has being silent for almost thirty minutes...she was still wondering what the word "Mate" meant.

 "Alexis, I think I should...", Alexander closed his lips tightly ... placing a hand on her lips she made a sound, " thinking".

 "You should find an interuption ", Ramiel suggested.

 Yes...he needed to mind- link someone for his rescue. 


Yes...his friends...he even needed to update them on the new school setting.

 "Simon, are you there?", there was no response "Fuck...Simon.. Simon", there was still no response.

 "Where the hell is your beta when you need him the most?"Ramiel asked.

Raven ignored his wolf and thought of another friend.

Silence filled the room..

 Yes..Jeremy..he should mind-link Jeremy.

 "Jeremy..?" he called his friend with high hopes "Jeremy?" he called again but silence filled his mind.


Where the fuck were they when he really needed them?...these were the only people that could access his mind aside his parents and yes....Liana too but she wasn't even in the pack right now.

 Raven sighed seems he was stuck here.

 "Hey Raven, what's up?" Jeremy asked

 "Finally!!... Jeremy, I need you in my room now".

 Jeremy appeared in less than two minutes utes...his wolf ran faster than a cheetah and luckily it really helped this time around.

 "Oh!!" Jeremy smiled at the sight he saw...It was Alexander torturing her brother again.

 "Hi, beautiful, how are you?"Jeremy walked in long strides to the bed.

 Alexander had a crush on Jeremy since she was a child..his presence made her stifle and she quickly jumped off Raven's lap. Her ears were very red and her cheeks were on fire as she blushed at his address.

 .... Beautiful...she liked it when he commented on her beauty..she never ever got tired of hearing it from him.

 "He looks so hot even in the evening", Alexander thought with her gaze down..she was playing with the hem of her pink silky type underskirt.

 Jeremy smirked at Alexander's thought...He knew very well how breathtaking he looked...but knowing a little girl acknowledges his looks added a feather to his crown.

 "Really!...I look so hot darling?" Jeremy eyes shone brightly.

 Raven knew Jeremy was reading his sister's mind... Jeremy's mother was a mermaid so he could read Alexander's mind... everyone in his family could read people's mind accurately and speedily...his family had lot of talents.

 "humph.."Ramiel scoffed at the drama king "that was the hundred and one time someone complimented on his beauty"

 Raven chuckled at his jealous Wolfie...Ramiel meant Jeremy needn't behave like it was his first compliment. Jeremy moved closer to her ,he rubbed his thumb on her cheekbone blinking his long eyelashes seductively at her.

 "What the fuck are you doing?"Raven mind-linked his friend.

 "What else Raven... flirting with my crush of course"he winked at the furious Raven.

 "Get your filthy hands off her asshole..." Raven glared at him.

 "I should take my leave Ravy", she returned her gaze down "brother Jeremy can I leave?"she asked shyly.

 Raven widen his eyes at his sister's expression.

 "Wasn't she in love with Raymond?"Ramiel asked.

 Raven nod.

 "I need to meet this Raymond!"

 "Candy, who is Raymond?" Jeremy asked pretending to be angry...he had just read raven's mind and heard the name "Raymond". He wanted to know who was about snatching his little crush from him.

 "Raymond is my mate" she replied imitating her brothers' words.

 "Then....who am I?"Jeremy asked pretending to sulk.

 "Well..."she peeked at Raven and softly said, " aren't you just ravy's friend?".

 She was confused... was brother Jeremy not her brothers' friend?. Alexander wondered.

 Raven burst into a loud round of laughter...cough...coughs.

 "Alexis, you should get going now,",Raven said trying to suppress the laughter that wanted to seize him. 

 "....was brother Jeremy jealous of my Ray?" she thought has she walked out.

 "Good evening Alpha" Jeremy bowed slightly as soon as Alexis was out of sight.

 Alexander knew her brother as a very sweet and caring guy...Raven didn't want that thinking of hers to get changed sooo he was very calm and modest when she was around.

 "Why didn't you reply immediately?" He hated lateness especially from Simon and Jeremy...they were his aides when the pack needed security...his military men.

 "Apologies, Alpha", he knelt on his right knees.. placing his hands in the other he bowed deeply "I was attending to my mate".


 Lucky Jeremy...

 Raven knew how obedient and loyal werewolves were to their mate.

 "Run 250 laps" Raven picked up his sister hairpin...she must have forgotten it.

 "Inscrutable are your orders, Alpha", he stood up with a smile...he had expected nothing less than 400 laps. Jeremy walked hurriedly towards the door, he needed to finish the laps before midnight.

 "wait..." he continued. "mind-link Simon before you proceed" 

 Raven was too angry to mind-link Simon...he was so gonna kill him the moment he sets his eyes on him.

 "Hey, Simon... aaaarghh!!!" Jeremy covered his ears with his two hands...he blocked Simon immediately.

 Raven smiled..he knew very well what was going on.

 "Screwing a girl right?" Raven asked...he just needed a confirmation.

 "Wow!.." Jeremy was still in shock, he inserted his little finger in his left ear and shaked of the sound "the girl was fucking loud. Simon is gonna kill her" he shakes his head in pity for whichever girl Simon got his d***k into right now.


 "His beta was fucking...",Raven thought. " he must have gotten the update then" Raven chuckled.