Chapter 11

The Royal palace...

 pants... pants... pants.

 ""pants.... pants. "I'm done with my laps" Jeremy was mind-linking Raven panting like an attacked badger.

 "Why the hell are you panting so?" Raven was confused to hear Jeremy's breath so hard and heavy... aside the fact that werewolves were as fast as cheetahs, Jeremy's wolf had an amazing speed.

 Leo...Leo was the name of Jeremy's wolf and he ran almost has fast as Ramiel...Jeremy family were know for two things...looks and speed.

 pants... pants...he was still breathing heavily.

 "Sapphire is here " he managed to say after catching a little of his breath.

 "Oh!".Raven exclaimed silently with a slow nod... understanding dawned on him."that's not too good for you, friend". He mocked Jeremy letting out a silent chuckle.

 Sapphire. Sapphire was Jeremy's mate and her prescence there this moment must be very hard and uncomfortable for his poor friend. It wasn't about embarrassment of him being punished but... running laps as a punishment given to werewolves weren't for the tiredness and all but it was actually the intense mating heat that came after the running that was the real pain.

 Werewolves gets very horny and crazy after running for a long time and especially with a high speed like Jeremy does have...the werewolves were suppose to find a cool and lonely place to calm their restless nerves and body after the laps but....with Sapphire there, Raven knew how horny Jeremy must be right now...fighting the urge to take her down that moment so he was breathing the tension out to avoid hurting her.

 Jeremy sat on the carpet grass in the field, wrapping his arms around his legs that were folded on his chest...he stayed far away from Sapphire cos he didn't want to hurt her.Yes and fucking yes...he wanted her naked body pinned under his right now but he knew she was gonna die if he goes into her with this crazy heat emanating from his body.

 "You should have her, she's your mate" Leo urge in his head.

 Jeremy ignores his horny wolf and stared into sapphire's golden eyes.

 " shouldn' right..right now" he stuttered and returned his gaze down." you should go home babe".

 " She's yours Jeremy...just have her " Leo urges him again.

 "Shut up " Jeremy shouted at his wolf." Can you shut the fuck up?"he exhaled deeply shutting his eyes slightly.

 Sapphire looked at him in pity...she was willing to calm him down but she knew he didn't want to hurt her.

 "It's fine Remy..."she was walking towards him with a tensed smile... holding his shoulder for support, she sat gracefully beside him. She could hear her heart making a rhythmic beat. Hell yes she was scared but she didn't want to see him going through this pain if his body wanted pleasure then she was gonna give him that...if she wasn't willing to do that for him then who will?.

 Jeremy shifted leftwards, creating a wide gap between them he said in a panic "Stay away from my sapphy...I don't want to hurt you"

 Sapphire moved closer, closing the gap between them " never hurt me when we do it" she didn't think he was going be so rough with her just because of some run.


 Jeremy closed his eyes tightly, placing her hand on his already aroused and ready organ...she stroked his standing d**ck with her hands...the orgasms were pouring into his pant speedily. he moaned at the pleasure her small magical hand brought to him... clasping her hands with his laps, he enjoyed the the feeling....but suddenly she touched his balls and he snapped his eyes open...his body craved for more, he wanted him in her body parting her laps with his legs...wanted her to be the one moaning as he pleasures her...he wanted to f**ck the sense out of her but...he shook his head and removed her already swollen hands.

 Taking her little hands into his, massaging them slowly he felt an electric shock run through his veins..making him spark as he stopped abruptly and fixed his gaze down.

 "" he wasn't sure he could hold it in any longer. he raised his gaze to her...he could feel her body tensed up and her pure white and Golden eyes were becoming red and hot like a volcano lava ready to erupt...she moved a little farther in fear.

 Raven looked down at his friend from his window and sighed "Well, he helped me with Alexis" he said with a shrugged. he knew he was pleasuring his mate that moment that was why he couldn't mind-link immediately.

 Jeremy pulled Sapphire closer with her arms ready to discharge his seeds into her... Sapphire gasped at his embrace.

 "He is losing control" she thought fearfully bracing up for the pain she was about to go through when she heard footsteps walking in their direction.

 "You should at least wait till you get home, Jeremy" Raven said with a mocking smile. He knew Jeremy wasn't in control of his body emotions right now but he could as well tease him... couldn't he?".


 "Greetings Alpha.." Sapphire was on her feet already bowing deeply to Raven.

 "Sapphire..." Raven moved closer to her placing his left hand on her bare shoulder "you really don't have to bow" he said in his softest tone caressing her cheeks with a sexy smile.

 Jeremy growled loudly in the air... howling crazily at Raven...the heat in him turning to dare Raven touch his mate so intimately?.