Chapter 12

 Jeremy charged towards Raven with anger,he was punching Raven's face very hard that Sapphire thought he was gonna kill the Alpha...Raven didn't even raise a finger, just allowing himself to get hit by Jeremy like he didn't hurt him a tiny bit.

 Jeremy was unstoppable now... hitting Raven on the floor like he wanted his head away from his well built body. Raven remained unbothered as Jeremy made him a punching bag.

 Sapphire was crying silently... begging Jeremy to stop and calm down but he wasn't even listening to her...he didn't even spare her a glance but kept on hitting, biting and kicking Raven.

 " This is too much" Sapphire thought mentally, she needed to call for help before her mate commits murder... what was she supposed to do if Jeremy killed Raven...the King's only son and the future Alpha.

 "No, No No" she nodded at the imagination of murder in her mind now." She needed someone. she couldn't mind-link the Royal family.


 Yes, she could mind-link Simon and that was exactly what she was gonna do right away.

 Simone understood the sight before him...he smiled softly "I never knew Raven had this sweet side of him". Simon always knew inside that tough and ruthless Raven there was some cool side but this was never part of his knowledge...Raven allowing himself to get beaten just to calm the heated Jeremy was shocking and seriously it was hilarious.

 Soft chuckles...

 "Beta.....I think you should do something" Sapphire was as pale as a ghost. she kept on looking at the fighting duo...tears streaming on her well defined beautiful cheekbones.

 "They are gonna be fine "he handed an embroidery design face towel to her... seeing her in tears wasn't something he was used to and she looked really scary now like a panda cos all her black eyeshadow was streaming down with the tears making her whole face a mess. "Raven is actually helping him you know" he was raising his left eyebrow with a little smile.

 "Thanks beta..."She was wiping off the tears from her face sniffing quietly "How is this helping?" she was very confused on how a fight was suppose to help Jeremy and help him from what?

 "Did my mate need help?"she thought.

 "Jeremy is on his heat period and I hope you know what that means?" Simon liked Sapphire...well almost everyone in the pack loved sapphire she was as graceful as a princess and her smile could go a thousand miles in brightening up your messed up day.

 "She must have taken after her father..."Simon said with his gaze still on her. "her mother was anything but nice..." he thought quickly averting his gaze to his friends as they walked towards them.

 Sapphire looked at her Remy and smiled in relief...he was okay, his forest green eyes were back to normal and his hands were no longer trembling like earlier...she quickly ran to her bag and brought out a bottle of Starlight table water.

"Thanks Raven" Jeremy took the water from Sapphire and passed it to his friend...Raven saved him from making the biggest mistake he was gonna live all his life regretting... there was no way he wasn't gonna tear sapphire if he inserted into her with that arousal but thanks to Raven, the heat has finally dissipated.

 "You should drink first "Raven pushed the water back to him with a straight face.

 Jeremy had a gulp and passed it back to Raven. Simon was clapping dramatically right now with a wide smile that showed his very cute dimples on his creamy cheek.

 "Nice...Nice one Alpha" he was nodding his head slowly and grinning from ear to ear at Raven.

 Alpha Raven smiled inwardly at his beta ignorance.."if only he knew what was about to hit him" he said with a sideways nod.

 "The innocent shouldn't suffer the sins of the guilty..."Raven took a seat beside Jeremy.

 Jeremy understood well what that statement meant. Raven came to save Sapphire from his hands.

 "Thanks a lot nigga"they had this boy's hands shaking thing they usually did and Jeremy pulled in for a tight hug.

 "I appreciate Alpha" Sapphire said with another deeper bow.

 Raven sighed... didn't he just tell her not to bow? she is never gonna change, is she?.
