Chapter 13

"Sapphire" Raven spelled out in his sweetest tone "You should avoid Jeremy when he runs" he looked into her golden eyes as they glowed in the dim light...she was beautiful!

 "Yes Sapphire..." the drama king, Simon continued "Jeremy is a mad dog when he does it" Simon winked at his angry friend teasingly.

 Jeremy used his elbow to hit his ribcage. he accepted Raven's advice to his mate because he just saved her but Simon's advice was unworthy...if he had mind-link the Alpha immediately then Raven wouldn't resort to him and he definitely would be with his mate having a slow and cool intimacy not fighting to urge to tear her p**ssy and make her crippled.

 "I mind-linked my beta but there was no response..." Raven turned his head to Simon. "how many unmated female have you screwed today?" he knew it was a rhetorical question cos Simon must have lost count of the Ladies he screwed.

 Simon liked multiple s*x partners and he could go on and on without getting exhausted.

 "I hope he finds his mate soon"Sapphire prayed inwardly... she really admired Simon a lot. he was very lovely and an amazing person but he had a shortcoming.... immorality.

 "The stars are so bright today , guys" he looked up the sky pointing at no star in particular, trying to avoid the Alpha's burning eyes.

 "Good for you Simon "Raven stood up with a playful smile on his lips "600 laps" he said flatly, walking towards his magnificent chamber.


 Everyone gaze fell on the departing Alpha and then the devastated beta.


 "Good luck , my man", Jeremy patted his friends' left shoulder before leaving with his mate.

 Simon looked around his surroundings and made a huge sigh. If only he had a mate he could share his worries with rather than drinking in the club and practing s*x styles with the sexy bodies that seems to lose an important nut from his brain then he wouldn't be running this laps.

 Jeremy was the youngest of the three but surprisingly the first and only one to have seen his mate.

 Mate..Mate was the person the moon goddess paired you with as soulmate... werewolves didn't choose their soulmate by feelings or love but by destiny already designed by the moon goddess... werewolves were always known and will always be known for overprotectiveness and possessiveness of their mate irrespective of his or her status and level in the pack.

 Werewolves felt their mate feelings and emotions either happy or sad and tends to cling to them for comfort...the males were the most jealous of the werewolves, touching their mate meant death...cruel death!.

 Welll...a prophesy was said by the soceress about Raven not having a mate but it's has being confirmed by the moon goddess and we all are trying our best to break that curse.

 Warning Readers🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞

 Jeremy carried his mate in bride style to the bedroom...he was running fast, skipping three to four steps as he ran on the wooden stairs. he opened the door with his elbow and closed it behind him with his foot... kissing and touching Sapphire everywhere like his life depended on it... teasingly and domineering he moved in her mouth, teaching her how to rhyme with his lips as her lips quivered slowly.

 Jeremy suddenly broke the kiss, moving a little backwards he closed his eyes and wasn't able to see the hurt and disappointment in Sapphire's eyes.His hands were trembling terribly as he opened his eyes slowly...this wasn't the first time they were gonna have s*x but the fear of doing it after running was the problem...he was crazily on heat few minutes ago and he almost hurt her...he wasn't sure if he was gonna be slow and gentle on her this time just as she loved it.

 "You can be rough and hard, if you want..." Sapphire cupped his cheeks with a little magical hands and started undressing herself. She was gonna make him want her and unable to resist her body.

 Jeremy was still staring at her like he wasn't sure of his decision. Sapphire huffed and walked to the bed dragging him along.

 She pulled him closer as soon as she sat on the well-made bed...she pulled his shirt, her hands found its way down his zipper and pulls it down, taking off his pants and leaving him completely naked.


 "Shh!"I cut him short and crash my lips on his, pulling him closer as he laid on top of me.

 He seemed shocked at first but quickly gathered his thoughts and reciprocated the kiss. His arms around my waist as we both plunged into the sea of happiness...the twinkling stars...the smiling moon and the intense moment.

 He bites her lowered lip gently, asking for permission to enter her mouth further...I grant him the permission and his tongue slips in...punishing me with his lips. He went down to my neck and collarbone kissing and licking my hot skin...making my brain overdrive.

 I wrapped my legs around his waist and he looked directly into my eyes.

 "Are you ready?"

 I nod.

 His eyes were changing colors...from forest green to hazel...and pleasure and lust were clearly written in them.

 The scent of our arousal filled the room as he uses his legs to widen mine apart... settling in my middle.

 "I"ll try to be gentle"

 I nod again.

 He nods and pecks my forehead. he placed his hands beside me for support and slipped his hard organ into my wet tight opening slowly...I bite my lower lip hard to stop any sound from coming out as I feel great pain in my waist.

 Jeremy was never this hard and fast in thrusting.


 Then my body slowly adjusted to his pace and soon there's no longer more pain...I begin to feel pleasure and nothing more than wanting him to go faster and deeper.


 "Yes, baby!"


 "Yes, babe!"

 He increased his pace and goes deeper and faster...I felt him hitting my womb already but I didn't care right now. He was vibrating terribly inside me, thrusting crazily, doing wonders to me as my sense went into disarray.

 Faster... Faster... Faster.

 Thrusting... Thrusting... Thrusting.

 Deeper... Deeper... Deeper.

 He was sweating profusely but he keeps going until we scream each other's name as we cum at once.



 Jeremy waits until every single drop of his sperm pours inside her before he pulls out slowly. he wasn't gonna allow this hot mating go into vain... hopefully he was a sharpshooter. He rolls away from the top of her still holding her tightly.

 He turns my face to him and rests his forehead on mine...he kisses her lips briefly and we both breath heavily.

 "Are you okay?"he asked massaging her laps tenderly...he was afraid he was too rough with her unlike her normal styles.

 "Y-yeah!" I stutter weakly, trying to catch my breath.

 My vision became blurry and I felt very dizzy.

 "You should take a nap "he pulled her into his broad chest, stroking her back gently.

 Sapphire finally slept off in his warm embrace.