Chapter 14

Ashira was just two years old when they eloped from the pack. Raphael was a cute little fat boy of seven years that had always loved candy and Jayden was the twelve years old brother that raised them up to this day.

 "I wasn't that fat, Jay" Raphael said with a slightly frowned face...he knew he was chubby when he was little but his looks were as good as now. He still marvels at the slim and tall young man he had become today.

 How time flies... Living in the human world wasn't one of the memorable memories of their lives.They were werewolves and found adjusting and adapting to their environment, lifestyles and different personalities as a very herculean task.

 "We stayed hungry for days..." Raphael said as the bitter memories flooded his brain. "remember we had to scrape the remains of the disposed bones?"

 Jayden nods.

 How could he forget the ugly memories...the days they had to battle with the dogs for meat and even bones...the hardest moment was when the two brothers had to steal a box of chocolates to celebrate Ashira's tenth birthday.

 "You were almost beaten to death,Jay" Raphael laughed teasingly at his brother for staying behind and pleading with those supermarket guards when he could just run off after taking the box of chocolates.

 "Thank the goddess, Ashira was human..." he smiled "we still begged from door to door for her".

 Meat was the werewolves favorite food. They could eat other meals but meat gave them instant energy and immediate satisfaction. This made living in the human world more difficult for them. Meat wasn't a cheap commodity in the human world unlike here in the pack where you could find meat at your convenience.

 "When are you gonna see Raven?" Raphael stretched his hands lazily and made a loud yawn...his eyes were heavy and he needed to have dinner before hitting the hay.

 "Tomorrow morning "Jayden stood up from the seat, raising his gaze to his worried brother he said "Ashira is gonna be fine !"

 Tomorrow was Saturday and the perfect day to meet up with the young Alpha.

 They went to the kitchen to have a quck snack before retiring to bed. Raphael was about to open the refrigerator to have a cup of his milk shake when a small note written in cardboard caught his attention. The note was pinned to the refrigerator. Raphael glanced at it with a broad smile and finally read it aloud.

 "I couldn't finish my noodles and decided to keep the leftover for you guys. You should heat it up before eating and rest early with sweet dreams".

 Your Lovely Sister.


"Awwwn..."Raphael placed his hands on his chest dramatically, turning his head to the smiling and obviously proud Jayden "Ashy isn't so clueless after all".

 Jayden dragged his left ear up and he winced in pain like it truly hurts him.

"Haaa... darling, it's hurts", he said rubbing his left ear and pouting sadly. Jayden heats the noodles and served dinner.

 "Don't you think Mother knows about our return" Raphael was taking a full fork of noodles into his plate.

 "I doubt "Jayden replied flatly "Where the hell could she be?" he dropped his cutleries, folded his arms around his chest and reclined into the dinning chair.

 Their mother was still somewhere in this pack...they left her here but her location was still unknown to them.

 "Let's just eat up and focus in getting an amulet for Ashira." Rapheal was rushing the noodles, making slurpy sounds as he sucked the noodles into his mouth.

 Jayden sighed.


 What a glutton of a brother he had...his mind wasn't on the matter on the table but the noodles on the table.

 "Well anything you think bro" Raphael was cleaning the side of his mouth with a tissue paper "Food helps the thinking and yes" he was pointing his fork at Jayden "an hungry man is an angry man. bon appetit".he ended with a smile and placed another heap on noodles in his plate.