Chapter 28

Jayden was playing the fourth round of computer game with Kailan when Raphael mindlinked him.

 "Jay, The Royal Guards have taken Ashira. You need to come here, fast!"

 Jayden quickly dropped the game pad and ran outside the door. This was bad. Definitely too bad. Ashira was in grave danger. This was why he wanted the seal from Raven and for the first time in his entire life he regret making a decision..moving back to this pack. It will have been better to get detected in the human world than Ashira facing the ruthless war Lord wrath. He thought his mother was gonna be around but for fucking hell sake she was missing. He knew very well the incident between his mother and the pack...the attack made them elope. Therefore, he knew all hell will be let loose if Raven found out who Ashira was.

 Their most dreaded and feared enemy Anita stone only daughter..


 He barged into the room moving towards Raphael in inhuman speed.

 "I- I..I..I don't know how..." He was shaking head crazily, tears rushing down his cheeks.

 Jayden couldn't tell his brother it was fine cos it wasn't. Their sister was in danger.

"Let's go to the palace..."He met Jayden's suprised gaze. "Yeah..maybe he could listen to our pleads" He knew how merciless and cold the Alpha prince was but he was so desperate he could do anything right now.

 Jayden knew his brother wasn't in his right mind now. They had even changed their surname before coming to the pack to avoid any traces to their maternal lineage. Luckily for them their mother never took them out on her wolves hunting operations and most people didn't even know their relationship with her. Ashira was just a baby when they eloped. Ashira had asked why they were changing it.. their surname.

 "Wade..." She muttered the name her brothers wanted to adopt. " Why would you change our surname from stone to wade?" She didn't understand why her brothers wanted to change that amazing surname of theirs to an adopted one...Wade...

It wasn't a bad one though but she wanted to know why they were changing.

 Rapheal and Jayden gazes were fixed on each other with a confused look on Raph's face like they were communicating telepathically.

 After ten minutes of awkward silence...

 "Attention!" I slammed my palm on the tabla and eyed them both. "I asked a question?" 

 "Princess..." Jayden was saying with a low and soft tone."We just feel like Wade suits us best"

 I glanced at Raphael and he plastered a nervous smile.

 "That's it? That's just why we have to change it? For suitability?" Ashira asked, almost disbelieving.

Jayden only nodded.

 Ashira shook her head helplessly and sighed...They sounded like their minds were made up so why were they asking for her opinion like it did mattered. 

"Okay..." She replied flatly, walking her tired body up the stairs. She just got back from school and was welcome with this kind of news.



In the silent room, dim light illuminated the unconscious girl lying in the four- meter wide bed.

"What's that smell?" Ramiel asked in his head, wiggling it's tail excitedly like he had just inhaled an exhilarating scent.

 Raven paused and sniffs the air and inhaled nothing but the strong cologne of the human girl...

He shakes his head at his Wolfie...

"I can't smell anything..." He inhaled deeply and still smelt nothing. What was wrong with this dumb wolf of his.

 "I feel excited..." Ramiel was purring deeply in his head and he couldn't focused his mind in his prey.

 "Well...I don't. So shut your fucking mouth up..." He growled lowly.

He didn't understand what was going on with his inner wolf. Ramiel was usually mad and furious at the scent of a human but here he was wiggling its tail at this girl...What was with the sudden change?.He expected Ramiel to jump on this dirty thing and devour her merciless but he was cheering and purring shamelessly in his head like he just met his mate.

 He walked slowly to the bed. The sweet addicting scent that wafted his nostrils came as a surprise.

 Raven sniffed the air again...He closes his momentarily to savour the sweet aroma, he was perceiving a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. He now understood why his wolf was cheering, She smelt like heaven.

"Sexy!Sexy! Sexy!" Ramiel was dancing round his head and he was making it very difficult for him to focus.

 "I will kill her If you don't shut the fuck up!" Raven growled at his playful wolf.

Ramiel knew he was just teasing him but he didn't want to take the risk of losing his just found friend to this heartless being.

"Fine..." Ramiel sat in the corner of his head, mumbling some words he couldn't here.

Then his eyes slowly drifted to her face and his breath got caught in his throat. He froze, when he saw the beautiful blonde hair girl on the bed. Both her scent and her aura were strong and powerful. She had the aura of an Alpha but he couldn't sense a wolf. She was just a human and he actually didn't expect that the human girl was this beautiful!. She looked more beautiful than those fairies he saw in Alexander's fairytale cartoons. With her long blonde hair scattered and spread out on the bright red sheets, the tip resting on the white pillows, like seaweed swaying in the water forming a halo. Ashira's exquisite and stunning face appeared pale and beautiful under the dim light. Her eyes infringed with thick and long eyelashes that were as black as the night.

 He was usually the same around females and even those stunning beauties that looked like heavenly cupcakes did nothing to his emotions, he had never appreciated a female beauty aside Chloe's.

 But at this moment, her beauty was like a blooming phoenix flower in the dessert, dazzling and eye-catching. Her oval fair face was all made up like she was coming from an outing, her small but full lips shone with the lip gloss she applied .Her nose was straight, pointed and small with her pale chubby face and her eyes tightly close. She was really unconscious.

"Could she be our mate?" Ramiel asked with high hopes, squeaking like she was his other half.

Raven shook his head at the rhetorical question. Who else would ask that question if not his dumb Wolfie.

"If she is we will know..." Raven scoffed. "and have told you we don't have a mate!"

His inner wolf despaired and he also felt it's pain.

"Don't worry, if we have one, we will find her I promise." He assured and his inner wolf grudgingly accepted.

 The way she was laid in the bed, made her dress roll up a little, revealing a glimpse of her white and flawless laps. Her pink lips were moist and her cheeks were dyed with a layer of hazy crimson like she was blushing. He raised his gaze back to her eyes and wondered what they looked like. Maybe liquid honey or chocolate brown eyes that could sweep any man off his feet.

She smelt like vanilla and strawberry mixed together. Raven closed his eyes and inhaled deeply...then his eyes snaps open from Ramiel's jolt. I listened to him speaking in my head and my jaw dropped at his request.

"Ramiel!" I scolded my inner wolf. "She's not ours!" 

 He wanted me to claim her....Mark her as mine forever.

"Do you want to cheat on our future mate?" I asked in defence of my scolding.

 He shrugged me off becoming a little calm but his silent cheers were still heard.

 "Raven..." Simon called in my head. "Her brothers are here!"

I smirked codly at the update....things are getting juicy!!!.