Chapter 29

Raven elegantly sat in the center of the sofa opposite his guests with his long legs crossed. "Speak!" He ordered.

"Alpha, you have our sister!"

His voice was low and cold, like ice.

"So what?"

Raphael looked at the man with defiance and anger, and said in a terrifyingly calm tone, "We're here for her"

"Of course!" Raven sneered, arrogant and indifferent. He was just like his position. His black eyes were usually cold like a born king holding the power to life and death, the cure to pain and sufferings.

"Is there anything else?"

"She's all we've got!" Jayden muttered, tears rolling down his panicked face.

"Hmm..."Raven hummed, brushing off the cigarette ash in his hand.

"Please..." Jayden said apologetically. "We promise to leave immediately!"

Raven's lip curled coldly.

The room was silent for a while, Raphael's patience was a thin line and he was already at his edge. He hated this frightening and domineering attitude of the Alpha prince.

Simon pursed his lips and looked at the three men in the room, the temperature had dropped drastically and the tension was suffocating. "Erm... Alpha" He only called him Raven when they were alone and he was in a good mood but now was the best thing to confirm his superiority.

Raven just remained silent. Did his beta believe he was gonna kill her? He was angrily disappointed at Simon. They all thought he could kill someone so easily.

 "She may have nightmares if she stays here!" Raphael half yelled at the unyielding Alpha.

Raven's handsome face suddenly turned black.

"Nightmares?!" He asked.

Simon could swear his Alpha almost jumped out of his seat and was that worry on his face??...Raven was the best in concealing his emotions but he was his best friend and he knew Raven was worried about the human girl when he heard nightmares but that was strange.

Simon pinched the bridge on his nose.

"Yes Alpha. Ashira usually have nightmares!" Jayden was hoping it will take a positive effect in him but....

Raven sneered, "And how is that my business?"

"Alpha!" Raphael was on his feet already, his trembling finger pointing at the ruthless warlord. "What the hell do want from her?"

Raven's deep black eyes slightly darkened. No one dared question his decisions. His Gamma that attempted it had a fair share of the consequence.

"Do you realize where you are?"

 At that moment, Jayden stood up slowly bowing down with his left knee.

"You can take me instead! Just let her go!"

Raven eyes instantly turned cold. He narrowed his gaze to the kneeling brother.

Simon raised his gaze and locked with Raven's

"Alpha, you need to..." 

"No human is leaving my chamber!" With these cold words he stood up, picking you his phone from the side table. "She's safe with me" He said decisively before walking towards his bedroom door. He didn't know why but he liked the sound of it...Ashira being safe with him. He didn't know why he felt the urge to protect this human girl.

Raphael who just sat few seconds ago stood up in rage. Fuck this Alpha prince! Ashira was safe with him!!! They heard how much he hated human. And he wanted them to believe his words.

"That's impossible!"

"Rapheal..." Jayden restrained his movements with his left arm.

 The both of them weren't even an inch close to touching the gamma. His brother will be seeking death if he angered this Alpha prince.

Raven gazed at the fuming brother, a smirk on his muderous face. They were lucky enough to walk out if his chamber with a complete organ.

Ramiel was surprisingly calm at these brothers he barely knew unlike when Jeremy angered him. It turns out his wolf didn't only like the human girl but also takes a special liking to her family as well. 

Raven pressed the button to his bedroom and with a beep it unlocked. He hated numerous servants around him. The more people....the lesser security. He enjoyed his peaceful time alone and didn't want any bowing and greetings from the maidservants. The female servants in his chambers were just ten or there about and they were restricted from his bedroom unless he ordered their presence which was rare.

He slumped into his mahogany chair and heaved a sigh. He missed Alisha alot... His beta was really lucky to have her as a mate. Infact, his friends were favored by the moon goddess to have been bonded with blessed soulmate.

 His mate...He wondered if he has a fated one. The Moon Goddess had conveyed the message of not having a destined other half through the priestess.


He hated being a tribrid...he possessed three supernatural powers and their kind were known to be mateless which was kind of an advantage he thought because you can just choose any girl of your choice but he really needed to ask the priestess who was gonna give him an heir to his throne....How was he gonna make pups with a female that wasn't his other half. Werewolves could only make pups with their soulmate but...

Maybe tribrid were exempted from this part.

 Raven rubbed his fingers on his creased forehead, for the first time in decades he felt concerned about his other half. Was it because of the human girl! She was already making a great influence on his life.


Her brothers said she usually have nightmares...was she gonna be okay? Should he check up on her? No.No... She was human and he should give her some distance but he really wanted to inhale that sweet smell of hers...Raven imagined with closed eyes and the corner of his thin lips slowly curved upwards.

Different images of him and the human girl kissing like there was no tomorrow filled his head, he tried to get Ashira's naked body of his mind but he couldn't, one of the most sinful and disturbing thoughts of all was when he imagined Ashira bend over his table as he f**k her hard from behind, She was arching her back and moaning out his name as his hardened d**k went through the best fantasies of life....He slammed his thighs together with imaginations of Ashira begging him to go faster and harder. He fucking wanted his organ in her small mouth as she sucked his entire length and teasingly bit the tip of his already standing organ..He wanted to face f**k her.


He wanted Ashira, he wants her badly, he wants her crazily and it hurts. He looked down to his trembling d**k. He was already hard on and touched himself as he orgasmed hard from the sinful thoughts, his pants became wet and he rushed into his bathroom.

He imagined her laid in his bath tub as he positioned himself in between her, placing soft wet kisses on her neck and his fingers fondling with those round boobs of hers, his body was tingling with his eyes closed as sinful thoughts of his fingers inside her sacred place teasing her clitoris with soft pants escaping her pink lips with silent moans. He felt another orgasm rushing up and he moaned and shuddered as he let it out. He opened his eyes and watched his juice being carried away by water into the hole.

What was wrong with him?

He quickly jerked off before taking a shower to calm his heated body. He put off the shower and changed into another pyjamas before stepping out of the bathroom.

He had seen a lot of female beauties bodies....most desperate female servants even came into his room naked but he never felt this vulnerable in his existence.

Raven slowly lifted the corner of his lips, touching his own lips with his fingers. This human girl....

What spell did she cast on him in such short period of time.

 He shrugged the thoughts off. Maybe his wolf was flowing his emotions to him.

"Can we go visit her?"

"Nope..." He really wanted to check up on Ashira but he wasn't ready to put those imagination of his into reality, meeting her now meant she wasn't gonna get up from that bed for days.

"Hmph..." Ramiel scoffed at his stubborn Alpha. He knew Raven wanted to see the human girl as badly as he did.

Raven dropped the towel and laid on his bed, gazing at the shining chandeliers with his palms behind his head as pillow.

"Ashira..." Her name sounded like a beautiful prayer that could break any curse. Her eyes were so captivating and the way she curled up on the bed like a little baby with her palm sized face made a smile tug at the corner of his lips.