Win: end up on the bed

Skip time

On Saturday.

Y/n viewpoint

It is Saturday. Most significant day... I was a little anxious when I put my outfit on, but I pretended to be calm. Heading to school... The match was highly anticipated by my fans.

While strolling calmly down the hallway, some people were drooling, whispering, flirting, afraid, and so on.

I saw when I walked into the classroom -----

Nova: Hey, look who is here, Miss Loser!

I stepped in front of her while holding my backpack and said.

Y/n: Well, I suppose you are unaware of the phrase "Who barks like a dog, they are honestly weak," so keep in mind "Who is barking here?"

I am currently obsessed with the dialogue in *A Shop for Killers*, my favorite Korean drama.

Nova: B*tch, you!

Y/n: Yes, you are, in fact. Keep it simple, I know.

Returning to my seat, I spat on her. Hold on, am I missing something?

*Reflecting, Reflecting*

Nothing, I guess. I was going to sit right then. whence the dog once more barks.

Nova: Yahh!!

And I saw her coming at me with a punch when I turned around, but thank God I got away.

Y/n: You would better not go over the boundary. Let us check everything there during the evening match. Since if you quarrel here. It could get worse for you.

I proposed to get some peace by leaving the class. I am in need of peace.

I ran into him again in the hallway.

Y/n: Are you paying attention to me, or is this a hallucination?

As I spoke, he turned to face me and grinned. Whoa, that naive smile.

I am not flirting with him, I promise.

??: Perhaps you could consider fate as well?

Fate my foot!!...

I scoffed at the statement.

Y/n: absolutely not fate! Both of us! Not in any way, no way!

??: calm down, girl... Although you see it as uncertainty, I see it as destiny.

Y/n: Alright...

??: As an aside... Do you feel alright?

Y/n: Is there a wheelchair that you can see me in?

??: Too rude!! Can not show me a little kindness? We are classmates, me and you.

Y/n: No, we are not! Mr. Innocent.

??: I should probably not be called innocent. My domineering side will be evident.

I scoff at that. I was on the verge of walking past.

All of a sudden, he said.

Mr. Innocent: Miss Baddie Boxer... I hope you gonna break a leg in the match.

And he was gone before I looked.

Break a leg?? Is it him? The missive???

I guess not, no, no... Never

Back to my peace... I started walking again. And went up on the roof.

Slowly inhaling, I recall the significance of today.

Y/n: I long for those times.

After a brief intermission, I returned to class.

As I arrived at class, the lectures continued. Although I remember the movements.

Skip time

I am in the changing room as the match is about to begin; it is getting dark outside.

I am changing my attire.

Istepped out after changing. And proceeded to the Boxing Ring.

With the audience, everything was prepared. It is entirely packed. Like me, perhaps they desire some peace from her. fans cheering and some yelling my name as I walk into the boxing ring.

*Baddie, Baddie, Baddie Boxer*

The referee then summoned Miss Nova, who was flaunting her skin more than I was.

To him, I seem to have said this. In actuality, though, I react to black in a different way.

Miss Nova took off her jacket while I put on my boxing gloves that I had stolen from HIM. since it is stylishly black.

wearing all protective gear. The referee stood in the middle, and we were standing opposite each other.

Whistleblower gets bowled over by referee. And after that, attack with Boom.

Author's Point of View.

Y/n took the initiative first. She was as devious as he was. Then Nova also started to move.




Taking a deep breath, the real fight began with a bark from Nova.

*PUNCH... Got it! *

*PUNCH... Escape*

Nova: You are too devious, but I am baffled for you. Check this out.

Keeping a leg backward, she punches y/n's right shoulder, but she escapededpes, and Nova punches her stomach. As y/n moved backward.

Anger falls into the y/n range.

After advancing and kicking Nova with her left *leg*, Y/n struck her nose with her subsequent move.

As Nova fell back, Y/n hit her face with a punch. As the referee began counting, Y/n caught her.

Referees: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and one.

He blows the whistle. And Y/n leaves Nova.

Referee: Kim Y/n wins the first round.

Getting away from Nova. She earned.


*Baddie, Baddie, Baddie boxer*

Nova rose from the ground and went to take a brief rest.

While Y/n takes a deep breath and settles down after winning the first round.

The second phase begins in a few moments.

She then cast a quick glance over to HIM in the audience.

She looks at him and winks at him, making a few people scream that they are the ones who are getting the bad guy's tiny wink.

*Wow! Y/n winked at me*

*No, she didn't. *

*Perhaps she simply blinked*

*Jealousy people*

While a cute smile played on His lips.

Returning to the current moment. The Referee calls as they stood across from one another when the call came.

Looking into Nova's eyes, Y/n could see the depth of her rage.

Referee blows the whistle indicating the game started.

Nova steps up this time and delivers a deft blow to Y/n.

Y/n backwards, seizing this chance, Nova begins to deliver harder hits. As Y/n shields her head for protection.

Nova then takes a step back to ensnab her.

Y/n is aware that winning requires a punch.

In an attempt to punch, Y/N goes forward, but Nova misses and traps her, causing Y/n to fall to the ground.

At the exact moment, Nova began to punch while speaking.

Nova: can you recall? What day is it?The day of the demise of your father. losing the game like your father would have an emotional impact on you.

And Y/n began to become weak due to the emotions. To her, everything appears blank. anything she desires to think through. She is thinking back on her father's memories. She was defending a moment ago, but she stopped now. Y/n groaned in agony as Nova delivered a forceful blow to her stomach.

When the referee arrives, the countdown begins.

Referee: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and one.

Referee says, and Nova smirks.

Referee: Nova wins the second round.

Nova fans sceams and claps. Y/n lip began to leak. She was in an unsteady position. Just as the referee was about to make her up, Mr. Innocent entered the ring wearing a black mask and made Y/n to sit correctly. Mr. Innocent speaks since she lacked the energy to see.

Mr.innocent: Open your eyes and look at me. Avoid losing your cool during the game. Rise Y/n, if you truly love your father. If you wish to be present at the funeral, you must prevail. If you want to survive, get up and fight.

Y/n opens her eyes and speaks with this motivation.

Y/n: The match will go to me. I am grateful for your help.

Mr. Innocent exited the ring at that point, and everyone saw him as strange, flirtatious, and enraged. However, it did not bother him.

Getting up Y/n grabs the water bottle, squirts some water in her face, and returns to her fierce rival.

Indicating that this is the last match, the referee blows the blower. They both stepped forward. With great strength, Y/n deftly took the lead and attacked Nova.

But Nova didn't back off for taking punches. Nova is made to regret keeping the match with her by Y/n, whoy traps her leg. Y/n delivers all of her cunning blows, which Nova parries. Nova went down after taking two more blows as the referee began to count.

Referee: 10, 9, 8....

Nevertheless, the Devil will not stop using her cunning. Nova punching Y/n in the stomach and hitting her.

Referee: 6, 7, 5,....

With a sudden kick, Nova fell, and Y/N took the initiative to grab her neck and apply devious pressure and also hits her.

Referee: 4, 3, 2, 1...

The game ends with Nova on the ground and Y/n grinning mischievously as the referee blows the whistle.

Referee says making Y/n stand up in success.

Referee: The match won by Miss.Kim Y/n...

While she was feeling proud, everyone around her was applauding. Accepting the award, she believed she had achieved the greatest success and had conquered the initial phase of her life.

She was drenched in sweat, her lip corner bleeding, and her eyes brightening at the sight of her boxing classmate. The baddie was only a tag to her; even in her dreams, she never lost her inner child or her connection to her father.

After receiving congratulations and gratitude from everyone for ridding of Nova, Y/n went to her father's funeral with help of him because she was unable to walk but still needed to attend.

When she arrived at the funeral, her mother and her cousin were there, along with all of her father's acquaintances and business associates.

Her father was a kind and perfect man who would never back down from helping someone, whether or not they knew him. He helped everyone as if he were a god, but this kindness ultimately led to his death. The doctor's report stated that although it was suicide, her dad would not have killed himself because he never experienced stress or any other factor that could have led to suicide. But Y/n did not even bulge on this subject because, in line with her plan, she will eventually discover the truth. Even those close to her knew nothing about her plan.

Standing infront picture of her father's funeral, Y/n held the award in front of him, but her mother continued to cry as she saw the scene. After saying a word, she felt unconscious.

Y/n: Appa I won the award!!

Her mother and cousin hurried to her side, but 'He' caught her right away.

Mrs.Kim: Y/n, Y/n dear what happened??

They all went to the hospital right away. Namjoon calls an ambulance, and it arrives quickly. After picking her up, he went with her to the hospital in an ambulance.

In addition, she was in a hospital bed.









I apologize for the grammatical errors.

Want to know what happens next... And about 'Him'.