Plan: It's First phase

Y/n returned to her rational self. There were just three people in the room when she opened her eyes. They all appear anxious. His words to Mrs. Kim brought him close to her before she could say anything more.

Mr. innocent: Mrs. Kim, Y/n came to her senses.

Mrs.Kim came to Y/n and caressed her forehead saying.

Mrs.Kim: how are you doing ?? Whatever the opponent, I am sure you will prevail. My dear daughter, your appa is very proud of you. Our one and only priceless gift.

Y/n said, stutteringly grinning, taking off the oxygen mask.

Y/n: eomma You have my undying love, and I am truly blessed.

Y/n's forehead was kissed as Mrs.Kim spoke.

Mrs. Kim: please take care of yourself and let me know when you are ready to come. I support you in everything you do, but exercise caution around people who wish to bring you low!

Y/n: yes, Eomma I refuse to surrender easily.

Mrs. Kim: Alright, your classmate will accompany you as we depart.

Y/n: No worries, I am a strong person, and Mr. Innocent ought to get some rest too.

Mr.innocent: Miss.baddie There is a name for me. I am Jeon Jungkook!

Because of his whining, she giggles with all.

Mrs. Kim: despite your strength, you still require your classmate.

Y/n: fine.

Namjoon and Mrs. Kim left, but he stayed because Mrs. Kim insisted.

She inquired while holding back the oxygen mask.

Y/n: You surely did not divulge the plan, right?

JK: I swear, I did not even mention it to anyone.

Y/n: Can I put my trust in you?!

JK: You can rely on me, Kim Y/n; I promise not to betray your confidence in me.

Y/n : All right, but I did not tell you everything because you never know when a friendship will end and you could become rivals.

JK: calm down. Unless they are my competitors, I never betray.

Y/n: I am also your competitors in boxing

JK: I have feelings for --

Reluctant to say anything more in front of her, he stopped. His pulse was racing so fast he felt like to stop the world.

Y/n: Whom are you feeling something for?

JK: Nobody...

Y/n: a master con artist.

JK: hey, then listen I have feeling for someone!!!

He was furious because he could not just reveal anything at this moment, which is why these words came out.

Y/n: now you should take a chill pill!. Since I am not into men's jeans, it is okay with me if you do not fall in love with me.

Hearing these words, Jungkook took a step back, but Y/n was not sure why.

Y/n: perhaps did you fell for me??

JK: M-Me no no n-never!!

Then, out of nowhere, a doctor arrived with a report. He appeared to be in his 30s and was quite attractive. She recalled him and took a deep breath.

Doctor: hello! For one week, I, Dr. Kwan, will be your caregiver!

JK: excuse me, then why am I here??

With annoyance, he said. Giggling Dr.Kwan said.

Dr.Kwan: You two are probably in a relationship. I enjoy how your adorable boyfriend disagrees with you.

Y/n: Dr.Kwan, he is my classmate... Kindly refrain from saying anything before you have knowledge of us.

Dr.Kwan: oh I am sorry! So, calm down; too much stress could push you over the edge!

JK: God damn it! You are mentioning stress, and she made it through my punches!

Dr. Kwan: So, you are a skilled boxer?

Y/n: Dr. Kwan, my buddy is hilarious and has the best illusion stories.

Y/n scowled at Jungkook, who realized that he was genuinely revealing Y/n's true identity.

JK: You know I am too funny! Tell me if you enjoy my jokes, and I would like to introduce myself to you...Dr. Kwan!

He spoke as he maintained his firm hold on Dr. Kwan. While Dr.Kwan removed Jungkook hand saying.

Dr. Kwan: I would like to hear when you do not grip me too tightly because I am a delicate doctor.

JK: I am sorry Dr.kwan!

He said, maintaining a slight distance from him.

Dr.Kwan: No issue, Miss. Cutie can I know your name or should I call ------

Cut off by furious Jungkook.

JK: Her name is Y/n... And stop flirting...

Dr.Kwan: Mister, Since you are only a friend, you have no authority to speak, so I will ask Cutie instead.

Y/n: I am too difficult to get, but best of luck!

Dr.Kwan: okay , so get this tablets from pharmacy.

Saying this, he handed Jungkook a note containing medication as Dr. Kwan exited the room. Jungkook also went to bring medication.

She took off the oxygen mask, stood up, and started exploring the area in search of the precise locations of rooms with names.

and discovered the storage room, where a ton of data about the patient who was admitted to this hospital was kept.

While a doctor was observing her entry, a nurse called him. Y/n discovered all of the files in purple, blue, green, red, and a few white when she searched the 2018 year reports. She became suspicious because of this each color mean.

Then, as soon as he remembered someone entering, a doctor entered the storage room.

Doctor: who is here??? Get out of there before I catch you.

She knew she was going to be caught, and as she was about to remove a red file, a figure covered her mouth, pinned her to the wall, and fled behind a pillar. Her heart raced. She stopped herself from punching when she realized it was Jungkook. And Jungkook pressed his body against her, causing her heart to race, while the doctor walked to check if anyone had entered.

After a little while, the doctor departed, and Jungkook kept staring into her eyes while she stared back at him.

Their tension rising, they could hear each other's hearts pounding in unison. They continued to maintain eye contact even after he took his hand out of her mouth. They were on the verge of kissing when she realized what would happen. He asked, bringing himself back to awareness with a slight push from her.

JK: What are you doing in this place? What would you do if you were caught?

Y/n: chill, man, I possess you. You will not ever allow me to be discovered.

JK: But what have you been up to? here, in this location?

Y/n: I would like to know what this hospital's patient cover file's color signifies.

JK: Alright, let us make sure we do not get caught.

They both began examining the patient's details using the file's color-coded system.

Y/n: White code indicates that the deceased either died from a disease or was brought after death.

JK: A green code means that following medicineal attention, the patient was discharged in good condition.

Y/n: The blue code indicates that the patient came for treatment because they were a part of them or had a connection to this hospital.

JK: The purple code indicates that every female victim was either raped or drugged to death.

Afterwards, Y/n discovered the red file, which contained information about her father's treatment. Her eyes filled with tears as she opened it.

Y/n: Red code indicates that the person was put to death by torture because they were involved in an unwanted matter.

When Jungkook noticed that Y/n was about to cry, he took the file from her and gently patted her checks while speaking softly.

JK: You should not cry because you have been labeled a baddie. I promise that you will prevail in the end, and I will die having fought for you. Please do not give up on yourself. I love everything about you. You need to fight back.

She wipes away her tears, nodding.

Y/n: I will win.

Prior to anyone noticing them, they both left. As they entered the hospital room, Y/n replaced her oxygen mask over her mouth.

However, everything is being captured on camera.

The time flew.

While sleeping at midnight, Y/n heard a few screams. When she woke up, she heard a girl scream, which she could clearly distinguish as coming from a girl. She turned to see Jungkook sleeping soundly and decided not to get up, so she took off her oxygen mask and left her room. As she got closer to a surgery room, she heard the screams becoming louder. She gasped as she peered through the room's doors and saw a doctor mistreating a young woman. The doctor had parted hair and a thin beard, appearing to be in his 50s. When she heard someone approaching, she went to the side room and, despite her desire to save her, put on the mask and coat.

Subsequently, she emerged from the room, posing as a doctor, and observed Dr. Kwan entering the same room from which the screams were coming. She was about to cross over to the operating room when Dr. Kwan spoke, which made her gulp and become anxious.

Dr. Kwan: Which department do you work in, doctor? and wandering around when everyone is supposed to avoid this floor because special doctors are working here right now.

She inhales deeply, turns, and was about to say something when Dr. Kwan spoke.

Dr.Kwan: Oh, so you oversee this floor?

When Dr. Kwan saw the department name, Y/n nodded.

Dr. Kwan: Alright, fetch me a purple file from my cabin.

He entered the room, and she nodded before making her way over to the cabins.

As soon as he walked in, she heard the screams get louder in surgery room.

Y/n began to look for his cabin after becoming extremely afraid. She then noticed a cabin with a black door and his name written on a board. Upon entering, she noticed four cabinets bearing various names.

She began opening each one individually, starting with "D.I."

As she opened, she noticed numerous black files containing documents, tools, and firearms. She closed it and moved on to "G.S.".

When she opened it, she saw ties, wine bottles, doctor coats, books and lockers.

She shut it and proceeded to the fourth one, "S.R." She unsealed it to reveal a door with a fingerprint reader, face lock, and locks.

After shutting it, she opened the third one, "F.I". and observed files with various hues as well as remote controls with button cameras and a suitcase. She quickly grabbed the purple file and headed for the operating room.

Her heart pounded quickly as she moved toward the room where the screams continued and got louder.

Mature prophecy

Y/n saw Dr. Kwan abusing the girl violently through the door's windows, so she was hesitant to go inside.

The girl was pleading for her life and Dr. Kwan was grunting and thrusting.

Upon witnessing another doctor open the door, Y/n felt a wave of fear course through her body.

Doctor: Please get off the floor and attend to your patient. Thank you for the file.

After nodding, Y/n walked back to a room and observed the doctor reenter the surgery room. She returned and proceeded to a side chamber to listen to their conservations.

??: f**k, she feels amazing!

??: Kwan, she passed out.

??: When she wakes up tomorrow, she will not remember. Since I gave her an injection, she will forget everything.

??: Well done, I wonder who the next girl is? I want to kill someone or f**k a girl, but who will be the next to discover the sinister secrets of this hospital?

??: The next girl has a gorgeous body, and I have a sneaking suspicion that she will fall for my tricks, so she will either be my slave or my wife.

??: finally made it to know someone!

??: I have my doubts about her, though, because she is shrewd.

??: who is she??

??: someone who is going reveal herself soon??

??: Means she is hiding something??

??: she is One of her detailed person daughter.

Y/n was taken aback by his oblique mention of her.

When she heard that they had stopped everything, she began to doubt that they would visit her. She quickly removed her mask and coat, strode quickly to her room, and. When she heard heavy footsteps approaching her room, she pretended to be asleep even though she was awake with eyes closed.

Dr.Kwan entered with same doctor who was in his 50's.

??: She is the girl you intend to wed, right?

Dr. Kwan: She is the real deal-the hottie that I could have s** with all day and night.

???: superb decision!

Dr. Kwan: Return to the operating room and tidy everything.

??: yes, kwan.

Upon hearing his words, Y/n experienced a slight sense of relief; however, she froze in place as soon as she felt someone touch her neck and continued tracing downwards.

Dr. Kwan: What a gorgeous babygirl you are?

Y/n POV: How the f**k is he touching me? I will give him his date-stamped death certificate as soon as I learn the truth.

Not too long after, he put his hand on her waist. Every second that went by, Y/n's level of anger increased.

Y/n pov: If someone had not saved him in the last minute, I would have forced him to sleep solely on the hospital bed. Please help me, Jungkook.

She was suffering in her mind then soon Jungkook wake up saying.

JK: Mr.Dr.Kwan, what the heck are you doing here?? Came to hear my jokes...

She was relieved when Jungkook woke up and Dr. Kwan became agitated, acting as though he was checking her oxygen meter.

Turning around he spoke.

Dr.Kwan: well, checking every patient.

JK: oh....

Marching closer to Dr. Kwan, Jungkook said while gazing into his eyes.

JK: Since I am here, you do not need to check up on my girl; she was doing fine. You would better be careful and not even glance at what is mine, or else you are going to regret it more than you might think.

Because Jungkook knew that Y/n was awake, he made a threat in Dr. Kwan's ears. Dr. Kwan cleared his throat as he felt uncomfortable speaking in front of Jungkook.

Dr. Kwan: I should examine the other patients as well.

With those words, he left the room. Y/n quickly stood up and took off her oxygen mask. and gave Jungkook a tight hug while her heart raced.

Y/n: Without knowing the whole story, I thought I might kill him!

JK: Y/n, I am going to stand in front of you like a barrier and I will not let him do anything to you.

Y/n: thank you Kookie!

JK: A new nickname???

Y/n: shouldn't I Call you Mr.innocent again??

With a whiny embrace, he comes dangerously close to her neck.

JK: hey, not again?!

A suspicious feeling raced through Y/n's heart. Make her feel butterflies in her stomach while he was saying this.

JK: So I would give you the nickname Babygirl instead?

Being aware of his playful remarks, she grinned and answered.

Y/n: You are actually the opposite of Mr. innocent, so if you call me Babygirl, I have to call Daddy instead.

She felt a chill go down her spine when he responded with a deep flush that was not meant to be playful.

JK: Please do not refer to me like that, or I will ruin you exquisitely!!

With an awkward smile, Y/n stepped back and spoke.

Y/n: Quit kidding around, you really do speak without thinking.

JK: You did discover this. Nobody knows me as well as you do.

Jk pov: not truly, you know who I really am?

JK: Return to sleep; I am watching you!

Y/n: okay...

Both slept and went inside a deep slumber.

But even while she slept, Y/n was acutely aware of everything.

The next morning..

Y/n pov: it's just first phase of my plan... And I am successful in attracting attention...
