Chapter Two - Simon

Seeing her jump onto that mattress made my dick hard. Instantly. My cock strained against my trousers desperate to be freed. The little moan she made as she softened into the bed and closed her eyes had me desperately holding onto any sort of control. I think I have split the skin on my knuckles open because I clenched my fists so hard. I was so desperate to touch her. Her long golden brown hair splayed onto the mattress and her pink lips parting just enough for me to imagine sliding my cock into her mouth, I have no idea how I walked out of that room. I'm not entirely sure who decided it was a good idea for me to help the new nurse settle into base but fuck, I'm glad it happened this way. When her file fell onto my desk at first Samantha had quite the boring military history but when I saw her photo, something about her pulled me in. She has these soft hazel eyes, almost as golden as her hair. Tiny freckles scatter themselves along her nose and cheeks and soften around her eyes. When she saw me watching her in the rain she looked at me like a man, not a monster. She saw past my mask and into my eyes and I felt a little spark zap through my veins - I don't think anyone has really seen me for years. Watching her, watching me, the rain pouring down soaking her through to the bone I wanted nothing more than to stalk over to her, throw her over my shoulder and lock her in my room. Her tiny little body soaked through from the rain had me white knuckled. Her completely useless raincoat clung to her body and curved around her tits. Perfect handfuls I want desperately to mark with my teeth, the carve my name into. Her tiny little frame will struggle to take all of me but I have a feeling Sam enjoys a challenge, that I can show her how to enjoy my size. Fuck. 

Surely it's insane to be so obsessed with someone this quickly - it's definitely fucking dangerous for her.

I roll my mask up over my nose as I walk out of view and underneath the cover of a supply shed, pull a cigarette from my pocket and light it. The first inhale does nothing to cloud the thoughts of Samantha in that bed, just slightly less clothes and a lot more moaning. The last of the team have landed and the base is chaotic despite the miserable weather. This rain hasn't stopped in at least a fucking week and I'm starting to worry that trenchfoot will make a modern day reappearance.

I take the last drag of my cigarette before flicking it into the closest puddle. I pull down my mask ready to walk back into the main building and start some paperwork for the next mission. We are meant to head out in about a week and I need to assess who's come in to base and who is suitable for this next mission. Jogging through the pouring rain I get to the main building in a few minutes and shake off as much of the rain as I can - it's fucking freezing in this building and my office is one of the furthest from the door and the only one without a radiator. Walking in to my office I lock the door behind me and strip my mask off. Rubbing a hand down my face I take a deep breath as I take a seat at my desk. How the fuck am I meant to get anything done knowing she's just a short walk away, knowing I'll see her every single day, knowing I get to watch her. 

I look up to the clock, its four pm and I've done enough for one day so I stand and make my way down the hall towards the exit but I hear a commotion coming from one of the supply closets.

I get to the open door and find Samantha, wobbling on a cardboard box trying to reach up to the top shelf of the cupboard where a box of lightbulbs sits. She's on her tiptoes and her tight t-shirt has lifted and I can see her tiny little waist and perfect soft skin. Jesus that makes me sound like some sort of sicko. What I'm actually thinking of is how easily I could wrap my arms around her and leave my marks on her, maybe carve my name into her, I don't know maybe I am a little sick. Her wet hair is in a messy bun and she has no makeup on, her bottom lip trapped between her perfect white teeth as she tries to reach the box. Her tight gym leggings carve into her peachy ass and toned thighs, thighs I can't wait to get in between.

I stand in the doorway, leaning against the frame and lightly knock the door with my knuckles to alert her to my presence. She startles and loses her footing on the box but I'm able to grab her before she falls. My hands are wrapped around her hips as I lower her to the floor making sure to keep the physical contact for as long as I can. I look down to her noticing that her nipples are hard through her tight black t-shirt and she is definitely not wearing a bra, her perky tits sit perfectly. Goosebumps prickle across her skin and I'm not entirely certain if thats my touch or the chill from the evening. I have to use every single ounce of restraint not to slide my hands from her waist and up her bare skin to cup those tits - god knows how badly I want to. I can't have Samantha walking around base like this, there are only so many people I can kill before it starts to become obvious. How many of these soldiers have seen her already? I'm going to have to start maiming soldiers just for seeing her walk across base on Day One of her being here. Fuck.

"Shit you scared me, thanks for, well thanks for scaring me but also saving me Ghost," she looks up at me her doe eyes wide and her teeth biting into her plump bottom lip. Her hands rest on my forearms and I feel her squeeze slightly. I think she might be struggling with her own self restraint as much as I am.

"Simon," I remind her tilting my head as I lean closer.

"Shit, yes, Simon, sorry it's been a bit of a day. You don't think you could grab that box from up there could you?" She says pointing to the box she was dangerously trying to reach. I release her out of my grip and move her to the side grabbing the box with one hand and delivering it down to her.

"Thanks Si," She whispers as our hands touch. I deliberately passed her down the box in a way that meant I'd get to touch her delicate hands. She places the box on a lower shelf behind her and turns back to me moving slightly closer.

"Si? Have you given me a pet name already Samantha?" I growl my eyes narrowing, lowering myself to meet her eye to eye. I lift my arms resting them on the shelf behind us, locking her into place, drawing her closer to me. Her eyes widen and her cheeks flush red, I love that I have this effect on her. Our lips are only a whisper away from each other and I can smell her sweet floral perfume. I want to tangle my hands in her hair, pull her close, kiss her, claim her, mark her as mine and it scares me. It scares me that someone can walk into my life this fucking quickly and be all I think about. She looks into my eyes, the mask, the black paint, none of it distracting her as she looks at me, really looks at me. She's studying me and the worst part is, I'm letting her. Thank fuck for my mask because if it wasn't for the material separating us I'd have kissed her already.

I shake my head, running a palm across my jaw and quickly stepping back from her. I watch as Samantha takes a deep breath. I look to the open door and head out quickly into the hallway. "I'm sorry that wasn't appropriate of me. It won't happen again". I turn storming down the hallway, my pulse hammering in my head and my cock rock hard.