Chapter Three - Samantha

What the fuck was that?

I shake my head in disbelief, my breathing feels unnatural like all of the air has been sucked out of the room and I'm left gasping for air. Simon's footsteps quicken down the hallway until I hear one of the office doors open and quickly slam shut. I feel the walls wobble slightly with the force. Did I do something? Am I truly insane for thinking that he was going to kiss me in that moment? Jesus it's been a few hours on base and I'm thinking about Ghost fucking me already. What is wrong with me?

I steady myself on the shelves in front of me. My hands fumble over the box of lightbulbs that Simon had reached down for me. I add them to the cart of supplies I'd piled high before I had been interrupted. I stack up the last of the supplies I need before making my way out of the closet and shutting the door behind me. The wheels of the cart creak as I drag it down the long corridor passing the only shut door assuming that's where Simon sulked off to. I roll my eyes as I pass the door heading out into the cold afternoon. It's still raining, what a surprise. I look to my left and see a little cloud of smoke plume from around the corner of the building. I drag my cart along the tiny concrete path and see a tall female soldier leaning against the wall, her uniform covered in thick mud and her bright auburn hair starting to unravel from her slicked back bun. She takes a drag of her cigarette before turning to me and offering a friendly smile.

"Hey" she says smiling and offering a wave. She speaks with a thick Scottish accent and it suits her more than I could have imagined and she seems so friendly. Her face is speckled with millions of tiny freckles with most of them centered across her nose and cheeks. She has these beautiful eyes which are the most enchanting shade of blue. A light blue, almost translucent, like the sky on a springs morning. I think we must be about the same age, hopefully she wants to be friends. I think it can get quite lonely around here.

"I'm Lucy, you must be our new nurse, you're Sam right?" She says, taking a drag on her cigarette and offering it out to me.

"Oh no, thanks," I smile, "I don't smoke much, yet. Seems like there isn't much to do around here in between the chaos. Might have to take it up again soon though give it time," I chuckle as I turn to look out to the muddy path ahead of us.

"Ha! It's only day one, give it a week lass" she laughs "but yeah it can get kind of fucking boring around here, that's why we quite like you newbies turning up. Brings us a moment of excitement. Where'd you come in from?" Lucy tags a drag of her cigarette.

"London," I reply.

"Shit, long journey for you then? You must be exhausted. Do you think you'll make it to the welcome dinner tonight? I can introduce you to the girls, there's not many of us but I think you'll fit right in." She smiles warmly before her smile fades and she rolls her eyes. 

A short cough alerts me to someone else's presence. Lucy straightens, stiffens and salutes as I turn to see who it is. I try to stop myself from rolling my eyes but I audibly huff, louder than I actually wanted to. Simon steps beside me holding a large umbrella and a tarpaulin. He has taken off his tactical gear is now wearing his combat trousers and an oversized hoodie and while still wearing his mask, has swapped it for one that looks slightly more comfortable. It's more of a balaclava but painted across the jawline is a similar skeleton to his other mask. His black paint around his eyes still remains but it looks like its faded slightly. The infamous Grim Reaper looks tired.

"Ladies, mind if I interrupt? Samantha, let me help you take all that to the infirmary" Simon motions to his umbrella.

Lucy takes a step into the rain, walking backwards still facing me she heads towards the other barracks. "Nice to meet you Sam, I'll see you later on?" Lucy questions as she starts to walk backwards into the rain.

"Yeah, maybe. I'll try, I've just got a lot to organise" I share a smile and a quick wave as Lucy turns to Simon once more, salutes him and jogs out into the rain.

Simon coughs again to capture my attention, "Lets cover your cart and get you back to the infirmary. If you need a hand I can help to change the lightbulbs for you."

I nod reluctantly reaching out as Simon passes me one corner of the tarpaulin and drags it across to cover the cart from the rain. He secures it with some rope and I remain quiet, locked in place just staring at him. So twenty minutes ago he storms out after cornering me in a cupboard and now wants to help me? Jesus Christ what a confusing beast of a man. But as much as I want to smack him upside the head for the emotional whiplash my mind flashes back to the heavy breathing, the way our chests rose and fell as we stood just a whisper away from each others lips, the way he ties those knots so effortlessly with the cord. The way my knees threatened to buckle under his stare as we stood chest to chest in the small closet and the way his smell flooded my senses. How much I wanted him to shut the door behind him and fuck me seven ways to, well, Sunday. That's unhinged, I've known the man no less than 5 hours. Although his reputation does proceed him and something about a masked man who's hands are capable of ending lives, who's darkness cuts through my soul, who could tear out my heart and I'd probably thank him, something about that makes my pussy wet.

"Ok, you take the umbrella and I'll follow behind with the cart" Simon puts the umbrella into my hands and takes the handle of the cart starting to walk towards the path. My brain takes a second to register his commands. I open the umbrella, standing next to Simon and without looking too awkward try to cover us both but his height definitely doesn't make it easy. I'm almost walking on my tiptoes through the rain as Simon suddenly stops. He turns to me, taking my hand that holds the umbrella and steps out from under its shelter.

"You go ahead Samantha, its ok. Quickly though, this rain fucking sucks" Simon notions for me to keep moving. So I do as I'm told and rush down the path and make my way to my barracks opening the door and holding it open for Simon. He throws off the tarp and leaves it outside the front door before helping pass me all the supplies and boxes from the cart. I pile the boxes inside the door but as I turn to take the last box from Simon he straightens, towering above me before taking a step inside. I move back letting him through the doorway and he pulls the door shut behind him. I quickly walk over to my desk and turn on the lamp illuminating the room. As I turn back to Simon I laugh out loud as his eyes widen.

"When the fuck did you have time to do all this?" Simon questions and I think, perhaps, there's an amused grin lying underneath his mask.

"Oh, yeah I umm...I work quickly when I want something done. Looks good huh?" I laugh breaking his intense eye contact as I move to the supply closet opening the doors and motioning for him to start bringing me the boxes of medical supplies.

Simon kicks off his muddy boots and walks towards my desk looking left and right taking it all in. In the few hours since he'd left me at my room I'd managed to swipe some cleaning supplies from the chow hall and give the place a quick clean. I'd dragged a lot of the furniture into its rightful place and started to organise things how I wanted them. I got the radiators working too which was brilliant so it was really just the pesky light bulbs that were the last thing I needed to sort out.

Simon hands me a few of the boxes and I neatly unpack them into the cupboard. I can sort it all out properly tomorrow but for now at least I know if there was to be a medical emergency in the next twelve hours I could deal with it. Simon heads back towards the boxes piled at the door and grabs the large box of lightbulbs.

"I'll start in here and sweep through changing all of them?" Simon motions to the lightbulb above our head. I nod and softly smile as I stand stretching out my back as I do.

"You could have asked me you know, we could have had some of the guys come and help you move everything around. We are here to help each other" Simon says as he swaps out the first bulb.

"I know, I just, you guys would have been so busy and really, its wasn't that hard for me to do. I'm just sore from all that travelling really, I'm fine" I say as I head towards my living quarters.

"Do you want a cuppa Simon?" I look up to him as he stretches himself towards the ceiling to screw in the bulb. His jumper lifts slightly and I can see the sharp V line of his lower stomach. Fine scars trace over his hips and down past the elastic of his underwear, I lick my lips. I shake the thoughts from my head and suck my lower lip between my teeth. I look up to Simon, his eyes locked on mine almost instantly.

"I thought you'd never ask," he replies as I quickly head towards the kitchenette.

The kettle whistles and I pour two cups of tea and place them on the tiny round dining table behind me. Simon walks out of my bedroom holding the used light bulbs in his large palms. He removed his gloves at some point and he shouldn't have because I am a sucker for a mans hands. There's something so erotic about a large set of hands like Simons, so harsh and calloused, so strong and capable. Listen to me, Jesus Christ I'm like a rabid animal.

Simon throws the lightbulbs into one of the empty boxes and pulls out a chair at the table. The poor chair groans as he sits, barely able to hold his huge frame. I place a teaspoon, some milk and a few packets of sugar in front of him before taking the seat opposite. Although it's hardly opposite, the tables the size of a two pound coin.

"Why on earth is there a small plate resting on top of your tea cup?" He laughs motioning towards the perceived madness.

"Well, you tea snob, I like my tea very strong so I keep the tea bag in for ages but I don't want it getting cold. So, what I do is place a little plate on top so it can steep. Then, when I'm ready I can add a dash, a splash, the tiniest bit of milk and my tea has stayed hot," He looks at me like I'm completely mad.

"Look, that's a logical explanation but I think you may be crazy" he chuckles stirring in some milk to his own tea.

"See, that right there is an abomination Simon. That's too much milk!" I laugh, pointing at his cup as he stirs the dark tea turning it milky white.

"I think I got so used to milk being a rarity on missions that sometimes I'll admit I get a bit heavy with my pour," He looks to me and his eyes have softened.

I think I can see a faint smile from under his balaclava. Simon reaches to the edge of the mask at his neck and carefully rolls the fabric up to just under his nose. He doesn't break my eye contact but I'm the first to look away.

"I can, I can turn around if you want?" I mumble as I nervously look down into my tea cup.

"I don't bite Sam, you can look at me."

I draw my eyes back to Simon. His adam's apple bobs almost nervously as I take him in, well what I can see of him. I knew he was handsome even though his face is covered most of the time. His sharp jawline scattered with stubble and scars is almost exactly what I imagined. Simon reaches for his tea and takes a sip of the scoulding liquid. His tongue darts across his bottom lip and I'm surprised (somewhat proud) I don't audibly moan. My eyes meet his and I see his lips curl into a soft smile and I return the gesture.

Taking the plate of my tea and pouring in the tiniest splash of milk I take the cup into my hands and lift my knees up against the table and rest my feet on the edge of the seat.

"That doesn't look very comfy?" Simon questions.

"Well, we aren't all seven foot tall wearing uncomfortable uniforms. I like to get cozy and if I'm being truly honest I am so tired" I mumble through a yawn.

"The welcome dinner tonight is at six, so you should be able to go and get back here for a reasonable bedtime old lady" He smirks before taking another sip of his tea.

"I am an old lady. I like a strong cup of tea and an eight o'clock bedtime. Sue me," I poke my tongue out in jest.

After what feels like a lifetime of silence I muster the courage to speak again, breaking Simon's eye contact.

"Are you going to the dinner tonight?" I ask.

"No, I won't attend. I've got paperwork to do and I'm an old dog at this point. This dinners more for you kids to meet each other. You'll be the star attraction. It's not every day we get a beautiful new nurse on base." 

I look down at my empty tea cup, placing it on the table in front of me willing my cheeks not to blush red. He thinks I'm beautiful?

"Old dog? You're thirty seven Simon you're not that old" I say taking a small sip of my tea.

"And how do you know that Samantha?" He raises a brow.

"I looked at your file," I blush unable to break away from his eye contact. 

"You're not quite seven foot, thirty seven and that's about all your file had to offer me, the rest I'll have to figure out myself I guess" I smirk. 

"You don't need to know much more than that Sam, I'm not that interesting" Simon takes a sip of his tea, the cup looking tiny in his hands. 

"I'll be the judge of that Simon," I bite down on my bottom lip, "Can I know your birthday?" I ask. 


"Ok, what about your star sign?"


"Ok dogs or cats?"

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Oh god everything, answer the question," I poke my tongue out at Simon and he shakes his head.

"Fine," He laughs, "My birthday is in June and I have no idea what star sign I am and obviously I like dogs more than cats, I have my own dog Riley. He got injured a few missions ago so he's over in London getting treatment" Simon looks down at his empty tea cup. 

"Is he ok?" I ask my brows knotting. 

"Oh he's fine, just recovering, I'll have him back soon," He sets the cup down on the table and rubs the back of his neck. 

Simon stands the chair creaking in relief as he leans over reaching out for my empty tea cup. I dart my own hand out to slide the cup closer to him but I fumble and his fingertips trace over my hand. A spark sets off through my arm and my eyes immediately lift to find his. Simon stares at me so intensely and without blinking he takes the cup before swiftly turning and putting both cups in the sink. With his back to me he turns on the tap and rinses the cups placing them on the drying rack. He stands tall, his shoulders so broad and it almost looks as though he isn't breathing. 

As if my brain has completely short circuited I stand moving towards Simon quietly. I trail my fingers across his back before moving to his side and I turn to him. His hands grip the kitchen bench top with white knuckles and before I can reach out to touch him again he moves in front of me trapping me against the bench. I think I can hear his heart thumping in his chest, or maybe thats my own. He leans down to me and reaches out cupping my cheek with one hand so softly, I know for a fact I'm blushing, I can feel the heat radiating off my cheeks. Before I can open my mouth to say a word he leans down and takes my lips kissing me with such force, such passion that you'd think we've lived a thousand lifetimes together. His hand moves to the back of my neck and I raise my arms, gripping onto his shoulders. A hand moves to my ass and with such ease Simon lifts me with one hand placing me on the bench behind me and he moves closer between my legs. I kiss him back with everything I have. I wrap my arms around his neck and moan into his mouth as his tongue takes over. I don't even know this man, it's hasn't even been twenty four hours and here I am kissing him like our lips were made for each other. I feel Simon grow harder between my legs as his lips take mine and I lift myself slightly to wrap my legs around him. But without warning Simon pulls away from me leaving me feeling instantly colder.

He takes a step back as if I'm an explosive about to detonate, my body sags. Reaching up he pulls his mask back down tucking the edge into the collar of the hoodie pulling the hood up over his head.

"I..." I mumble.

"I'm sorry Sam, that was so fucking inappropriate."

Before I can open my mouth to speak Simon turns heading quickly to the door swiftly opening it and sliding on his boots. He steps out into the rain without a look back and I sit, still on the kitchen bench, my mouth hanging open in complete shock.